Getting specific on income/wealth inequality


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2011
Opposing Authoritarian Ideological Fundamentalism.

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.

Yes, it's a HUGE problem.

I'm not sure there's a solution at this point, but some things that MIGHT work would be taking a closer look at monopoly laws and making them more strict so that mom & pop businesses can once again compete. That alone I'd bet would work wonders.

Apart from that, I don't think Corporations should be able to source labor from OUTside the Country. In some sense, that is aiding and abetting competing economies.

But ignoring the way the wealth gap has grown would be completely idiotic.
I have no desire to confiscate wealth but I question why we should continue policies that ensure that more wealth is concentrated and maintained at the top. In the last 30 years we have instituted supply side policies with the promise of a rising economic tide and more jobs. That never materialized

Why continue policies that did not work?

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


1. Abso-fucking-lutely. 1% control 43% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. The bottom

2. I would return tax rates to what they were before Reagan fucked everything up. There would be some tax incentives for job creation, but the rich should pay their fair share.

3. I would scrap every idiotic trade treaty that makes American workers compete with child labor in China. (We'll never win that fight.)

4. I would invest enough money into first rate infrastructure.

5. I would give OSHA, the EPA, the IRS, and the SEC some real teeth. No more Club Feds for Corporate Crooks. They go to the same prisons the rest of us go to.

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


Yes, income/wealth inequality is a serious a problem in America.

Time to level the playing field by scrapping the failed "free markets" dogma and imposing realistic import duties so that goods made outside this nation cost at least the same as those made here if not more. This will result in it being cheaper to manufacture here which means more real jobs with benefits.

Reintroduce pension schemes. No one who works full time should be expected to know how to beat the stock market in their spare time. A supermarket checker or a UPS driver or a bank teller should not have to be able to understand collaterized derivatives and all of the other underhanded schemes that operate in the Wall street Casino in order to secure their retirement funds.

Subsidize students to attend Community Colleges for Associate Degrees. By that I mean it should be possible to graduate with an AD without being overburdened with tens of thousands of dollars of loans.

Introduce a National Debt Supplemental Tax of 50% on all income over 25 times the poverty level that only applies if the National Debt exceeds 5% of Revenues. This will be a disincentive for Special Interest lobbyists to push Congress for additional spending.
Liberals/Progressives make it a problem for purposes of advancing their class warfare agenda.

People complaining that the promised benefits of Supply Side Economics never materialized.....the rich just kept the money,is not class warfare
The progressives have been in charge of government spending for 7 years now. Their ideas don't work and have actually increased income and wealth inequality.
The progressives have been in charge of government spending for 7 years now. Their ideas don't work and have actually increased income and wealth inequality.

I have to laugh when Conservatives do everything in their power to protect the wealthy and then boast that the wealthy are still getting richer "under the Democrats"

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


What I can't figure out is, what is the goal with the top 1%?

Is the goal to make it the top 10% or the top 0.00001%?

Help me out here liberals.

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


1. Abso-fucking-lutely. 1% control 43% of the wealth. The top 20% control 87% of the wealth. The bottom

2. I would return tax rates to what they were before Reagan fucked everything up. There would be some tax incentives for job creation, but the rich should pay their fair share.

3. I would scrap every idiotic trade treaty that makes American workers compete with child labor in China. (We'll never win that fight.)

4. I would invest enough money into first rate infrastructure.

5. I would give OSHA, the EPA, the IRS, and the SEC some real teeth. No more Club Feds for Corporate Crooks. They go to the same prisons the rest of us go to.
Typical bumper sticker. With the exception of an opinion for your #1 reply, everything else you posted has nothing to do with the OP.

Try again.
The progressives have been in charge of government spending for 7 years now. Their ideas don't work and have actually increased income and wealth inequality.

I have to laugh when Conservatives do everything in their power to protect the wealthy and then boast that the wealthy are still getting richer "under the Democrats"

But the democrats have all the money.

Take any liberal state and compare it to a conservative one and what you will discover is that the liberal state is most likely wealthy compared to the conservative state.

In short, conservatives work the plantation for their liberal task masters.

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


What I can't figure out is, what is the goal with the top 1%?

Is the goal to make it the top 10% or the top 0.00001%?

Help me out here liberals.

The goal is this


When you look at a source of additional revenue why would you go after the 40 percent that have two tenths of the wealth rather than the 1 percent that have 34.6% of the wealth?
The progressives have been in charge of government spending for 7 years now. Their ideas don't work and have actually increased income and wealth inequality.

I have to laugh when Conservatives do everything in their power to protect the wealthy and then boast that the wealthy are still getting richer "under the Democrats"

That's because you refuse to take off the blinders, I have to laugh when someone such as yourself actually believes that the dems are for the 'average guy'. Fools, all of you.

Has income inequality increased or decreased since the dems have held power?

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


1. Only for the poor.

2. Not a damn thing.
Liberals/Progressives make it a problem for purposes of advancing their class warfare agenda.

People complaining that the promised benefits of Supply Side Economics never materialized.....the rich just kept the money,is not class warfare
There never were any promises. That is a lie perpetrated by you and no one else. There was an analysis that outlined what would or could happen if specific policies were enacted.

The left coined the stupid phrase, "supply side".

No one knows if those policies would or could have worked to better the entire country. The Democrats have obstructed all efforts to help people kick their dependency on government and to get involved in their own wealth creation.

Now, don't let you head explode because someone refuted your position. Take a deep breath and repeat the mantra...."They just disagree, the world is not ending."

"They just disagree, the world is not ending."
"They just disagree, the world is not ending."
"They just disagree, the world is not ending."

Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


1. It is a very serious problem. It is unhealthy for the economy as a whole. 1% of the top earners own 40% of the nation's wealth. This is a consumption based economy. The middle class is shrinking. Economists warn this problem will only lead to more economic crises.

2) Not much can be done about it if there is no regulation on wages. A start would be to raise the minimum wage so it will at least be kept up with inflation.
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Two part question:

1. Is income/wealth inequality a problem in America?

2. If it is, instead of just screaming bumper sticker slogans, precisely what would you do about it? And when I say "precisely", for example, if you'd increase tax rates, to precisely what figures?

I'm hoping for less partisan sloganeering and more actual specifics.


1. Only for the poor.

2. Not a damn thing.

Um no it is a huge problem for the shrinking middle class. It is even a problem for the upper middle class.

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