GOP is back to what it was before Reagan, Democrat's bitch


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.
OK. Cry, whine, snivel, and mewl about the fact that the majority of voting citizens don't like your vision of America for the 1%.

In the meantime, the rest of us will concentrate on electing people that represent the interests of the other 99% of the citizens of this nation.
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.
The GOP basically has two wings. The first is the old Eastern establishment wing. Those are the Rockefellers, Nixons, and Bushs of the party. They are all big government, big business people and very law and order.
The other wing is the Goldwater/Reagan wing from the West. They are basically small gov't, small business and civil libertarian.
The party has become enthralled to the Eastern Establishment types and the western types are largely ignored. We need to work on this. Very hard.
OK. Cry, whine, snivel, and mewl about the fact that the majority of voting citizens don't like your vision of America for the 1%.

In the meantime, the rest of us will concentrate on electing people that represent the interests of the other 99% of the citizens of this nation.

they dont repesent me and i am not in the 1%, I have to vote my pocket book and republicans save me money, Democrats want to take money from me everytime I turn around and costs jobs...
OK. Cry, whine, snivel, and mewl about the fact that the majority of voting citizens don't like your vision of America for the 1%.

In the meantime, the rest of us will concentrate on electing people that represent the interests of the other 99% of the citizens of this nation.

In 1984, Reagan, a Conservative won a real landslide victory. The US economy created more real jobs in a month under Reagan than in 5 years of Obama
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.

Part of that is the problem of the voters. We allow the media to destroy our best candidates. Like that bed wetter nodog, trying already to trash Rand Paul as a racist. They destroyed Herman Cain based on the story of some obscure women who didn't bother "coming out" until he was at the top of the polls, who BTW went right back into obscurity after he dropped out.

I noticed that as the first, second and even third "woman" came out his poll numbers didn't fall much. That each woman's story escalated in it's saliciousness indicates an intentional effort to derail his campaign. It wasn't until the last so called "republican" woman came out with her story and dragged that lunatic prog Gloria Allcommie into the fray that he finally folded. We should have been raining hell and demanding these people be investigated, instead we shifted support elsewhere.

Lets not do that again.

The bed wetters protect their deviant criminals at all costs. I'm not saying we should protect deviant criminals, but lets not allow decent people to be tarnished just because the bed wetters want to destroy them.
OK. Cry, whine, snivel, and mewl about the fact that the majority of voting citizens don't like your vision of America for the 1%.

In the meantime, the rest of us will concentrate on electing people that represent the interests of the other 99% of the citizens of this nation.

In 1984, Reagan, a Conservative won a real landslide victory. The US economy created more real jobs in a month under Reagan than in 5 years of Obama

Really dumb thing to say, since that can be instantly checked. More jobs create in the '70s and 90's than in the '80s.

File:U.S. Employment Changes - Total Non-Farm 1970 to Present.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.

Part of that is the problem of the voters. We allow the media to destroy our best candidates. Like that bed wetter nodog, trying already to trash Rand Paul as a racist. They destroyed Herman Cain based on the story of some obscure women who didn't bother "coming out" until he was at the top of the polls, who BTW went right back into obscurity after he dropped out.

I noticed that as the first, second and even third "woman" came out his poll numbers didn't fall much. That each woman's story escalated in it's saliciousness indicates an intentional effort to derail his campaign. It wasn't until the last so called "republican" woman came out with her story and dragged that lunatic prog Gloria Allcommie into the fray that he finally folded. We should have been raining hell and demanding these people be investigated, instead we shifted support elsewhere.

Lets not do that again.

The bed wetters protect their deviant criminals at all costs. I'm not saying we should protect deviant criminals, but lets not allow decent people to be tarnished just because the bed wetters want to destroy them.

Po' baby. So your idols have feet of clay.
With the likes of Boehner and McCain at the "helm" of the Party, the GOP is a pathetic pale copy of the liberal Democrat Party.

You can say whatever you like about the liberal Democrat Parody, but those fuckers DO stay on message. They work institutionally. They accept glacial speed advancements on their agenda when they must, but the key word (because they stay focused) is "advancement." When they can, they move harder and faster to the left, but whether it's fast movement or slow -- the movement is always leftward.

The Republican Party COULD, in theory, serve as a counter balance. They COULD stop the leftward movement and steer the Republic a bit BACK to the right. They COULD insist that we start accepting the LIMITS on what the government is allowed to do. But the truth is, they rarely even try. Those idiots appear to be content with slowing down the rate at which the government moves to the left.

It's akin to how they tackle the debt problem. If they can manage to slow down the RATE at which we go deeper into debt, they deem that a fair compromise. It isn't of course. We end up in the same fucking dangerous abyss, we just get down to the lower depths a bit later in the day.

And, that takes us back to the patience of the leftist Democrat Parody. They have no reason NOT to accept concessions from the GOP. At the end of the day, they have still advanced their tawdry agenda, to the detriment of the very foundation of our Constitutional Republic.
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.
The GOP basically has two wings. The first is the old Eastern establishment wing. Those are the Rockefellers, Nixons, and Bushs of the party. They are all big government, big business people and very law and order.
The other wing is the Goldwater/Reagan wing from the West. They are basically small gov't, small business and civil libertarian.
The party has become enthralled to the Eastern Establishment types and the western types are largely ignored. We need to work on this. Very hard.

The globalist element needs to be curtailed also.
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.
The GOP basically has two wings. The first is the old Eastern establishment wing. Those are the Rockefellers, Nixons, and Bushs of the party. They are all big government, big business people and very law and order.
The other wing is the Goldwater/Reagan wing from the West. They are basically small gov't, small business and civil libertarian.
The party has become enthralled to the Eastern Establishment types and the western types are largely ignored. We need to work on this. Very hard.

