Good news! The Springfield Haitians are filing criminal charges against Trump and JD Vance!


That bill sucked, it did nothing to fix the border issue

it was a start & the border patrol union said so & endorsed it as such.

nor did it do anything to properly fix the asylum process

putting scores of newly hired adjudication officers right there AT THE BORDER, along with additional judges would have made a very big impact right at the start.

and send these people packing back from whence they came.

you sound more & more ignorant with each time we cross paths on this here message board.
it was a start & the border patrol union said so & endorsed it as such.

putting scores of newly hired adjudication officers right there AT THE BORDER, along with additional judges would have made a very big impact right at the start.

you sound more & more ignorant with each time we cross paths on this here message board.

No, it was a cop out.

Who would follow the Executives will, and would have said "Yep, Asylum seeker" and let them continue on their merry way.

That's just your SJW matra addled head not being able to handle reality.
Imagine how outraged Americans will become when we find out how these hatians got here, how much free stuff they get, and how the are obliterating the local resources, not too mention all of the auto accidents they cause w/o insurance.
Trying to prosecute Trump and Vance for speech is just as unconstitutional,

no it is not. they have every right to spew their lies, what they don't have a right to is the CONSEQUENCES of their spew. if that speech incites violence, or defames - guess what?
then it becomes illegal & libelous.

and worse some people are actually doing it as opposed to someone just writing their opinion on a message board.

no it is not. they have every right to spew their lies, what they don't have a right to is the CONSEQUENCES of their spew. if that speech incites violence, or defames - guess what?
then it becomes illegal & libelous.

View attachment 1017851

Libel and slander are for when a specific person is attacked with outright lies and falsehoods.

Inciting is a specific form of speech, actually saying GO DO SOMETHING ILLEGAL.

None of those apply to this situation.
This is great news! You would think Trump would have learned by now that you can get sued for defamation and even worse if it ends up with threats of violence. JD should know better since the Shill-Billy has a JD from Yale.

""""Under an Ohio statute that allows private citizens to file criminal charges, a Haitian organization filed criminal charges against and seeks the arrests of Donald Trump and JD Vance for disrupting public services, making false alarms, and other offenses."""

JD should know this is called LIBEL:


Key word:

Wrong. Americans lied on them and created a situation where they fear for their lives. Some of these Haitians own businesses in Springfield so they aren't really needing much from Trump and Vance but justice.
Lol, when Trump takes over in January. You will be crying about the Haitians because it will make Trump look bad. Just like you loons didn't care about kids in cages until Trump took over. So predictable.
They came here illegally, any shenanigans to give them some quasi legal status is just that.

take it up with the(R) congress critters who have been squashing any reform for decades, & with donny's latest wand waving - it ain't gonna get better any time soon. but what it boils down to RIGHT NOW - is the laws that are on the books, which = they are here legally, & can work freely in the public eye. that is if some MAGATs don't throttle them.

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