Good news! The Springfield Haitians are filing criminal charges against Trump and JD Vance!

Harm doesn't have to be violence. So, another error, on your part.

I didn’t say it did. So another lie by you.
Some harm resulting from the orange slob's lies is explicitly included in the charges.

Nonsense. Claims are made. Empty claims. There is a complete lack of any alleged nexus.
Some of those charges specifically address and describe the harm.
Nope. Mere empty claims. No actual nexus is properly alleged.
These are facts.
No. Yiur claims and hers are not facts.

And your prediction?


Don’t fret. We all know you’ll slink away.
Harm doesn't have to be violence. So, another error, on your part.

Some harm resulting from the orange slob's lies is explicitly included in the charges. Some of those charges specifically address and describe the harm.

These are facts.
When does Trump get his chance to file charges on those who have harmed him, hell even caused him to be almost killed twice ?
The list is long of his enemies who spoke of his demise openly.
When does Trump get his chance to file charges on those who have harmed him, hell even caused him to be almost killed twice ?
Anytime he likes.

If Florida has a citizen criminal charge statute.

If not, he has to trot his claims down to the local prosecutor's office.
You are honestly under the impression that “illegals” are allowed to freely enter without any processing whatsoever.

No wonder you see it as a huge problem and are biddable.

The actual problem lies, as with most things, in your lack of understanding of how things work.

You are honestly under the impression that “illegals” are allowed to freely enter without any processing whatsoever.

Plenty of them do, actually.

Now, what about that documentation?
We do need to reject all the fake claims much faster.

To fix the mess that Biden and Harris made much, much worse.
Nah, this problem always existed. Biden and Harris did not make more people come here, any more than Trump did, when he was setting records.

There was a bill to tighten this process up. Trump killed it.

Leave it to the orange idiot to turn a campaign strength into a weakness, with his self dealing.
The point is that your assbuddies Trump & J.D. lied thru their yaps about Haitans, who are here legally, laughin' boy.

Just continue to beclown yourself on behalf of those two meatheads.
Hey asswipe, they aren't legal citizens shit for brains. And Trump and Vance didn't lie. Videos and eyewitness reports dumbfuck. They have no standing and any lawyer filing this shit should face disbarment. Continue to be a brainless homo incel.
Hey asswipe, they aren't legal citizens shit for brains. And Trump and Vance didn't lie. Videos and eyewitness reports dumbfuck. They have no standing and any lawyer filing this shit should face disbarment. Continue to be a brainless homo incel.
I didn't say they were citizens you asswipe. But here's a clue, dumbass. Haitans here legally have the same rights such as due procees just like everyone else does, including being accused of crimes they didn't commit.

The only videos you have are the ones featuring Trump's overfed huge orange ass.

Grow a brain.
I didn't say they were citizens you asswipe. But here's a clue, dumbass. Haitans here legally have the same rights such as due procees just like everyone else does, including being accused of crimes they didn't commit.

The only videos you have are the ones featuring Trump's overfed huge orange ass.

Grow a brain.
Hey fuckwit, non-citizens can't file charges over anything retard. Period. This case will get tossed without anybody even looking at it. The videos disprove your verbal diarrhea. As do the citizens of the town. Stop stalking me and GFY.
Hey fuckwit, non-citizens can't file charges over anything retard. Period. This case will get tossed without anybody even looking at it. The videos disprove your verbal diarrhea. As do the citizens of the town. Stop stalking me and GFY.
Yes they can, dope.
You mean stop beclowning you. :cul2:
Indeed they can, and if they are honest, they will see what I quoted from the website is truth.
Which made my point and undermined your lie.

They will also see I never disputed the truth of it... A simple act you have now ignored to make another time wasting troll post.

I have thanked you for making the post more than once.

Again, thank you.
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No, stop being a homo stalking little lying bitch. You wouldn't know truth or facts if they came up and punched you in the mouth. This suit is going nowhere. Trump wins and you meltdown.
The suit will proceed, Beclowned One.

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