GOP Insiders Brace For Violence At Republican Convention - Mayhem

Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

The GOP have the right to peacefully assembke, which yhey will do, but that peace will be violated by agotators and haters.
Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

The GOP have the right to peacefully assembke, which yhey will do, but that peace will be violated by agotators and haters.
Liberals are unquestionably the most intolerant bunch in world history. Far less tolerant than even muslims.
Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

If it's that bad...have the GOP create a new rule where delegates can remote vote using public notaries... backfire that scare tactic right back in the liberals' faces. I know how bad they want no free delegate vote to happen at the convention. But there's always a way around the "Hillary victory by insuring a Trump nomination" plan.. If the GOP Convention Looks Too Dangerous, Have Delegates Vote Remotely..
Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

If it's that bad...have the GOP create a new rule where delegates can remote vote using public notaries... backfire that scare tactic right back in the liberals' faces. I know how bad they want no free delegate vote to happen at the convention. But there's always a way around the "Hillary victory by insuring a Trump nomination" plan.. If the GOP Convention Looks Too Dangerous, Have Delegates Vote Remotely..
'Remote Vote'

'Freedom to assemble' means the right to peacably gather together without the threat of bullying, intimidation, and violence. No one should be denied that right and be forced to tele-commute.

BLM, NBP, and other groups flocking to Cleveland are not doing so to try to convince anyone of anything. They are going there to shout people down, silence the GOP message, try to force their own message upon a group gathering together to discuss their own ideas. They are flocking to Cleveland to start trouble, to ONCE AGAIN attack, chase down, and beat up those who do not agree with them.

THIS TIME the police had better not stand idly by and do nothing but watch Trump supporters / Conservatives be victimized.

I predict, this time, if control is not kept, someone / people will get seriously hurt or killed. The NBPs have already declared they will be carrying weapons. Others will carry out of fear and to defend themselves. The police are already on alert and are extremely jumpy after Dallas. Cleveland is potentially a powder keg needing only 1 spark to set it off.
Let's pray there's no violence. I'm gonna be optimistic and believe that all sides will be calm and control themselves. And Homeland Security is gonna pretty much have it on lock down. So i think it'll be ok. There will be some minor skirmishes, but that's about it.
'Remote Vote'...'Freedom to assemble' means the right to peacably gather together without the threat of bullying, intimidation, and violence. No one should be denied that right and be forced to tele-commute....

I predict, this time, if control is not kept, someone / people will get seriously hurt or killed. The NBPs have already declared they will be carrying weapons. Others will carry out of fear and to defend themselves. The police are already on alert and are extremely jumpy after Dallas. Cleveland is potentially a powder keg needing only 1 spark to set it off.

So you agree that it would be a good idea to remote spite of you resisting Liberal by any chance? Trump campaign worker?... mean just like Barack Obama did around the White House? o_O

‘Tougher, taller and stronger’ fence proposed for White House
I love how you confuse a wall with a fence.....
Bwahahahahahahha!!!! So a fence doesn't serve the exact same purpose as a wall in your mind? :lmao:
AND pretend that the idea of a "wall" only existed with this current President.
Um...Barack could take the fence down. Instead, he's increasing the size. Why? To keep people out! Is it frustrating when you realize the liberal masters you worship are playing you for the fools that all of you are?
How does a one mile fence equate to a 2500 mile wall?
How does it not? :cuckoo:

You need it explained to you?
Yes, lets all hope for a peaceful convention...

384ba4b9091f31ac5248f23e37173922.jpg mean just like Barack Obama did around the White House? o_O

‘Tougher, taller and stronger’ fence proposed for White House
I love how you confuse a wall with a fence.....
Bwahahahahahahha!!!! So a fence doesn't serve the exact same purpose as a wall in your mind? :lmao:
AND pretend that the idea of a "wall" only existed with this current President.
Um...Barack could take the fence down. Instead, he's increasing the size. Why? To keep people out! Is it frustrating when you realize the liberal masters you worship are playing you for the fools that all of you are?
How does a one mile fence equate to a 2500 mile wall?
How does it not? :cuckoo:

You need it explained to you?
Yes....and yet you're completely incapable of explaining it! Gee...I wonder why that is??? :lol:
Yes, lets all hope for a peaceful convention...

