GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones

GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones | TPMDC

House Republican freshmen admit that their so-called "MediScare" attacks on Democrats helped them win a big majority in 2010. Democrats had voted for the health care law, which included $500 billion in "cuts" to Medicare -- primarily slashing overpayments to private insurers -- and Republican challengers never let them forget it.

Now, they say, it's time to let bygones be bygones.

Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen held a press conference outside the Capitol Tuesday morning to "wipe the slate clean," and "hit the reset button."

"Yeah, I mean there's been -- again, this is a both-sides issue," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) when asked if GOP candidates and the NRCC had engaged in 'MediScare' tactics last year. "To say that one side is blameless in trying to use issues to win votes is just dishonest."

On Tuesday, Kinzinger and 41 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, asking him to rein in Democratic attacks on GOP members who voted for the House budget, which includes a plan to privatize Medicare and cap spending on the program.

To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election -- all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.

And so the tables have turned. Thoughts, USMB?

Sounds lie someone is trying to avoid personal responsibility.
Dont let Dems do to Medicare what they did to the US housing market!

Oh this is a fun game. We get to reinvent history?

Let me try......

Don't let Repubs do to our middle class what they did to the Jews in WW2.

Don't let the Democrats do to the country what my infant son did to his diaper this morning.

Your son saved his diaper from the brink of complete disaster? Cool!

Dont let Repubs do to the country what Rabbi has done to the image of Jewish people.

Your turn.
Oh this is a fun game. We get to reinvent history?

Let me try......

Don't let Repubs do to our middle class what they did to the Jews in WW2.

Don't let the Democrats do to the country what my infant son did to his diaper this morning.

Your son saved his diaper from the brink of complete disaster? Cool!

Dont let Repubs do to the country what Rabbi has done to the image of Jewish people.

Your turn.

No, he shit all over it. Just what the Dems have been doing to this country for 4 years.
Sounds lie someone is trying to avoid personal responsibility.

Except that they're going to eventually find out that they were sent to DC to do exactly what they're now trying to distance themselves from. If nothing else their political careers are dead if they go through with this.
GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones | TPMDC

House Republican freshmen admit that their so-called "MediScare" attacks on Democrats helped them win a big majority in 2010. Democrats had voted for the health care law, which included $500 billion in "cuts" to Medicare -- primarily slashing overpayments to private insurers -- and Republican challengers never let them forget it.

Now, they say, it's time to let bygones be bygones.

To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election -- all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.

And so the tables have turned. Thoughts, USMB?

Sounds lie someone is trying to avoid personal responsibility.

Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

The Democrats didn't trick the Republicans into adopting "Medicare is not an option" as their mantra, nor did they invent that handy slogan--the Republicans themselves slapped a bow on it and offered it themselves. In fact, I think you're the one that brought my attention to that phrase. Thank you! It sums up their position very succinctly.

I do like that you apparently simultaneously believe that the Democrats are cutting Medicare spending more than Ryan would, yet they oppose cutting spending or cutting government programs. Sounds like a win-win--they're not only more fiscally responsible than Ryan which should play on the right, but they're also defenders of those programs the left looks on so fondly. That's some impressive threading of the needle. Or do you just do a sort of stream-of-conscious thing and write whatever bullshit pops into your head as it pops in, self-consistency be damned?

I should add that I don't think anyone's going to let bygones be bygones next time around. Voting to dismantle Medicare on the House floor is a BFD, as Biden would say.
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GOP Freshmen On Medicare Attacks: Let's Let Bygones Be Bygones | TPMDC

House Republican freshmen admit that their so-called "MediScare" attacks on Democrats helped them win a big majority in 2010. Democrats had voted for the health care law, which included $500 billion in "cuts" to Medicare -- primarily slashing overpayments to private insurers -- and Republican challengers never let them forget it.

Now, they say, it's time to let bygones be bygones.

Nearly a dozen House Republican freshmen held a press conference outside the Capitol Tuesday morning to "wipe the slate clean," and "hit the reset button."

"Yeah, I mean there's been -- again, this is a both-sides issue," said Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) when asked if GOP candidates and the NRCC had engaged in 'MediScare' tactics last year. "To say that one side is blameless in trying to use issues to win votes is just dishonest."

On Tuesday, Kinzinger and 41 of his colleagues sent a letter to President Obama, asking him to rein in Democratic attacks on GOP members who voted for the House budget, which includes a plan to privatize Medicare and cap spending on the program.

To preempt the press conference, the DCCC responded to the letter with a long list of NRCC and candidate attack ads and statements from the 2010 election -- all of them targeting Democrats for cutting Medicare, all on behalf of GOP candidates who are now hoping for a truce on Medicare attacks.

