GOP governor begs wrong group of Satanists to cancel Oklahoma City ‘black mass’

Freedom of Religion!!!
I know that already that it's under the First Amendment but I'm just wondering, as undoubtedly many others are, whether this may be challenged farther as sometimes happens when a person or group is not totally satisfied with what is going on. And you know there have been cases where the courts appear to override the First Amendment in their rulings.
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We already allow satanic religions with ritualistic killings to go on with the Santerias.
We already allow satanic religions with ritualistic killings to go on with the Santerias.
By 'allow' do you mean the law actually allows killings or what? I have heard that animals are used in sacrifices but even at that, animals are protected in this country so I don't see how it can be allowed at all, least of all humans, religion or not, First Amendment or not.
I for one like the idea of these idiots openly expressing their hatred for themselves. Better then all those doing this crap in the "dark". The FBI should identify these people and have the nsa watch them all the harder as terrorist threats to the safety of us all. I mean the devil is supposed to be against all us good guys right? lol. less we do his bidding. or so I hear.
I for one like the idea of these idiots openly expressing their hatred for themselves. Better then all those doing this crap in the "dark". The FBI should identify these people and have the nsa watch them all the harder as terrorist threats to the safety of us all. I mean the devil is supposed to be against all us good guys right? lol. less we do his bidding. or so I hear.

I for one like the idea of these idiots openly expressing their hatred for themselves. Better then all those doing this crap in the "dark". The FBI should identify these people and have the nsa watch them all the harder as terrorist threats to the safety of us all. I mean the devil is supposed to be against all us good guys right? lol. less we do his bidding. or so I hear.
Um, you may have a point there. The devil certainly is not for any of us that's for sure!
you are an ugly human being and troll

that's all

You forgot "and a dumbass who thinks he's a better writer and instigator of broad dialogue than he truly is and whose 'light bearer warrior' hints of lucifer".

He's really just a one-trick pony political hack who couldn't think his way out of a round room with a square door, and who damned sure couldn't illustrate it in descriptive writing.

Pay him no attention, Steph. It's the only thing that keeps him here.
Freedom of Religion!!!
I know that already that it's under the First Amendment but I'm just wondering, as undoubtedly many others are, whether this may be challenged farther as sometimes happens when a person or group is not totally satisfied with what is going on. And you know there have been cases where the courts appear to override the First Amendment in their rulings.

Two words: Skokie, Illinois.

The satanic mass must be allowed.
you are an ugly human being and troll

that's all

You forgot "and a dumbass who thinks he's a better writer and instigator of broad dialogue than he truly is and whose 'light bearer warrior' hints of lucifer".

He's really just a one-trick pony political hack who couldn't think his way out of a round room with a square door, and who damned sure couldn't illustrate it in descriptive writing.

Pay him no attention, Steph. It's the only thing that keeps him here.
When you talk like that it immediately lets me know I must be doing something right and that's a huge plus for me! :D Besides "Light bearer warrior" is speaking to God's Heavenly light, something you apparently are so far removed from that you cannot even recognize it.
Freedom of Religion!!!
I know that already that it's under the First Amendment but I'm just wondering, as undoubtedly many others are, whether this may be challenged farther as sometimes happens when a person or group is not totally satisfied with what is going on. And you know there have been cases where the courts appear to override the First Amendment in their rulings.

Two words: Skokie, Illinois.

The satanic mass must be allowed.
Thanks for the information but despite what may be a precedent, that will obviously not stop others from perhaps going on to sue freshly to try to stop this. Do you know if the Skokie case was a SCOTUS ruling or just that of a lower court? Regardless, the case you presented has to do with Nazis not Satanists. So, it will be interesting to see what transpires here.
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you are an ugly human being and troll

that's all

You forgot "and a dumbass who thinks he's a better writer and instigator of broad dialogue than he truly is and whose 'light bearer warrior' hints of lucifer".

He's really just a one-trick pony political hack who couldn't think his way out of a round room with a square door, and who damned sure couldn't illustrate it in descriptive writing.

Pay him no attention, Steph. It's the only thing that keeps him here.
When you talk like that it immediately lets me know I must be doing something right and that's a huge plus for me! :D Besides "Light bearer warrior" is speaking to God's Heavenly light, something you apparently are so far removed from that you cannot even recognize it.

Damn, you are just sooooooo frick'n stupid, man.

No, everything I said about you is EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT: You are a one-trick-pony troll who can't write his way out of a paper bag with holes in it the size of the state of Alaska.

You troll this and the current events board with issues typical of a political hack, just to get a reaction out of people who you know will disagree with you.

We have more than enough clowns like you on American (so-called) news channels.

You're nothing special. I mean exactly that when I say that.

You really should stop thinking that you alone know what God thinks, because you don't.

And you damned sure don't understand the Scriptures, son.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
You forgot "and a dumbass who thinks he's a better writer and instigator of broad dialogue than he truly is and whose 'light bearer warrior' hints of lucifer".

He's really just a one-trick pony political hack who couldn't think his way out of a round room with a square door, and who damned sure couldn't illustrate it in descriptive writing.

Pay him no attention, Steph. It's the only thing that keeps him here.
When you talk like that it immediately lets me know I must be doing something right and that's a huge plus for me! :D Besides "Light bearer warrior" is speaking to God's Heavenly light, something you apparently are so far removed from that you cannot even recognize it.

Damn, you are just sooooooo frick'n stupid, man.

No, everything I said about you is EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT: You are a one-trick-pony troll who can't write his way out of a paper bag with holes in it the size of the state of Alaska.

You troll this and the current events board with issues typical of a political hack, just to get a reaction out of people who you know will disagree with you.

We have more than enough clowns like you on American (so-called) news channels.

You're nothing special. I mean exactly that when I say that.

You really should stop thinking that you alone know what God thinks, because you don't.

And you damned sure don't understand the Scriptures, son.

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
2 Corinthians 11:14 And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light.
So, with the Scripture you used you want to now make yourself appear as an angel of light, I see. Take the good advise of that Scripture, child, you're as far from that as could be. And again, I speak the truth that goes way above your head and I can draw circles around you many times over. And your only defense after the fact is to go on a diatribe and spew forth your vomit. Yeah, we sure get it where you're coming from. You spell it out quite nicely for us.

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