Good News For The USA & Israel

Awesome. We all know how the leeches need more $$$$.
When will they legislate them to call us "daddy?"
Awesome. We all know how the leeches need more $$$$.
When will they legislate them to call us "daddy?"

US financial aid to Israel results in defense for the USA & Israel & endless Israeli contributions to a better world. So tell us, what does our USA aid to Palestinians result in? Ya'll come back now, ya hear? 'Atta boy!
Awesome. We all know how the leeches need more $$$$.
When will they legislate them to call us "daddy?"

US financial aid to Israel results in defense for the USA & Israel & endless Israeli contributions to a better world. So tell us, what does our USA aid to Palestinians result in? Ya'll come back now, ya hear? 'Atta boy!
We shouldnt give them any money either. I am against foreign aid.
I dont pick one over the other. I wish both of them would just shut up or disappear.
Israel is a big whiny bitch that needs a sugar daddy and palestine is a bunch of terrorists.
“Good News For Israel”

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“Good News For Israel”

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Your tax dollars getting tossed off to the other side of the planet, for 0 benefit. I can see why you’re thrilled.

LMAO! "0 benefit." Perhaps it would be wise for you to check out thread titled Israel: Helping To Make A Better World." Gosh I wonder why NO ONE has criticized it?
Check a propaganda thread about a country I’ll never have anything to do with? Well, other than sending their broke asses money because their lobby has a lot of politicians in their pocket.
“Good News For Israel”

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Your tax dollars getting tossed off to the other side of the planet, for 0 benefit. I can see why you’re thrilled.

LMAO! "0 benefit." Perhaps it would be wise for you to check out thread titled Israel: Helping To Make A Better World." Gosh I wonder why NO ONE has criticized it?
Check a propaganda thread about a country I’ll never have anything to do with? Well, other than sending their broke asses money because their lobby has a lot of politicians in their pocket.

I tell ya, those Zionists need wise, well educated, unbiased people like you to dismantle all the hasbara on that thread. Show 'em how ya do it. 'Atta boy!
Stooge in action:

"While the nation watched President Obama primetime address the threat of ISIS Wednesday night, something else was happening in Washington: Senator Ted Cruz was getting booed off the stage of a Christian event.

Cruz is often considered a rising darling of the American Christian right. He speaks at evangelical gatherings in the country, talks to groups of conservative pastors and headlines events with the Family Research Council. But Wednesday night, his Christian audience was largely Eastern and Arab. The brand of conservative, American evangelicalism that Cruz often champions—one that often aligns itself with the state of Israel’s interests—did not sit well with everyone in attendance.

Cruz was keynoting a gala for In Defense of Christians (IDC), an advocacy and awareness group that aims to bring the U.S.’s attention to the plight of ancient Christian communities in the Middle East, and to protect the rights of other religious minority groups in the region. This week, IDC is hosting a three-day Summit, a conference bringing together a range of Middle Eastern Christians—Orthodox, Catholic, Coptic, Syriac, Lebanese, Assyrian, to name a few—to foster a new sense of unity in the midst of a politically fraught season. Most of the panels at the summit are of a religious nature, but a handful of political leaders are slated gave remarks as well, including Senator Rob Portman (R-OH). Former Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood was Wednesday’s gala’s master of ceremonies, but Cruz was tapped to give a keynote.

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At its core, Cruz’s problem was one of context. First, he pinned his remarks to the conflict between Israel and Hamas when one of the group’s primary agenda points was actually the plight of Iraqi Christians. Second, Christians are far from a monolithic group, especially when it comes to views on policy on Israel and the Middle East. The American evangelicals Cruz typically addresses tend to be worlds apart historically, culturally, theologically, and politically from the Christian leaders in attendance.

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Why Ted Cruz Was Booed Off Stage at a Christian Event

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“Good News For Israel”

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We understsnd. You'd rather us ship 170 billion in cash to the terrorist Islamist regime in Iran like Hussein Oabama did.
Actually I feel that the US should cut off all spending in the mid east
After 60 plus yeats if Israel cannot make it on their own at this point they never will.
You always brag how great israel is. Lets see how great they are without US cash
“Good News For Israel”

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We understsnd. You'd rather us ship 170 billion in cash to the terrorist Islamist regime in Iran like Hussein Oabama did.
Actually I feel that the US should cut off all spending in the mid east
After 60 plus yeats if Israel cannot make it on their own at this point they never will.
You always brag how great israel is. Lets see how great they are without US cash
How great is Gaza and the PA with all the money not only the US but the rest of the world has given them to build up infrastructure and their own sovereign country?

