Good news! The Springfield Haitians are filing criminal charges against Trump and JD Vance!

And none of them say it must be shown it was uttered with malice.

As everyone can see for themselves.

You messed up, and i don't have to give any more attention to your error and red herring.

Moving the goal posts. You and I have spent the last several posts talking about what is required for defamation, and now you are bringing malice into it. I posted what Cornell law website says is required for defamation, those are not my words, it’s the word of the law.

Earlier I said that malice was required, when speaking with someone else, but I have since posted what the law states about it, and it’s that, that you and I have been talking about.
This is great news! You would think Trump would have learned by now that you can get sued for defamation and even worse if it ends up with threats of violence. JD should know better since the Shill-Billy has a JD from Yale.

""""Under an Ohio statute that allows private citizens to file criminal charges, a Haitian organization filed criminal charges against and seeks the arrests of Donald Trump and JD Vance for disrupting public services, making false alarms, and other offenses."""

JD should know this is called LIBEL:


I don't think the mayor of Springfield is too happy about all this publicity since he is ripping off the federal government for $3,000 4,000 and 5,000 a month rental vouchers to place Haitians in his apartment complexes. The unintended consequence of this legal action will be the discovery of that very thing probably prompting a federal investigation into the abuse of federal monies. However I'm sure that there are some federal bureaucrats involved taking kickbacks from the mayor as well.
I don't think the mayor of Springfield is too happy about all this publicity since he is ripping off the federal government for $3,000 4,000 and 5,000 a month rental vouchers to place Haitians in his apartment complexes. The unintended consequence of this legal action will be the discovery of that very thing probably prompting a federal investigation into the abuse of federal monies. However I'm sure that there are some federal bureaucrats involved taking kickbacks from the mayor as well.
You make the mistake of thinking others see "helping them" as ripping people off.

The mayor is probably not really worrying too much about your smallish subest of cynical white nationalists.

I said negligence can cut it, instead of intent or malice.

Then, in an effort to argue against that fact (your first mistake), you posted a link that affirmed the fact.


And you seem to be incapable or reluctant to read the post.

You seemed to have glossed over my points about how the website says the four points are required, not just one.
You make the mistake of thinking others see "helping them" as ripping people off.

The mayor is probably not really worrying too much about your smallish subest of cynical white nationalists.
Nah.... This is straight up robbery and it is exactly what it looks like.... Stealing from the federal government. It Certainly explains much however
and also explains why such a dense population of expatriates were all dumped in one place. Surely there were other grifters that would have been willing to get in on the game.
This is great news! You would think Trump would have learned by now that you can get sued for defamation and even worse if it ends up with threats of violence. JD should know better since the Shill-Billy has a JD from Yale.

""""Under an Ohio statute that allows private citizens to file criminal charges, a Haitian organization filed criminal charges against and seeks the arrests of Donald Trump and JD Vance for disrupting public services, making false alarms, and other offenses."""

JD should know this is called LIBEL:



A nonsense suit. Once again, an effort to subvert the 1st Amendment (free speech).
Nah.... This is straight up robbery and it is exactly what it looks like.... Stealing from the federal government. It Certainly explains much however
and also explains why such a dense population of expatriates were all dumped in one place. Surely there were other grifters that would have been willing to get in on the game.
No, this is totally legal due process.

So you sound nuts.

Which I think is part of your intent.

Like the kids trying to get views on tik tok
False, what they have filed are called charges.

And this is not a good excuse not to read them.

You should read them.
No. It is the filing of a complaint. No “charges” are filed until and unless the judge either orders an arrest (which is too ridiculous to even contemplate) OR has the prosecutor “instigate” the complaint.

You should read with comprehension.

I wonder, in fact, if those Haitians are even “citizens” as that term is used in the statute. Can a citizen file a complaint on behalf of non citizens under that statute? Hm.
No, this is totally legal due process.

So you sound nuts.

Which I think is part of your intent.

Like the kids trying to get views on tik tok

Oh I'm sure they filled out all the paperwork I'm just interested as to why the rents were boosted up to $3,00 and $4,000 and 5,000 per unit. Legal means nothing.... Plenty of dirty stuff is done with legal cover. This is dirty..... Could it be that age-old effect of government money fostering a greater need than actually exists?

Isn't this the same thing you bitched about with Trump and his Washington DC hotel housing government agencies?

Yes... I think it is.
No. It is the filing of a complaint. No “charges” are filed until and unless the judge either orders an arrest (which is too ridiculous to even contemplate) OR has the prosecutor “instigate” the complaint.

You should read with comprehension.

I wonder, in fact, if those Haitians are even “citizens” as that term is used in the statute. Can a citizen file a complaint on behalf of non citizens under that statute? Hm.
They are called citizen criminal charges.

But that's irrelevant to their content.

So we will go back to talking about that.

So, did you read them? Some of your questions will be answered, when you do.
These lies will not come into play.
What Makes you so certain that they are lies.

To date no one has asked any of the citizens of Springfield to show up on any national news shows probably because they don't want to hear what they have to say; But really that's a minute point compared to the main thrust of dumping 20,000 people on a town of 60,000 without their consent or their conference.

How will the town pay for the schooling? The increased medical needs and the civil burden? Oh I know!!.... by stealing from the taxpayers who have lived there all of their lives.
They are called citizen criminal charges.

But that's irrelevant to their content.

So we will go back to talking about that.

So, did you read them? Some of your questions will be answered, when you do.
Non citizen or illegals don’t have legal protection from what they have been coached to call defamation
It is in FACT being a pet eating pervert in the USA that is defaming
Non citizen or illegals don’t have legal protection from what they have been coached to call defamation
It is in FACT being a pet eating pervert in the USA that is defaming
The consumption of four-legged animals normally treated as pets here in the states is quite normal in Haiti.

This accusation has legs because it mirrors and resembles reality.

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