GOP Bigotry and DEM cowardist

At best, the Democrats have been cowards. With the exception of Jerrold Nadler, the great (and normally voluble) liberals in the New York congressional delegation have kept their mouths shut. Harry Reid has actually come out against the mosque. We’re supposed to believe, we savvy, pragmatic liberals, that the Democrats fleeing the anti-Muslim stampede are mere opportunists, not actual bigots. I guess we’ll have to take their word for it. A few years back, you’ll remember, Democrats rushed to demagogue a company from Dubai that bought the rights to manage some American seaports. Evidently that was just opportunism too. In the end, it doesn’t much matter what it’s in your heart if you lack the backbone to express it. That was the rap against Democrats in the Clinton and Bush eras and evidently, the more things change, the more they stay the same.

This is a brilliant analysis. Thankies.
You dumb asses need to grow a brain.

Islam teaches that murder is acceptable. It teaches that only Islam is the acceptable religion. All others must be destroyed by any means possible. All people must be converted or killed.

Islam teaches that only Islamic Clerics are allowed to run the Government.

Now last I checked a religion is not allowed under the 1st Amendment if it advocates murder, advocates the over throw of the US Government and advocates the destruction of all other religions.

Political correctness needs to end. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It is dangerous and under our laws illegal.

Ohh and ALL Muslims believe in what I have told you Islam teaches. Some are willing to wait for birth rates to over run the world, but most are not. Almost all of them do as they are told by their clerics. Including things like STONING young couples to death for marrying with out the permission of their family. Or murdering their children because they dress in a manner not acceptable to the edicts of the insane.

As for bigotry, I notice most liberals that whine about bigotry to a murderous dangerous religion have no problem attacking Christian religions.
Dems are a bunch of pussies

They need to stand up for the Constitution and the Constitution says they have a right to worship without interference. The hell with the need to stand up for what is right and ignore those who are obviously discriminating against an organized religion
The mosque/community center is being put there for two reasons, anything else is purely tangential.

1. To create a propaganda film showing the new mosque at ground zero, the site of a glorious victory for the forces of Allah and his martyrs. (This will surely garner money and .... tourists!)

2. To create a visitor's center for Muslim tourists so they can visit the site of the glorious victory.

Now is not the time to treat this subject with cold, dispassionate objectivity. There are forces in this world that want the destruction of the United States. One of them uses the Muslim religion as a cloak to shade it's movements and intent. The "peace-loving" adherents to this religion have done a damned poor job of purging their religion of the violent ones. That should tell you something.

It is time to put the self-preservation of the United States above all other considerations with regard to efforts like this one. The 1st Amendment, like the rest of the Constitution, is not a suicide pact.
Reid already did. Now what do you have to say?

And I stand up to disagree with him. And you.

...and you still can, until Sharia law and the Muslims takeover. Ever notice how Islam takes over governments? Check out Canada.

and check out Great Britain and the Scandinavian countries. Germany is waging an internal war at this point too and France has been struggling with this for more than 25 years thanks to its ties with Algeria.

Make no mistake, this is an existential battle. Those who take it lightly are fools who don't understand what is at stake and what they see before their very eyes.
You dumb asses need to grow a brain.

Islam teaches that murder is acceptable. It teaches that only Islam is the acceptable religion. All others must be destroyed by any means possible. All people must be converted or killed.

Islam teaches that only Islamic Clerics are allowed to run the Government.

Now last I checked a religion is not allowed under the 1st Amendment if it advocates murder, advocates the over throw of the US Government and advocates the destruction of all other religions.

Political correctness needs to end. Islam is NOT a religion of peace. It is dangerous and under our laws illegal.

Ohh and ALL Muslims believe in what I have told you Islam teaches. Some are willing to wait for birth rates to over run the world, but most are not. Almost all of them do as they are told by their clerics. Including things like STONING young couples to death for marrying with out the permission of their family. Or murdering their children because they dress in a manner not acceptable to the edicts of the insane.

As for bigotry, I notice most liberals that whine about bigotry to a murderous dangerous religion have no problem attacking Christian religions.

Really? When was the last time you read the Koran? There are factions in Islam that advocated what you are saying, but I wouldl ike to see this is the Koran.
You dumb asses need to grow a brain.

Better "check"-yourself. You're under the assumption Dems have the same physiology as Republicans.

We've Evolved. Our brains are in our heads.


Islam teaches that murder is acceptable. It teaches that only Islam is the acceptable religion. All others must be destroyed by any means possible. All people must be converted or killed.
Soooooooooo.....the differences, between Islam & Christianity, are WHAT????!!!


Kill those who are not Christian or Jewish:

You must kill those who worship another god. Exodus 22:20

Kill any friends or family that worship a god that is different than your own. Deuteronomy 13:6-10

Kill all the inhabitants of any city where you find people that worship differently than you. Deuteronomy 13:12-16

Kill everyone who has religious views that are different than your own. Deuteronomy 17:2-7

Kill anyone who refuses to listen to a priest. Deuteronomy 17:12-13

Kill any false prophets. Deuteronomy 18:20

Any city that doesn’t receive the followers of Jesus will be destroyed in a manner even more savage than that of Sodom and Gomorrah. Mark 6:11

Jude reminds us that God destroys those who don’t believe in him. Jude 5
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You dumb asses need to grow a brain.

Better "check"-yourself. You're under the assumption Dems have the same physiology as Republicans.

We've Evolved. Our brains are still in our heads.


Islam teaches that murder is acceptable. It teaches that only Islam is the acceptable religion. All others must be destroyed by any means possible. All people must be converted or killed.
Soooooooooo.....the differences, between Islam & Christianity, are WHAT????!!!


unfortunately, your head is still up your ass.
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The mosque/community center is being put there for two reasons, anything else is purely tangential.

1. To create a propaganda film showing the new mosque at ground zero, the site of a glorious victory for the forces of Allah and his martyrs. (This will surely garner money and .... tourists!)

2. To create a visitor's center for Muslim tourists so they can visit the site of the glorious victory.

Now is not the time to treat this subject with cold, dispassionate objectivity. There are forces in this world that want the destruction of the United States. One of them uses the Muslim religion as a cloak to shade it's movements and intent. The "peace-loving" adherents to this religion have done a damned poor job of purging their religion of the violent ones. That should tell you something.

It is time to put the self-preservation of the United States above all other considerations with regard to efforts like this one. The 1st Amendment, like the rest of the Constitution, is not a suicide pact.

Wow....just wow. Are you a birther, too? A truther, as well?
Democrats, no balls and no brains. That's a fairly accurate description.
Yet, we're the ones who ALWAYS have to clean-up, after the Bush Family. (...AND, their Texas-bud, Phil Gramm, this time.)

[ame=]YouTube - American Casino[/ame]​

Only an idiot like yourself would believe that.
Yeah....the Facts can be a real kick-in-the-ass, for you folks.

Maybe you'll (EVENTUALLY) start paying-attention, a little sooner......even after Politics is a mere-fad (for the 'Baggers), and they go back to NASCAR; full-time.


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