Israel cannot make it on its own?

Why can't the USA make it on its own by borrowing as much as it does?

Is there any country which does not borrow?

But is there anywhere in the world where all one gets out of the population is terrorism, not only against its neighbors, be it Israel, Egypt, Jordan, etc....or sees that terrorism spread to the rest of the world......and all thanks to all the money all those giving the terrorists money continue to insist on giving them that money?

Billions of dollars simply given to the Palestinians with no expectation of ever being paid back.

You do not want to know what Israel has done with all the money the US and others have invested in it?

Invested, is the word. And they do get a lot out of it for their own countries prosperity.

Don't bother checking.
“Good News For Israel”

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We understsnd. You'd rather us ship 170 billion in cash to the terrorist Islamist regime in Iran like Hussein Oabama did.
Actually I feel that the US should cut off all spending in the mid east
After 60 plus yeats if Israel cannot make it on their own at this point they never will.
You always brag how great israel is. Lets see how great they are without US cash
Israel will do fine either way, many thanks for your concerns.

But there's never any comment when the US sends billions to the Pakistanis, or Iranians, or Palestinians, who happen to be our enemies, I wonder why?
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“Good News For Israel”

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We understsnd. You'd rather us ship 170 billion in cash to the terrorist Islamist regime in Iran like Hussein Oabama did.
Actually I feel that the US should cut off all spending in the mid east
After 60 plus yeats if Israel cannot make it on their own at this point they never will.
You always brag how great israel is. Lets see how great they are without US cash
How great is Gaza and the PA with all the money not only the US but the rest of the world has given them to build up infrastructure and their own sovereign country?

Israel cannot make it on its own?

Why can't the USA make it on its own by borrowing as much as it does?

Is there any country which does not borrow?

But is there anywhere in the world where all one gets out of the population is terrorism, not only against its neighbors, be it Israel, Egypt, Jordan, etc....or sees that terrorism spread to the rest of the world......and all thanks to all the money all those giving the terrorists money continue to insist on giving them that money?

Billions of dollars simply given to the Palestinians with no expectation of ever being paid back.

You do not want to know what Israel has done with all the money the US and others have invested in it?

Invested, is the word. And they do get a lot out of it for their own countries prosperity.

Don't bother checking.

Why can't the USA make it on its own by borrowing as much as it does?
Because the American Goverment is too stupid to realize that America comes first,
We are busy giving away billions to parasites countries that are all to happy ro take our money, Add to that we are providing military protection for numerous other countries. If the US would stop wasteful spending like this we could have free medical and a budget surplus.
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“Good News For Israel”

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We understsnd. You'd rather us ship 170 billion in cash to the terrorist Islamist regime in Iran like Hussein Oabama did.
Actually I feel that the US should cut off all spending in the mid east
After 60 plus yeats if Israel cannot make it on their own at this point they never will.
You always brag how great israel is. Lets see how great they are without US cash
How great is Gaza and the PA with all the money not only the US but the rest of the world has given them to build up infrastructure and their own sovereign country?

Israel cannot make it on its own?

Why can't the USA make it on its own by borrowing as much as it does?

Is there any country which does not borrow?

But is there anywhere in the world where all one gets out of the population is terrorism, not only against its neighbors, be it Israel, Egypt, Jordan, etc....or sees that terrorism spread to the rest of the world......and all thanks to all the money all those giving the terrorists money continue to insist on giving them that money?

Billions of dollars simply given to the Palestinians with no expectation of ever being paid back.

You do not want to know what Israel has done with all the money the US and others have invested in it?

Invested, is the word. And they do get a lot out of it for their own countries prosperity.

Don't bother checking.

Why can't the USA make it on its own by borrowing as much as it does?
Because the American Goverment is too stupid to realize that America comes first,
We are busy giving away billions to parasites countries that are all to happy ro take our money, Add to that we are providing military protection for numerous other countries. If the US would stop wasteful spending like this we could have free medical and a budget surplus.
It is called LENDING, and in the same way as the USA lends - it BORROWS.

Canada, the UK, and many others lend and borrow. Some of them have Universal health care.

The question is why do some people in the USA do not want all Americans to have Universal health care, and not blaming the USA lending and having militaries around the world (you seem to totally miss the point why the USA and other countries have some of their militaries in countries which agree to let them be there ).

Learning the reason things are as they are, and why they are needed, would help getting some of the anxiety out.
It is called LENDING, and in the same way as the USA lends - it BORROWS.

LENDING implies there is a payback. That is not case with with our welfare payments to foriegn countries, in fact we do not even get the obligatory "Thank You"

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