Germany's "leaders" are insane

Annalena Burbok declared war. "We are in a state of war," Minister Berbok said yesterday in a political show on German television. Well, that's it. The Foreign Minister officially recognized Germany's participation in the war against Russia. A statement made on state television can be considered an official statement of the German Government. (screenshot taken from an article in the newspaper WELT)
I have just finished watching a program about General Manstein he was on a Nazi rampage in the very area where the War is right now in Donbass and Kharkiv area that is under attack once again from Nazis, if they have to be taught another lesson it should be the last, they really are slow learners, after the War Manstein was employed by NATO as a advisor after serving 4 years of a 12 year sentence in jail that says it all, take into account the whole Ghelen network being brought to the West looks like the third Reich has just been transfered.
Annalena Berbock on ABC in the US: “I was proud to stand on the same bridge in Poland where my grandfather fought for the freedom of Europe!”
Grandfather Waldemar Berbock was an ardent Nazi and a member of the SS!

They never learn but that uniform he is wearing is Luftwaffe maybe he was in the SS later, idiots like her should be sent on a tour of Auschwitz. not sure how it happened but something has gone badly wrong with the German greens they are now fascists and pro War Pigs at least from the time of the Balkan wars.

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