GOP Senator Jerry Moran Kansas Explains Why He Supports $1.7 Trillion Spending Package, decries the "method" bill was produced, still voted for it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
i wish Tom Cotton and AOC would debate this bill. we need to debate more in America, my friends!

All the Republicans had to do was stop the stupid bill with the Cloture procedure in the Senate and wait until the new Republican majority House came into session to have a reasonable bill without all that Democrat shit in it.

It may have taken a small extensions to do that.

However, that didn't happen. Why?

The reason is that there are not two parties. There is only one party. The Party of Big Government. There are two branches of that Party; the bat shit crazy Democrats and the more moderate Republican. At the end of the day both branches support bloated big spending debt ridden government.

Shame on those Quisling Republicans that went along with Democrat waste. Shame on the Democrats for being dipshits that raid the Treasury for their own greed.

Shame on Americans for electing Democrats and RINOs to government.
All the Republicans had to do was stop the stupid bill with the Cloture procedure in the Senate and wait until the new Republican majority House came into session to have a reasonable bill without all that Democrat shit in it.

It may have taken a small extensions to do that.

However, that didn't happen. Why?

The reason is that there are not two parties. There is only one party. The Party of Big Government. There are two branches of that Party; the bat shit crazy Democrats and the more moderate Republican. At the end of the day both branches support bloated big spending debt ridden government.

Shame on those Quisling Republicans that went along with Democrat waste. Shame on the Democrats for being dipshits that raid the Treasury for their own greed.

Shame on Americans for electing Democrats and RINOs to government.
18 Republicans sold out the country to get their juicy slice of pork to satisfy their constituents and insure their re-elections.
18 Republicans sold out the country to get their juicy slice of pork to satisfy their constituents and insure their re-elections.
I would not vote for any Republican that supported this bill, either Senator or House member. I don't give a shit what "pork" they brought to my area.
i wish Tom Cotton and AOC would debate this bill. we need to debate more in America, my friends!

It can be explained in very few words.

Spending of the sort Biden is intent on doing is all beneficial to the working class.

If the spending is exceeding sensible limits then the onus is on the very wealthy to bring iit back under control by making the needed sacrifices.

The American way of greedy capitalism is no longer applicable to a long suffering peasant class!
I would not vote for any Republican that supported this bill, either Senator or House member. I don't give a shit what "pork" they brought to my area.

Trump signed off on 7.8 trillion in new debt. Can I assume you wouldn't vote for him?
18 Republicans sold out the country to get their juicy slice of pork to satisfy their constituents and insure their re-elections.
Isn't that their job? Please their constituents?

Who do you think they should satisfy if not their constituents?
Wrong. It only benefits the parasite class.
There's some truth in the fact that America has created a parasite class. Those are the people who have just given up, due to not being able to simply survive the huge and growing income inequality.

That which can be referred to as the American way
There is only One Party, and that is The Fascist New World Order DemNazi Party.
Most of our Congressmen are Globalists now hovering somewhere between 50% sorta like our Senate.
The only difference is that you will find fewer Globalists in the GOP.
The Democrat Party is completely lost and The GOP is compromised as are our Election Systems.
One man One Vote is no longer a guarantee.
The Biden Regime governs by decree continually circumventing our legislature. Do we really have a Republic?
All have been undermined by The New World Order. There is a chance to slow it and halt it in it's tracks.
But that will only buy us time to get right with God before what they plan to unleash on us shows it's ugly face.
It is still worth sticking our finger in the dyke to hold the water back and save as many as we can, but eventually the flood of Evil will overcome us, and at that point all that will matter is if you are right with God.
I believe it does. If his constituents want X, he should pursue that. He also needs to make sure they pay for it.
Ah, gotcha. Sorry I missed your meaning.

Didn't they already pay for it via federal taxes?
No, they may have partially paid.
Well certainly the bureaucracy (I hate trying to spell that word) involved to make sure everyone paid the same would be staggering.

Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. That is life.
Well certainly the bureaucracy (I hate trying to spell that word) involved to make sure everyone paid the same would be staggering.

Sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. That is life.

And we end $31 trillion and growing in debt.
Isn't that their job? Please their constituents?

Who do you think they should satisfy if not their constituents?
It is responsibility of leadership to put NATIONAL PRIORITIES ahead of funding local projects that will keep their fat butts in office for another term. The 18 Republicans could have made a stand and said no allowing the bill to be debated next year. They sold out for their own personal ambitions of staying in office.

And if we had a responsible Congress, this bill would have been developed and debated incrementally over a period of months. What we got was a rubber stamp on 1.7 trillion dollars at the last minute.

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