Global carbon emissions set to reach record 36 billion tonnes in 2013


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Global carbon emissions set to reach record 36 billion tonnes in 2013

Global emissions of carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels are set to rise again in 2013, reaching a record high of 36 billion tonnes - according to new figures from the Global Carbon Project, co-led by researchers from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

The 2.1 per cent rise projected for 2013 means global emissions from burning fossil fuel are 61 per cent above 1990 levels, the baseline year for the Kyoto Protocol.

Prof Corinne Le Quéré of the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research at the University of East Anglia led the Global Carbon Budget report. She said: "Governments meeting in Warsaw this week need to agree on how to reverse this trend. Emissions must fall substantially and rapidly if we are to limit global climate change to below two degrees. Additional emissions every year cause further warming and climate change."
Read more at: Global carbon emissions set to reach record 36 billion tonnes in 2013
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My plan
1. 50 new nuclear plants(away from thrust faults ;)) 2 - 8 gw a piece.
2. modernizion of our energy grid to handle the hybrids and electric cars...The current grid couldn't handle it.
3. build more wind(100 gw) over the next decade and just let people buy small scale solar.
4. Double what we're spending on fusion. This is very important.
5. slowly phase out gasoline cars over the next 50 years. This depends on rather we get fusion online by that time ;)

Slowly transition as the resources go on online away from oil, gas and coal. I do think it is dumb to do it before we're ready.
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1. Conservatives support it and it makes a great deal of sense ;)
2. If we're going to get away from gas/oil we need the grid to handle it. Conservatives should agree with this...
3. 100 gw will be built with or without the government. Private corps are doing it.
4. Clean endless energy should be something worth while for conservatives!
5. If we get 4. I doubt conservatives will disagree with me on this.
My plan
1. 50 new nuclear plants(away from thrust faults ;)) 2 - 8 gw a piece.
2. modernizion of our energy grid to handle the hybrids and electric cars...The current grid couldn't handle it.
3. build more wind(100 gw) over the next decade and just let people buy small scale solar.
4. Double what we're spending on fusion. This is very important.
5. slowly phase out gasoline cars over the next 50 years. This depends on rather we get fusion online by that time ;)

Slowly transition as the resources go on online away from oil, gas and coal. I do think it is dumb to do it before we're ready.

Why no mention of natural gas? Increased natural gas usage is the primary reason that emissions in the U.S. have decreased significantly.
My plan
1. 50 new nuclear plants(away from thrust faults ;)) 2 - 8 gw a piece.
2. modernizion of our energy grid to handle the hybrids and electric cars...The current grid couldn't handle it.
3. build more wind(100 gw) over the next decade and just let people buy small scale solar.
4. Double what we're spending on fusion. This is very important.
5. slowly phase out gasoline cars over the next 50 years. This depends on rather we get fusion online by that time ;)

Slowly transition as the resources go on online away from oil, gas and coal. I do think it is dumb to do it before we're ready.

The sooner the better.
My plan
1. 50 new nuclear plants(away from thrust faults ;)) 2 - 8 gw a piece.
2. modernizion of our energy grid to handle the hybrids and electric cars...The current grid couldn't handle it.
3. build more wind(100 gw) over the next decade and just let people buy small scale solar.
4. Double what we're spending on fusion. This is very important.
5. slowly phase out gasoline cars over the next 50 years. This depends on rather we get fusion online by that time ;)

Slowly transition as the resources go on online away from oil, gas and coal. I do think it is dumb to do it before we're ready.

The sooner the better.

More wind? :lol:
Say bye-bye to the avian population.

Oh- and if you phase out gasoline, you'll piss off an entire nation of farmers. Their precious ethanol program can't survive without gasoline.

The IEA has already labeled you FAIL:

And your lab experiments show that adding that much CO2 will raise temp how much? Hmm? Any idea? Consult Mann's tree rings?

