Gibbs mocks Palin

wow vet the blowhard cowboy was a fucking cheerleader, what's your point

Yeah I understand, you're a partisan apologist so when the President or his staff engages in sophomoric nonsense in public you think it's okay, well except when a Republican President or his staff does it of course. :rolleyes:

Just out of curiosity, do you buy your partisan pom-poms by the boatload or by the truckload?

Look....Princess Sarah sits out there attacking the administration on a daily basis. For Republicans to claim she is off-limits because she is a "private citizen" is ludicrous.

Whats the Bible say about throwing stones? I'm sure Sarah could tell you

okay one more time for the obtuse, The President and his staff rebutting Sarah Palins crticisms is perfectly appropriate and yes Gibbs has every right to his sophomoric mocking but because of his position it is not APPROPRIATE for him to do so.

Just like you have a right to make stupid partisan posts however it's not appropriate that you continually abuse it.

Didn't Palin mock the president for teleprompter reading while she had crib notes writtten on her hand?

Every American has a God Given Right to mock Sarah Palin..

If you don't understand, talk to Tina Fey
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Look....Princess Sarah sits out there attacking the administration on a daily basis. For Republicans to claim she is off-limits because she is a "private citizen" is ludicrous.

Whats the Bible say about throwing stones? I'm sure Sarah could tell you

okay one more time for the obtuse, The President and his staff rebutting Sarah Palins crticisms is perfectly appropriate and yes Gibbs has every right to his sophomoric mocking but because of his position it is not APPROPRIATE for him to do so.

Just like you have a right to make stupid partisan posts however it's not appropriate that you continually abuse it.

Every American has a God Given Right to mock Sarah Palin..

If you don't understand, talk to Tina Fey

Tina Fey didn't do it while standing in front of a podium with the actual white house seal.

That's the difference.
yea Mike we all know that, she would have done a much better job at it had that been the case
okay one more time for the obtuse, The President and his staff rebutting Sarah Palins crticisms is perfectly appropriate and yes Gibbs has every right to his sophomoric mocking but because of his position it is not APPROPRIATE for him to do so.

Just like you have a right to make stupid partisan posts however it's not appropriate that you continually abuse it.

Every American has a God Given Right to mock Sarah Palin..

If you don't understand, talk to Tina Fey

Tina Fey didn't do it while standing in front of a podium with the actual white house seal.

That's the difference.

Ummm...Sarah Palin was mocking the President for teleprompter reading while she had crib notes written on her hand

Doesn't get any dumber than that
Look....Princess Sarah sits out there attacking the administration on a daily basis. For Republicans to claim she is off-limits because she is a "private citizen" is ludicrous.

Whats the Bible say about throwing stones? I'm sure Sarah could tell you

okay one more time for the obtuse, The President and his staff rebutting Sarah Palins crticisms is perfectly appropriate and yes Gibbs has every right to his sophomoric mocking but because of his position it is not APPROPRIATE for him to do so.

Just like you have a right to make stupid partisan posts however it's not appropriate that you continually abuse it.

Didn't Palin mock the president for teleprompter reading while she had crib notes writtten on her hand?
Newflash, I don't find some of Sarah Palins sophomoric behavior appropriate either but then again she isn't on the Presidents Staff and two wrongs still do not make a right.

Every American has a God Given Right to mock Sarah Palin..

If you don't understand, talk to Tina Fey
Like I said before, stop abusing your right to be stupid it's inappropriate.
yea we know the blowhard cowboy did that too , but daddy fixed that one too

I knew the left wouldn't get it.

Prove that Bush ever used drugs......

Obama has flat out admitted it. He doesn't have the will power to stop smoking cigarettes, I wonder, how did he stop smoking crack?
yea we know the blowhard cowboy did that too , but daddy fixed that one too

I knew the left wouldn't get it.

Prove that Bush ever used drugs......

Obama has flat out admitted it. He doesn't have the will power to stop smoking cigarettes, I wonder, how did he stop smoking crack?

