Golden State Warriors Plan On Skipping White House Visit

It will be the same like the GSW ----- Le Bron and other players boycotted trump hotels.
like i what?....

So what? Cavalier team most likely will not go to White House just the GSW.
I had to look up who these guys were. Basketball players from my old town. Like guys chasing a stupid ball around are of any importance.
trump was for Cleveland.....

Le Bron James hate Trump.

It will be the same like the GSW ----- Le Bron and other players boycotted trump hotels.
like i what?....

So what? Cavalier team most likely will not go to White House just the GSW.
not important....they are just another team of overpaid whiny athletes...
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that.

They're making enough of a difference to have you whining about it. Lol
Le Bron James hate Trump.

It will be the same like the GSW ----- Le Bron and other players boycotted trump hotels.
like i what?....

So what? Cavalier team most likely will not go to White House just the GSW.
not important....they are just another team of overpaid whiny athletes...

Whiny athletes? By complaining about hatred and racism is called whining?
It's been a customary of a championship team to get invited to the White House. It has always been an honor. Now more and more people are distancing themselves from Trump. I can assure you 100% Trump want the GSW visit the White House.
It's legitimate they stay away because the wonderful free market system that Trump is such a proponent of was never available to them because of racist like him

It will be the same like the GSW ----- Le Bron and other players boycotted trump hotels.
like i what?....

So what? Cavalier team most likely will not go to White House just the GSW.
not important....they are just another team of overpaid whiny athletes...

Whiny athletes? By complaining about hatred and racism is called whining?
It's been a customary of a championship team to get invited to the White House. It has always been an honor. Now more and more people are distancing themselves from Trump. I can assure you 100% Trump want the GSW visit the White House.
yea whiny......its not all about politics, you do realize that right? telling me you never heard some of these guys cry about how much money they are not making?...
The cultural appropriation of basketball by african descendants seems insenstive and politically incorrect......Everyone should be outraged !!! Lol
we place way too much emphasis on pro sports in this nation but since the NBA makes billions and billions the players feel empowered and the fans just gobble it all up. Same for pro football. Scary. What these players do is feed off of the insane fan base.
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that.

They're making enough of a difference to have you whining about it. Lol

Reading comprehension ain't your thing, eh? Where did I whine about it?
heard it on ESPN radio this morning in the car. I say let the spoiled brats exercise their first amendment rights to make their statement. The funny thing is these jerks are so delusional they think they're actually making a difference...and maybe they are in the minds of 11 year old boys. In reality they're mainly making themselves look bad, but they're too stupid to understand that.
How many basketball fans didn't vote for Trump because of this? I bet a lot. What a slap in the face.

Would you go visit the White House if Biden were POTUS?

I'd go visit Trump. I'd like to see how stupid he acts in person.
yes Henry its still a state....and you know what else? has the world champions of the NBA.....
I think it will again this year after seeing them beat up on Dallas. The Heat look good too and who knows until they play but Golden State seems to be running on all cyliders.

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