And so the tables have turned. Thoughts, USMB?

What a bunch of pussies..

If given the chance they would kill Medicare in a minute
Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

The Democrats didn't trick the Republicans into adopting "Medicare is not an option" as their mantra, nor did they invent that handy slogan--the Republicans themselves slapped a bow on it and offered it themselves. In fact, I think you're the one that brought my attention to that phrase. Thank you! It sums up their position very succinctly.

I do like that you apparently simultaneously believe that the Democrats are cutting Medicare spending more than Ryan would, yet they oppose cutting spending or cutting government programs. Sounds like a win-win--they're not only more fiscally responsible than Ryan which should play on the right, but they're also defenders of those programs the left looks on so fondly. That's some impressive threading of the needle. Or do you just do a sort of stream-of-conscious thing and write whatever bullshit pops into your head as it pops in, self-consistency be damned?

I should add that I don't think anyone's going to let bygones be bygones next time around. Voting to dismantle Medicare on the House floor is a BFD, as Biden would say.

Which entitlements have Democrats vowed to cut? Oh right. None of them.
What did Obamacare do to Medicare? Right, cut its funding radically.

It seems that your posts cannot stand first contact with Truth.
Which entitlements have Democrats vowed to cut? Oh right. None of them.
What did Obamacare do to Medicare? Right, cut its funding radically.


I've seen cognitive dissonance before but this is just silly. It's like a Möbius strip of idiocy.
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Which entitlements have Democrats vowed to cut? Oh right. None of them.
What did Obamacare do to Medicare? Right, cut its funding radically.


I've seen cognitive dissonance before but this is just silly. It's like a Möbius strip of idiocy.

Translation: My posts cannot survive first contact with reality.

Please: Name one entitlement the Dems have vowed to eliminate.
ALso, for the bonus money, which programs did Obama's cabinet cut to meet his demand they save $100M?
Then Beaner gets up there and threatend to put the country into default. What a bunch of hypocrits!
Which entitlements have Democrats vowed to cut? Oh right. None of them.
What did Obamacare do to Medicare? Right, cut its funding radically.


I've seen cognitive dissonance before but this is just silly. It's like a Möbius strip of idiocy.

Translation: My posts cannot survive first contact with reality.

Please: Name one entitlement the Dems have vowed to eliminate.

I take it you went from "cut" to "eliminate" because you recognized the utter idiocy of following up a sentence about how the Democrats will never cut entitlements with a jab about how they're cutting Medicare spending.

With your new framing, you've got me--only the Republicans have vowed to eliminate Medicare. And I hope you'll join me in ensuring that no one forgets that bold proposal.
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Gee, Dems demagogue the Medicare issue and it's OK. The GOP does it and they need to be hammered. One sided much?

The Dums are the biggest fucking liars and hypocrites on the face of the planet. They attack the Ryan proposal even while their own program calls for even bigger cuts in Medicare. They oppose cutting spending. They oppose cutting gov't programs. They think they can just blame the GOP and it will all go away.

The Democrats didn't trick the Republicans into adopting "Medicare is not an option" as their mantra, nor did they invent that handy slogan--the Republicans themselves slapped a bow on it and offered it themselves. In fact, I think you're the one that brought my attention to that phrase. Thank you! It sums up their position very succinctly.

I do like that you apparently simultaneously believe that the Democrats are cutting Medicare spending more than Ryan would, yet they oppose cutting spending or cutting government programs. Sounds like a win-win--they're not only more fiscally responsible than Ryan which should play on the right, but they're also defenders of those programs the left looks on so fondly. That's some impressive threading of the needle. Or do you just do a sort of stream-of-conscious thing and write whatever bullshit pops into your head as it pops in, self-consistency be damned?

I should add that I don't think anyone's going to let bygones be bygones next time around. Voting to dismantle Medicare on the House floor is a BFD, as Biden would say.

who's voting to "dismantle medicare"..?

I've seen cognitive dissonance before but this is just silly. It's like a Möbius strip of idiocy.

Translation: My posts cannot survive first contact with reality.

Please: Name one entitlement the Dems have vowed to eliminate.

I take it you went from "cut" to "eliminate" because you recognized the utter idiocy of following up a sentence about how the Democrats will never cut entitlements with a jab about how they're cutting Medicare spending.

With your new framing, you've got me--only the Republicans have vowed to eliminate Medicare. And I hope you'll join me in ensuring that no one forgets that bold proposal.

so your defense of the dems not proposing one genuine cut is they cut Medicare?
When did the Republicans become such PU$$IES!!!??!?!?

When did democrats become knee-jerk emotional?? oh yeah in or around when the SDS and Weather Underground invented "progressive democracy."


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