Gift to the Right? - or clearly showing what the problem is.

What in the hell are your trying to say? Can you say it without posting videos? Did you know that Trump is married to an immigrant? Did you know that more blacks and Hispanics support him now than in the past?
Sorry but I was taught and believe in that visuals do a better job of explaining things than words. I will not be changing that view for you.
Bullshit. I'm as native American as any Indian. Live in the now, not your convoluted silly fantasy world where the conquered have alleged claims on property lost by their ancestors.
In other words, it the present immigrants come and take over a state and conquer it, we should look up to them (rather than criticize), right?

In other words and based on your post, this is not about laws but about who is the strongest. As such, Trump is right and we should throw all of the immigrants out. In other words, 13,8% of the population should be disposed of.
In other words, it the present immigrants come and take over a state and conquer it, we should look up to them (rather than criticize), right?

In other words and based on your post, this is not about laws but about who is the strongest. As such, Trump is right and we should throw all of the immigrants out. In other words, 13,8% of the population should be disposed of.
Whatever silliness you are projecting has nothing to do with my comment. Get back to me when you are done with whatever that is.
Here is a video that Trumpers and the right are going to LOVE. I have to say that I did like the music and the words stated thee. On a negative note, it also shows exactly what the problem we have now and why it is happening.

The problem is that our country is not just White and not just country. We are a mix of all cultures, colors and beliefs. Since 1960, we have also gone back to accepting more immigrants, as we represent safety and opportunity.

The U.S. foreign-born population reached a record 46.1 million in 2022. Growth accelerated after Congress made U.S. immigration laws more permissive in 1965. In 1970, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. was less than a quarter of what it is today. Immigrants today account for 13.8% of the U.S. population.

What the right needs to accept is that the United States is no longer a country of just the rich or just the White,

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and the song we need to now accept is this one:

Plenty of music out there for leftist loons...


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