The globalist element needs to be curtailed also.

Remember that picture of Earthrise over the moon landscape? Well, we are even more just one planet than we were then.
OK. Cry, whine, snivel, and mewl about the fact that the majority of voting citizens don't like your vision of America for the 1%.

In the meantime, the rest of us will concentrate on electing people that represent the interests of the other 99% of the citizens of this nation.

In 1984, Reagan, a Conservative won a real landslide victory. The US economy created more real jobs in a month under Reagan than in 5 years of Obama

Really dumb thing to say, since that can be instantly checked. More jobs create in the '70s and 90's than in the '80s.

File:U.S. Employment Changes - Total Non-Farm 1970 to Present.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

TY for confirming that Reagan's record > Obama's
OK. Cry, whine, snivel, and mewl about the fact that the majority of voting citizens don't like your vision of America for the 1%.

In the meantime, the rest of us will concentrate on electing people that represent the interests of the other 99% of the citizens of this nation.

Why is it the so called 99% elect people that don't represent their interests then? Or do you honestly think it's in our best interests to abdicate responsibility to the government and give up freedom so politicians can get rich off our labor?
The GOP basically has two wings. The first is the old Eastern establishment wing. Those are the Rockefellers, Nixons, and Bushs of the party. They are all big government, big business people and very law and order.
The other wing is the Goldwater/Reagan wing from the West. They are basically small gov't, small business and civil libertarian.
The party has become enthralled to the Eastern Establishment types and the western types are largely ignored. We need to work on this. Very hard.

The globalist element needs to be curtailed also.

Remember that picture of Earthrise over the moon landscape? Well, we are even more just one planet than we were then.

Even with consideration of poetic license, that ^ was unintelligible gibberish.
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.
The GOP basically has two wings. The first is the old Eastern establishment wing. Those are the Rockefellers, Nixons, and Bushs of the party. They are all big government, big business people and very law and order.
The other wing is the Goldwater/Reagan wing from the West. They are basically small gov't, small business and civil libertarian.
The party has become enthralled to the Eastern Establishment types and the western types are largely ignored. We need to work on this. Very hard.

The Eastern Establishment are nasty fuckers too, they pretend to be civil but they're as ruthless as the Mafia and have a similar body count
For most of my adult life the GOP was the House Nigga Party. The Democrats would let them have a few Committee seats and some staff and pretend to take part in government.

Reagan, without any help from the media was able to show people that is was possible to campaign, win and govern as a Conservative. He started a revolution that lasted about a generation. Newt followed the Reagan principles and got the Republican Party back in control of Congress. I won't argue over how genuine and pure each was to true Conservatism, that's not the point.

Under Boenher, McCain and the rest, the GOP has moved backed to its original and rightful role, subservient to the Democrats. That's why they've lost the last 2 Presidential elections.

Unless we get another Reagan-like Leader, a national inspiring figure who will campaign, win and lead as a Conservative, the country is fucked and on a collision course with a future that will either be Greece, Socialist pussy citizens getting fucked by Government or Egypt, an awakened citizenry overthrowing their tyrants.
The GOP basically has two wings. The first is the old Eastern establishment wing. Those are the Rockefellers, Nixons, and Bushs of the party. They are all big government, big business people and very law and order.
The other wing is the Goldwater/Reagan wing from the West. They are basically small gov't, small business and civil libertarian.
The party has become enthralled to the Eastern Establishment types and the western types are largely ignored. We need to work on this. Very hard.

The Democratic Party believes any income you have above a subsistence level does not belong to you. To make it okay to take your money away from you by force, they convince themselves you acquired what you have by dishonest means.

The liberals also believe you should not be left to your own devices. They believe the government should make all your decisions for you. The idea you should have the power to decide whether or not to buy insurance when you can afford it is absolutely abhorrent to them. You might make the wrong choice. The idea you should have the power to decide how large a beverage you want to drink is downright ludicrous. You might make an unhealthy choice.

The modern day faux conservatives believe if you are poor or non-white, you are usually up to no good. They seek out stories of the poor, darkies, homos, immigrants, and Muslims behaving badly to confirm their bias. This board is endlessly spammed with that shit.

The modern day faux conservative is positively schizophrenic. They believe illegal immigrants are here for a free ride, but are also stealing our jobs.

The schizos believe waterboarding is not torture. Every bitch they make about Obama's alleged Constitutional violations in the War on Terra is nulled and voided by their belief that waterboarding is not torture.

These modern day Nazis defended Bush's domestic spying as okay but decry Obama's; they defended Bush's massive violations of the Bill of Rights but whine over Obama's attenuated activities; Bush's attacks on journalists were okay but Obama's aren't. When Bush was doubling the national debt it was okay, but when Obama does it he's Satan incarnate. When the courts strike down state gun control laws or parts of the Votings Rights Act, the faux conservatives applaud. When courts strike down state Voter ID laws or abortions laws, they scream about states rights. Depending on if it is an even or odd day, the Faux Right scares seniors by saying Obama is tearing down Medicare, or the GOP is saying Medicare needs to go away. They cheered the creation of a whole new cabinet department in the wake of 9/11, but now invent stories the DHS is coming for us.

When it comes to gay sex, the Left doesn't want government involved in our sex lives, and the Right does.

When it comes to birth control, the Left wants government involved in our sex lives, and the Right doesn't.

As the saying goes, "A pox on both your houses."
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