It's funny how the tinfoil hat liberals believe that if they wish something true, that makes it true. The Republican's (especially Tea Party conservatives) have just obliterated the libtards since the 2012 mid-terms (when Obama himself called it a "shellacking"). Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority (bye-bye Nancy Pelosi). Dumbocrats went from a majority in the Senate to a minority (bye-bye Harry Reid). Hard core liberals states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives like Scott Walker and Rick Snyder. And even radically liberal states like California voted down gay marriage (Prop 8).

You guys have had your asses handed to you in a huge way and yet you continue this insane false narrative that the Republican party is somehow falling on their own sword and dying. I can't imagine living in such denial. It's as bat-shit crazy as ISIS trying to convince themselves that they have overthrown the U.S. and implemented Sharia Law world wide.
At their convention, Republicans better not catch you exercising your first amendmment rights while they are exercising their second
Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

The GOP have the right to peacefully assembke, which yhey will do, but that peace will be violated by agotators and haters.

LMAO. Poor baby. I heard that the RNC is having HUUUGE boxes of tissues brought in to dry your poor conservative tears.

OH GOD those mean democrats. Give me a tissue.

The battle cry of the republican party while in Cleveland; give me a tissue please. Some democrat said something mean to me.
At their convention, Republicans better not catch you exercising your first amendmment rights while they are exercising their second
That's funny considering:

1) Every time a liberal shows up at a GOP recently GOP supporters have been bullied, battered, and bloodied by the Liberals


2) The lib-supporting NBPs declared they are coming to Cleveland carrying guns...
Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

The GOP have the right to peacefully assembke, which yhey will do, but that peace will be violated by agotators and haters.
Liberals are unquestionably the most intolerant bunch in world history. Far less tolerant than even muslims.
Golly gee...what to do about all those "intolerant bunch".......
Yes, lets all hope for a peaceful convention...

It's funny how the tinfoil hat liberals believe that if they wish something true, that makes it true. The Republican's (especially Tea Party conservatives) have just obliterated the libtards since the 2012 mid-terms (when Obama himself called it a "shellacking"). Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority (bye-bye Nancy Pelosi). Dumbocrats went from a majority in the Senate to a minority (bye-bye Harry Reid). Hard core liberals states like Wisconsin and Michigan were turned over to conservatives like Scott Walker and Rick Snyder. And even radically liberal states like California voted down gay marriage (Prop 8).

You guys have had your asses handed to you in a huge way and yet you continue this insane false narrative that the Republican party is somehow falling on their own sword and dying. I can't imagine living in such denial. It's as bat-shit crazy as ISIS trying to convince themselves that they have overthrown the U.S. and implemented Sharia Law world wide.
"The 2012 midterms"?????? :lol:
2) The lib-supporting NBPs declared they are coming to Cleveland carrying guns...

OMG Americans exercising their second amendment rights. Say it ain't so.
Why is it that suddenly a pro-2nd Amendment person has problems with fellow Americans exercising their 2nd Amendment right?
Yes, liberals will show who they are in all their full glory for God and everyone to see in Cleveland, consumed with such a hate for the GOP, for anyone who does not agree with them on the issues that they are willing to converge on a city in attempt to sikence, bully, and intimidate others....and bloody them like they have done so to Trump rallies in other cities.

The GOP have the right to peacefully assembke, which yhey will do, but that peace will be violated by agotators and haters.
Liberals are unquestionably the most intolerant bunch in world history. Far less tolerant than even muslims.
Golly gee...what to do about all those "intolerant bunch".......
You still dodging my question, Bo, or are you finally going to answer?
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