GOP Steve King drops bigot bomb

you say the stupidest shit ... we all know republicans are the scurdge of this country... wheather they are tea bagger republicans or if they are just plain jane republicans ... scurge fits them perfect:lol::lol::lol::lol::badgrin:

And yet in the next thread you will be laughing about how the Republicans can't win elections. WTF? The Democrats, left wing, has been in power for 8 years now when in the hell are they going to take one bit of responsibility for the mess THEY have created? No law passed by congress is going to stop the destruction that the left wing has brought to the country. Your not telling the truth isn't gonna help.

this is how uninform you are about dems being in control... the first 2 years of obama being in office for, eight days he had the super majority ... thats not being in control of the congress.. in 2010 the republicans won control of the house and the dems held the majority in the senate ... thats not being in control of the congress .... where do you republicans get this shit that we have had control of the contgress is beyond me... like I said about Mac he lies to justify his party loyality ... and here you make it up to try and justy why nothing is getting done ... amazing ...just fucking amazing ... the senate has passed laws to build highways and water works republicans passed repeal the ACA
dems passed in the senate money to take care of our border problems , republicans passed repeal the ACA law ... it doesn't matter what we dems have passed in the senate ... the hous e just keeps passing repeal the ACA law and you say the dems are incontrol I'm still laughing

OH yeah ... whats the fucks wrong with you don't seem to understand what incontrol means

blah blah blah more left wing pure BS. The democrats took congress and ignored GWB for 2 years then the Obama years and all we have seen is disaster. The TRUTH is that the democrats have controlled at least 2/3s of the government, if not all, since 2006. What is going on in America is ALL democrat. For crying out loud they got Obamacare shoved down our throat without one Republican vote. Yeah someone is ignorant and it ain't me.
Rep. Steve King: Ferguson Protestors Are Of A Single 'Continental Origin' (VIDEO)

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) said on Wednesday that he saw no reason to be concerned about the possibility of racial profiling in police clashes with protesters in Ferguson, Mo. because the protestors all appeared to be of a single "continental origin."

King appeared on Newsmax TV on Wednesday where host J.D. Hayworth asked him about the escalating conflict in Ferguson. When asked about the concerns raised by members of the Congressional Black Caucus about the possibility of racial profiling, King said those were unsubstantiated.

"This idea of no racial profiling," King said, "I've seen the video. It looks to me like you don't need to bother with that particular factor because they all appear to be of a single, you know, of a single origin, I should say, a continental origin might be the way to phrase that."

The ignorant piece of shit -- and he has a following called Tea Party.

What's funny is the bigotry demonstrated in this post yet you're too stupid to figure it out.
So, some members of the GOP are openly racist? At least they let the voters know...
COntinental OrigiN.

The right's new code.

why don't you answer my question asshole?

Quote: Originally Posted by NYcarbineer
Quote: Originally Posted by protectionist

What is racist (or "bigoted" if you prefer) is the existence of a "Congressional Black Caucus". Members of Congress are supposed to represent AMERICANS, not Blacks.

Black Americans are Americans.

oooooh.., really ?

then why are they called AFRICAN-AMERICANS ?? huhhhh ?

in fact i caught you speechless, you have no way to answer because you are a fucking racist bigot liberfuck :up:

you are all the same, say some shit then you can not back up then hide, :lmao:


I said they're Americans in response to the poster who said they weren't. Do you want to debate whether or not black Americans are Americans?

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