Give Us Back The EAGLE! // 2025 Jeep Compass Trailhawk Review

Robert W

Former Democrat but long term Republican.
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Reaction score
If you are thinking of owning a Jeep, This review is for you. She explains the car with under the car discussions. She is very technical. She does not hold back making the Jeep work for it's votes. She reviews many cars. If you want to see technical stuff about cars, consider watching her posts.

The Jeep Eagle was a car that was way ahead of its time, which was unusual for AMC.

I had a friend who was big into Jeeps. Apparently Jeeps have gone way down from what they started out as, are often fraught with problems and is now clandestinely owned and operated by the chinese company Dongfeng as part of their global acquisition.
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