Gibbs mocks Palin

The Obama Administration is so low class.

That was highly inappropriate for an official press conference.

Sarah Palin doesn't even hold an elected office and the wingnuts are still obssesed with her.

This is the mentality of the Obama White House.

[ame=]YouTube - Kids running around[/ame]
Oh, and if Palin is such a non-entity, why is Gibbs addressing her? Hmmm?

Because it was funny as shit to see Palin making an ass of herself and all of the dolts who paid $549.00 to see a "professional" speaker....:clap2:

I doubt any of them complained.

I saw it on C-SPAN and she did phenomenal :clap2:

I have learned the more viciously that the wingnuts attack a person the more of a threat to their political power they perceive that person.
The right is stuck with Palin. That's the funniest part. All but most retarded of them know she's an embarassment with no legitimate political future, but that rightwing thing about never being able to admit you were wrong has her stuck to them like a big white tarbaby.

It seems to me that the left is stuck on Sarah Palin.

Utterly obsessed with her.

The Obama Administration needs medication for this disorder :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
clearly, it's enough to make YOU walk funny afterward, you fucking cumstain on the jockey shorts of Hannity's silkiest pair of boxers.


when nothing else, resort to stupid sexual insults and childish name calling. you go:clap2:

myawwww... did I hurt hers feewings? Did I send her strait to michelle malkin's website for some comfort and a hug?

myawwww... poor widdle wight wingew...


typical. you pussies can dish it out but the second it comes flying back at you....


sorry to burst your little chest thumping, but your petty insults don't bother me one bit. I've been around a long time in life to let some childish pipsqueak get to me.
was that supposed to be a retort? Take the hairy beanbag out of your mouth if you want to step up, you knuckle-dragging cognitive abortion.

is that all ya got?

clearly, it's enough to make YOU walk funny afterward, you fucking cumstain on the jockey shorts of Hannity's silkiest pair of boxers.


What's the matter, your teeny weeny got the better of you Shogun or is it your nat sized brain???:lol::lol::lol::lol:

"fix the ecomony stupid"
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Slight of hand: White House spokesman Robert Gibbs writes in jab at Sarah Palin's Tea Party speech

"I wrote a few things down," Gibbs said after a question about a White House jobs summit. "I wrote eggs, milk and bread. I crossed out bread, just so I can make pancakes for \[son\] Ethan if it snows."

As the briefing room erupted in laughter, Gibbs added, "And then I wrote down hope and change, just in case I forgot."

Hm, kind of funny, but I am not sure if Press Secretary should do that kind of things.

it didn't say bread it said don't say fucken retards cause this Administration uses this term often when talking about people who are against this administration!!!
The right is stuck with Palin. That's the funniest part. All but most retarded of them know she's an embarassment with no legitimate political future, but that rightwing thing about never being able to admit you were wrong has her stuck to them like a big white tarbaby.

It seems to me that the left is stuck on Sarah Palin.

Utterly obsessed with her.

The Obama Administration needs medication for this disorder :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

they know she is a threat to them. anyone with any kind of experience has more than Barry the BOOB!!!!
Palin mocking is a national obsession

There is no reason to prevent Gibbs from participating
They make fun, and the lose Virginia,they take cheap shots,they lose New Jersey,they ridicule and they
lose Mass.Ted Kennedy's seat the Mecca of the Democrats...I like the way this is going.Go ahead Gibbs
take those cheap chops.This guy shows a lot of class huh? Keep making fun and we will win elections.
I have no problem with this.
Everyone has a right to mock Palin. it should be added to our Constitution
Everyone mocks Palin...

Why shouldn't Gibbs?

Probably because he represents the President of the United States and thus acting like a juvenile in public damages the image of the his bosses office, The President is SUPPOSED to be above such petty nonsense and so are the people on his staff.
Everyone mocks Palin...

Why shouldn't Gibbs?

Probably because he represents the President of the United States and thus acting like a juvenile in public damages the image of the his bosses office, The President is SUPPOSED to be above such petty nonsense and so are the people on his staff.


But it is the god given right of all Americans to mock Sarah Palin. To deny the Press secretary that right would be........un-American
Everyone mocks Palin...

Why shouldn't Gibbs?

Probably because he represents the President of the United States and thus acting like a juvenile in public damages the image of the his bosses office, The President is SUPPOSED to be above such petty nonsense and so are the people on his staff.


But it is the god given right of all Americans to mock Sarah Palin. To deny the Press secretary that right would be........un-American

Yeah I understand, you're a partisan apologist so when the President or his staff engages in sophomoric nonsense in public you think it's okay, well except when a Republican President or his staff does it of course. :rolleyes:

Just out of curiosity, do you buy your partisan pom-poms by the boatload or by the truckload?

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