Good news! The Springfield Haitians are filing criminal charges against Trump and JD Vance!

If that’s the case both Screaming *Joe and Nice Lawn Kummie should be charged with inciting violence.

This is great news! You would think Trump would have learned by now that you can get sued for defamation and even worse if it ends up with threats of violence. JD should know better since the Shill-Billy has a JD from Yale.

""""Under an Ohio statute that allows private citizens to file criminal charges, a Haitian organization filed criminal charges against and seeks the arrests of Donald Trump and JD Vance for disrupting public services, making false alarms, and other offenses."""

JD should know this is called LIBEL:


Undoubtedly they were approached by lawyers who will get most of the settlement. But that’s the American way.

Keep in mind, at least 50% of all Haitians practice Voodoo. Elements of voodoo involve animal sacrifice.
So if there were citizen complaints about their pets going missing or whatever, there. Could be something to it.

Personally, as far as the damages of over flooding communities with too many immigrants who have trouble assimilating, a few missing pets was hardly the thing to focus on. It just gives fuel to the left to cry racism and deflect from the real ills of illegal immigration

(( to be more clear .. there are elements of voodoo in Haitian religion , mixed with Catholicism or other. It may not be pure voodoo, but it lies between 50 and 95% of the population in Haiti)
take it up with the(R) congress critters who have been squashing any reform for decades, & with donny's latest wand waving - it ain't gonna get better any time soon. but what it boils down to RIGHT NOW - is the laws that are on the books, which = they are here legally, & can work freely in the public eye. that is if some MAGATs don't throttle them.


You mean amnesty.
If they get "paid", they will go back to Haiti and live in mansions. In that town, the most important thing is safety. And whether it is real or implied still has results. A lot of Progressive voters in blue cities left neighborhoods when African Americans first move into them. The same thing happened to degree with Hispanics. You have to believe in what you promote. In America for many people, it's like they live in a TV show shouting their views on brotherhood and sisterhood between all of the races, cultures, religions, genders and anything else. And then it comes to prove it. Well, Progressives are going to build up to 4 million low-income houses in the next 4 years. All of them in the suburbs. We will see if the Progressives living in those areas will try to stop it or leave again.
This speaks volumes about the Democrats who celebrate foreigners going after a former U.S. President. These Dems are traitors of the first order, conspiring with foreign illegals.
These SHITBAG Democrats need to get the Hell out of our country! I hope Karma sucks the life out of every hateful Democrat. They are worthless and America is tired of dealing with this RETARDS like Biden and Kamala.
This is great news! You would think Trump would have learned by now that you can get sued for defamation and even worse if it ends up with threats of violence. JD should know better since the Shill-Billy has a JD from Yale.

""""Under an Ohio statute that allows private citizens to file criminal charges, a Haitian organization filed criminal charges against and seeks the arrests of Donald Trump and JD Vance for disrupting public services, making false alarms, and other offenses."""

JD should know this is called LIBEL:


Why is that good news?

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