Given The Chance To Start Over, What Would You Do Different With Social Security

Never create it

Yup. Never create it or Medicare.

If I could I'd take every dime that I have in both those ponzi programs. I can take better care of my money than some clown in DC/.

If I could get that money back, I could retire before I was 50 instead of never seeing a penny of it.
Nonsense. There is a cut off when after a certain income you no longer have to, or had to pay in. Depending on your age and years of putting funds into SS, even if you earned the maximum amount and hit the cut off mark, you would not have enough to retire comfortably even after 40 or 50 years of contributions.

Did you actually READ and COMPREHEND my post?
If anything.....

Social Security was a necessity when it was instituted.

It's history is less than straightforward.

Some people currently detest it and want to get rid of it. Some would phase it out.

Some would change it and keep in control of the government.

What would you do if you had complete control over the system.

Keep it, beef it up, phase it out, get rid of it.....????
lock box
If anything.....

Social Security was a necessity when it was instituted.

It's history is less than straightforward.

Some people currently detest it and want to get rid of it. Some would phase it out.

Some would change it and keep in control of the government.

What would you do if you had complete control over the system.

Keep it, beef it up, phase it out, get rid of it.....????

I would vote it down.

So...would that be if it were first proposed....or now (thus taking it from many who've paid into it for a long time) ?

Yes. Before Social Security was passed we had this thing called "saving for retirement." We also had another thing called "taking care of your parents."
Never create it
Oh, what a brilliant idea! How do you propose seniors get by, work their whole entire lives?

The same way I will have to get by when I retire and Social Security has long gone bankrupt: Plan for their own retirement.

The real shitty thing is that I'm having to put my money away for my own retirement, while paying hundreds of dollars every paycheck for other people's retirement.

So what would you do if you could redo the system ?

Keeping in mind that you have many who have paid into it for a long long time.

This is a change in direction...not a fresh start.

I thought we were discussing what to do if we could start from scratch. "Keeping in mind that you have many who have paid into it for a long long time" isn't starting from scratch.

The OP does not say anything about starting over.

It now get complete control of the system (as is)...what would you do with it.
So many elderly worked all their life and finally retired. Some had not saved enough for the golden years, others went to the bank to draw out their monthly expenses and the bank was closed, bank had invested the money in the "can't lose" stock market and it was gone forever. So many stories, and SS was suggested, Republicans fought it tooth and nail, calling in socialism, it can't work and only communists got involved in Social Security.
So many elderly worked all their life and finally retired. Some had not saved enough for the golden years, others went to the bank to draw out their monthly expenses and the bank was closed, bank had invested the money in the "can't lose" stock market and it was gone forever. So many stories, and SS was suggested, Republicans fought it tooth and nail, calling in socialism, it can't work and only communists got involved in Social Security.

Did that address the OP ?

I don't think so.

And it wasn't that their money was lost. It was more a function of the times. The elderly had a different glide path prior to the industrial revolution. But they were not needed in the "new age". They were much more unemployed than any other group during the Great Depression.

As to your other rant......whether or not it has "worked" is an ongoing debate. It's not what it was and it appears it will be even less in the future.
Only 5% of individuals are able to save enough money for their retirement. It used to be that companies paid pensions to their retiring employees but that rarely happens anymore unless you work in public service.

Without SS people would be impoverished in their old age.
Give workers the option to opt out, permanently.

Great idea, and then let them die on the streets when their poor choice lead them to homelessness in their retirement years. Sure a lot of people could and would save for retirement, but millions would not. We would have a senior welfare crisis on our hands. How is it that supposedly intelligent people cannot see the most simple things?
Social Security isn't for people who can afford to save up for their own retirement, but is for those who can't. It allows those who made a lot of money off of the backs of the working poor to give these working poor a chance at being able to retire.

Time for the government to pay back their loan.

Raise the age of retirement, probably to 80 so that more people die before they get it like it was when it was created.
One person chooses to drop out of high school...and eventually get an $8 per hour job at a restaurant. Another chooses to work their way thru college, get into a high tech training program and get a $50k per year job to start. Which should we feel sorry for? Which do we need to set up a wasteful beuracracy to take care of?
Only 5% of individuals are able to save enough money for their retirement. It used to be that companies paid pensions to their retiring employees but that rarely happens anymore unless you work in public service.

Without SS people would be impoverished in their old age.

Please provide the back up information for your claim.

And answer the OP.

What would you do if they gave you the system now and you have full reign.
Never create it
Oh, what a brilliant idea! How do you propose seniors get by, work their whole entire lives?

This seems to pre-suppose that people can't save for themselves.

Is that what you are saying ?

Without Social Security, we would have tens of millions of senior citizens on welfare. Either that or they would be homeless dying on the streets.

It may or may not be true, but it does not address the OP unless you state what you would do.

And how did it relate to the post you quoted ?
They can't see beyond their own greed and selfishness.

Please stay on topic. You didn't even define "they" in your post. If you can't do better than this...find someplace else to post.

You are wasting our time.

Answer the OP.
One person chooses to drop out of high school...and eventually get an $8 per hour job at a restaurant. Another chooses to work their way thru college, get into a high tech training program and get a $50k per year job to start. Which should we feel sorry for? Which do we need to set up a wasteful beuracracy to take care of?

What would you do if you have full reign on the system.

Your post is not helpful to the topic proposed.
Give workers the option to opt out, permanently.

Great idea, and then let them die on the streets when their poor choice lead them to homelessness in their retirement years. Sure a lot of people could and would save for retirement, but millions would not. We would have a senior welfare crisis on our hands. How is it that supposedly intelligent people cannot see the most simple things?

How did you arrive at this conclusion ?

And you leave the commentary out.
Without Social Security, we would have tens of millions of senior citizens on welfare. Either that or they would be homeless dying on the streets.

The concept itself is a good idea. The way it's been executed is piss poor.

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