Golden State Warriors Plan On Skipping White House Visit


Platinum Member
Aug 30, 2011
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that.
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that.
More likely that Trump sickens them as he does most Americans, and they want nothing to do with the bastard.
I've read that they won't. I've read that no decision has been made one way or the other. Who knows?
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that.

And so many intelligent people will be swayed by the opinion of millionaire athletes who could not pass a GED.

Sad really.
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that. think people should be forced to go to the WH?
Like so many other things these championship teams visiting the White House has started to become partisan and just a way to make a political statement. They could end them altogether and I wouldn't care.
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that. think people should be forced to go to the WH?
re-read the OP, dumbass
Sports stars and teams rejecting this president simply underscores that not even the presidency can make this Trump pig smell good. Nobody wants to be seen with Lying Donald except his brown-nosers in his cabinet who are made to praise him like Kim Jong's Un cabinet facing a 20mm anti-aircraft gun.
I've read that they won't. I've read that no decision has been made one way or the other. Who knows?


They'll likely attended. Crosby will make sure of it.

Are you going to the parade tomorrow? I am. It's looks to be hot, humid, and, good chances of rain.

Seems like the classy things to do. Leave politics out of it. Tradition.

No. I have this job thing and I am far north of the city.

The weather is an after thought.

Yell for me.

Allegheny River at Pittsburgh.jpg
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I've read that they won't. I've read that no decision has been made one way or the other. Who knows?


They'll likely attended. Crosby will make sure of it.

Are you going to the parade tomorrow? I am. It's looks to be hot, humid, and, good chances of rain.

Seems like the classy things to do. Leave politics out of it. Tradition.

No. I have this job thing and I am far north of the city.

The weather is an after thought.

Yell for me.

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I'll send you some pictures.

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