GOP Steve King drops bigot bomb

Because looking North American does not have anything to do with racial profiling. why even make the comment in the first place as to the continental origin of those North Americans?

Because the conversation he was having was about concerns of racial profiling.

If he had said "they all look North American", you would be on here saying he was insensitive to their heritage.

And you and I both know it.

Nope...they all DO look North American. See, that's not hard at all. why even make the comment in the first place as to the continental origin of those North Americans?

Because the conversation he was having was about concerns of racial profiling.

If he had said "they all look North American", you would be on here saying he was insensitive to their heritage.

And you and I both know it.

Nope...they all DO look North American. See, that's not hard at all.

In other words, you had no comeback.

They all look North American does not address the conversation of racial profiling.

So your response simply puts us back to several posts ago.

I understand. Been in that position before......but I have learned to say "you have a good point there"..

And yes, I have. Many times on this board.
I now understand the left wing protest against voter id laws and such. They make up BS about it being about race, why? Because they have to create an issue to push their agenda against the right. The right has not been in power for 8 years. The right has not passed laws that directly hurt blacks. So the left has to invent things. They have to say blacks are too stupid and or too lazy to register properly so they need the protection of the democrat party. Which is just pure contrived BS. The democrat party once again is using the black man to further their agenda, really quite disgusting.

like you have a clue about liberals or the left wing ... we protest ID laws becasue they are design to make it harder for older minoritie to vote ... when the Voter Id laws are pass they also pass regulation on when you can vote ... they try to say you can no longer have early voting, when it is very clear minorities use early voting to vote ... then your party tries to stop voting on week ends this is also a big time minorities use... this is a time to vote esecially if they have gone to church that morning ....they then go to the polling place to vote and your republicans know this ... they have taken these ways to vote from them ...the voters Id isn't the main issue ... its republicans taking away polling place in ares that are know to have minorities who use that polling place ... republicans say well there isn't that many voters and what do we see??? half of a mile of voters standing in line to vote... where republicans feel they will get tired of standing in line to vote... so don't tell me what you think about the left wing and voting you have no Idea what the left wing represents...

learn to write like an adult.

Until then, I cant spend the time trying to figure out what the heck you are saying.

I know...I know....."so then don't read my posts"....

I wont.

Shows you what happens when a politician trips himself up trying for a politically correct phrase.

Yep, everyone is so petrified that they may "offend" someone and have to suffer the "consequences" for saying the "wrong" word that they're stammering every time they come within a mile of doing so.

The PC Police has done their job well, everyone's afraid to speak their mind.

America, 2014.

Rep. Steve King: Ferguson Protestors Are Of A Single 'Continental Origin' (VIDEO)

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said on Wednesday that he saw no reason to be concerned about the possibility of racial profiling in police clashes with protesters in Ferguson, Mo. because the protestors all appeared to be of a single "continental origin."

King appeared on Newsmax TV on Wednesday where host J.D. Hayworth asked him about the escalating conflict in Ferguson. When asked about the concerns raised by members of the Congressional Black Caucus about the possibility of racial profiling, King said those were unsubstantiated.

"This idea of no racial profiling," King said, "I've seen the video. It looks to me like you don't need to bother with that particular factor because they all appear to be of a single, you know, of a single origin, I should say, a continental origin might be the way to phrase that."

The ignorant piece of shit -- and he has a following called Tea Party.

I don't think I'm going out on a limb by saying that Steve was referring to the so-called "Dark" Continent.

Someone might care to point out to Steve that slave masters in the antebellum South were from "...a single you know, of a single origin, I should say, a continental origin..."

Would anyone care to name that continent? Maybe we should ask Steve if he knows.
Rep. Steve King: Ferguson Protestors Are Of A Single 'Continental Origin' (VIDEO)

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said on Wednesday that he saw no reason to be concerned about the possibility of racial profiling in police clashes with protesters in Ferguson, Mo. because the protestors all appeared to be of a single "continental origin."

King appeared on Newsmax TV on Wednesday where host J.D. Hayworth asked him about the escalating conflict in Ferguson. When asked about the concerns raised by members of the Congressional Black Caucus about the possibility of racial profiling, King said those were unsubstantiated.

"This idea of no racial profiling," King said, "I've seen the video. It looks to me like you don't need to bother with that particular factor because they all appear to be of a single, you know, of a single origin, I should say, a continental origin might be the way to phrase that."

The ignorant piece of shit -- and he has a following called Tea Party.

Well, half ignorant. We're all from that continent in point of fact. :) Full bigot though.
COntinental OrigiN.

The right's new code.

why don't you answer my question asshole?

Quote: Originally Posted by NYcarbineer
Quote: Originally Posted by protectionist

What is racist (or "bigoted" if you prefer) is the existence of a "Congressional Black Caucus". Members of Congress are supposed to represent AMERICANS, not Blacks.

Black Americans are Americans.

oooooh.., really ?

then why are they called AFRICAN-AMERICANS ?? huhhhh ?

in fact i caught you speechless, you have no way to answer because you are a fucking racist bigot liberfuck :up:

you are all the same, say some shit then you can not back up then hide, :lmao:


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