Next time there something on the Weather Channel you're going to say, See that! Manmade Global Warming you Denier!!!
Don't forget the infrastructure issue: charging stations, battery swap stations, hydrogen filling stations, the lot. Probably the costliest part of the upcoming conversion.

I would like to see more research money being spent on fusion reactors, but I'd also like to see a substantial amount invested in hydrogen fuel cells. One partial solution might be at-home, hydrogen generators.
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1. Conservatives support it and it makes a great deal of sense ;)
2. If we're going to get away from gas/oil we need the grid to handle it. Conservatives should agree with this...
3. 100 gw will be built with or without the government. Private corps are doing it.
4. Clean endless energy should be something worth while for conservatives!
5. If we get 4. I doubt conservatives will disagree with me on this.

OK......but "costs" do matter. Some people don't make that part of their thinking. If it isn't cost effective, its just theory. Because that's just the way it is.

I see some people on here talking about the "upcoming conversion", which in 2013 is the equivalent of a Disneyland in every American city. Obama's Energy Information Agency ( EIA) energy projections don't see any kind of "upcoming conversion". 30 years from now, fossil fuels still DOMINATE and continue to for the balance of this century........but don't take my word for it >>>>>

EIA Report Estimates Growth of U.S. Energy Economy Through 2040 | Department of Energy

facts > philosophy

Here is a quote from someone on this thread..........

"Don't forget the infrastructure issue: charging stations, battery swap stations, hydrogen filling stations, the lot. Probably the costliest part of the upcoming conversion.

I would like to see more research money being spent on fusion reactors, but I'd also like to see a substantial amount invested in hydrogen fuel cells. One partial solution might be at home hydrogen generators."

He wants to see "a substantial amount invested...............". As if that is a fait-acompli. As if there is some big energy bank out there that you go and get money consequences. That's the way all these guys think. Hey.......dreaming is awesome. I'd like to go out and buy a new 2014 GT 500 Mustang tomorrow.:lol::lol:
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Cult Deprogramming
Deprogramming is the more drastic of the two approaches because it usually involves an initial kidnapping to get the cult member away from the cult. For this reason, deprogramming is a very expensive service. It can cost in the tens of thousands of dollars. After the forced removal, deprogramming mostly involves hours and hours of intense "debriefing," during which a team of deprogrammers hold the cult member against his will and use ethical psychological techniques to try to counter the unethical psychological techniques used by the cult. The goal is to get the cult member to think for himself and re-evaluate his situation.

HowStuffWorks "Cult Deprogramming"

Getting AGWCult members to "think for themselves" Wow.

Just out of curiosity, if you have such a low opinion of liberals, why does your sig quote Jimmy Carter and David Souter?

And... Oakville? Napanee?? In what county did this take place? Is that like Tehatchapee and Tonapaugh? What was the national significance of this... momentous...event?
We live in a carbon based world. We cannot survive without carbon. Animals and plants are carbon based. How the hell did the radicals ever convince people that carbon was bad?
My plan
1. 50 new nuclea
r plants(away from thrust faults ;)) 2 - 8 gw a piece.
2. modernizion of our energy grid to handle the hybrids and electric cars...The current grid couldn't handle it.
3. build more wind(100 gw) over the next decade and just let people buy small scale solar.
4. Double what we're spending on fusion. This is very important.
5. slowly phase out gasoline cars over the next 50 years. This depends on rather we get fusion online by that time ;)

Slowly transition as the resources go on online away from oil, gas and coal. I do think it is dumb to do it before we're ready.

The sooner the better.

More wind? :lol:
Say bye-bye to the avian population.

Oh- and if you phase out gasoline, you'll piss off an entire nation of farmers. Their precious ethanol program can't survive without gasoline.

The IEA has already labeled you FAIL:


The only way that chart is correct is by including hydro... Hydro accou ts for about 80percent of whats considered renewable.. And the likelihood ofADDINGto hydro is less than zero.

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