Obama admitted experimenting with drugs as a teen. Bush was a fucking drunk living off his daddy's millions until his thirties. Did Bush do coke? He is too cowardly to admit it. Every other member of his generation admits to at least smoking weed. A falling down drunk won't fess up
When did Obama stop taking drugs?

"I blew a few smoke rings, remembering those years," Obama wrote in "Dreams From My Father," in a section of the book about his college days. "Pot had helped, and booze; maybe a little blow when you could afford it
yea we know the blowhard cowboy did that too , but daddy fixed that one too

I knew the left wouldn't get it.

Prove that Bush ever used drugs......

Obama has flat out admitted it. He doesn't have the will power to stop smoking cigarettes, I wonder, how did he stop smoking crack?

Obama admitted experimenting with drugs as a teen. Bush was a fucking drunk living off his daddy's millions until his thirties. Did Bush do coke? He is too cowardly to admit it. Every other member of his generation admits to at least smoking weed. A falling down drunk won't fess up

Did you consider that he may not have actually taken cocaine?

Bush did admit to having an alcohol problem which he got out of.

Obama admits to doing alcohol, marijuana, and cocaine and has never said when he stopped.

Also Bush had a gas company that folded. He had to meet a payroll something that Obama never did.

Bush also was the managing partner of the Texas Rangers. Once again, he had business experience.
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yea we know the blowhard cowboy did that too , but daddy fixed that one too

I knew the left wouldn't get it.

Prove that Bush ever used drugs......

Obama has flat out admitted it. He doesn't have the will power to stop smoking cigarettes, I wonder, how did he stop smoking crack?

Obama admitted experimenting with drugs as a teen. Bush was a fucking drunk living off his daddy's millions until his thirties. Did Bush do coke? He is too cowardly to admit it. Every other member of his generation admits to at least smoking weed. A falling down drunk won't fess up

So you have no proof, but you support an admitted druggie. OK.
I knew the left wouldn't get it.

Prove that Bush ever used drugs......

Obama has flat out admitted it. He doesn't have the will power to stop smoking cigarettes, I wonder, how did he stop smoking crack?

Obama admitted experimenting with drugs as a teen. Bush was a fucking drunk living off his daddy's millions until his thirties. Did Bush do coke? He is too cowardly to admit it. Every other member of his generation admits to at least smoking weed. A falling down drunk won't fess up

So you have no proof, but you support an admitted druggie. OK.

Yes I do

I would accept someone who experimented with drugs as a teen over someone who was a raging alcholic and lived off his daddy well into his thirties
Obama admitted experimenting with drugs as a teen. Bush was a fucking drunk living off his daddy's millions until his thirties. Did Bush do coke? He is too cowardly to admit it. Every other member of his generation admits to at least smoking weed. A falling down drunk won't fess up

So you have no proof, but you support an admitted druggie. OK.

Yes I do

I would accept someone who experimented with drugs as a teen over someone who was a raging alcholic and lived off his daddy well into his thirties

Obama admitted experimenting with drugs as a teen. Bush was a fucking drunk living off his daddy's millions until his thirties. Did Bush do coke? He is too cowardly to admit it. Every other member of his generation admits to at least smoking weed. A falling down drunk won't fess up

So you have no proof, but you support an admitted druggie. OK.

Yes I do

I would accept someone who experimented with drugs as a teen over someone who was a raging alcholic and lived off his daddy well into his thirties

1) Obama admitted doing cocaine when he was in college. That goes beyone teen. He never said when he stopped

2) Pres. Bush admitted that he has an alcohol problem and that he licked it. That is comendable.

3) Prove that he lived off his daddy? He actually had his own business and struggled. In fact, he had two businesses. A gas company and he was managing partner later on of the Texas Rangers. Obama has ZERO business experience, and that is probably why he has no clue the pressures that businesses go through.
Oh give it rest Mike, I bet you actually believed the blowhard cowboy choked on that pretzel didn't you moron

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