GOP US Senator: Some Of Fox News “Totally Not Fair And Totally Not Balanced”

The only difference between fox and the other networks is fox allows conservatives to speak too

Lol right they speak and any conservative they are talking to automatically agrees with them. Together the liberal voice is completely drowned out.
Chris Hayes of MSNBC has said on MSNBC that his network has a left leaning bias. The day a commentator on Fox News says Fox News has a conservative bias is the day the Koch Brothers give all their money to charity.
the randy report: Gop us senator: Some of fox news ?totally not fair and totally not balanced?

it's certainly something when a goper goes against one of his own this way. But good for him.


Primary that traitor when he comes up for reelection!!!

Ignorant little pussy, he isn't going to run again, it pays to actually read the link.
So I am an ignorant little pussy, huh? Of course you would never have the balls to say that to my face, but anonymously hiding behind a keyboard, you get to play badass. Laughable.
the randy report: Gop us senator: Some of fox news ?totally not fair and totally not balanced?

it's certainly something when a goper goes against one of his own this way. But good for him.


Primary that traitor when he comes up for reelection!!!

Didn't you read the post? Dr. Coburn is retiring after his current term expires to devote his energy to fighting his cancer. He is one of the most honest, incorruptible, members of the Senate........everyone will miss him, even you.
And MSNBC is?

I've watched commentators, even strong supporters of Obama go off on him many times.
At Fox, it's just misinformation and hate.

But that's who right wingers are these days. We know it. Want examples?
Coburn is an asshole, but I give him credit for his farewell statement about Fox News. He's right.

I wonder if he's trying to "make it right" before he dies? Remember, Scrooge did the same thing.

I think it's mostly the GOP base that believes Fox.
the randy report: Gop us senator: Some of fox news ?totally not fair and totally not balanced?

it's certainly something when a goper goes against one of his own this way. But good for him.


Primary that traitor when he comes up for reelection!!!

Posting in big bright red letters just enhances the fact that you are an absolute idiot. He is retiring dipshit.

BTW, the Rhinos are all vacating the Republican Party. I'm sure that is going to be a good thing for the Republican Party. :cuckoo:

fox news fox news fox news

all those with the new disorder, called foxnewsocd, needs treatment
The Randy Report: GOP US Senator: Some Of Fox News ?Totally Not Fair And Totally Not Balanced?

It's certainly something when a GOPer goes against one of his own this way. But good for him.

No what he said was taken out of context and the rest left unsaid...what he wanted to say was..

"Some Of Fox News ?Totally Not Fair And Totally Not Balanced... but when comes to comparing to this study of ABC,NBC,CBS where
....1,160 employees of the total 1,353 employees or 85% donated to Democrats...
Senior executives, on-air personalities, producers, reporters, editors, writers and other self-identifying employees of ABC, CBS and NBC contributed more than $1 million to Democratic candidates and campaign committees in 2008, according to an analysis by The Examiner of data compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics.
The Democratic total of $1,020,816 was given by 1,160 employees of the three major broadcast television networks, with an average contribution of $880.
By contrast, only 193 of the employees contributed to Republican candidates and campaign committees, for a total of $142,863. The average Republican contribution was $744."
With that kind of bias..."
the Senator could have said.."it is understandable... but compared to the above biased MSM... Fox is truly fair and balanced!
The only difference between fox and the other networks is fox allows conservatives to speak too

Lol right they speak and any conservative they are talking to automatically agrees with them. Together the liberal voice is completely drowned out.

Not our fault that progressives look stupid when facts are pointed out.
The only difference between fox and the other networks is fox allows conservatives to speak too

You will find a bevy of conservatives speaking on CNN all the time. Newt "Moonbase" Gingrich is now a commentator on CNN, saying all sorts of stupid stuff.

So, where was that difference, again?

Newt is a progressive Republican
I have never heard a liberal say MSNBC is fair and balanced. That is the difference between libs and cons. Liberals aren't full of shit.

So, in your mind, a lib is a con with the shit kicked out of him/her? What a hoot!
I have never heard a liberal say MSNBC is fair and balanced. That is the difference between libs and cons. Liberals aren't full of shit.

So, in your mind, a lib is a con with the shit kicked out of him/her? What a hoot!

Either way it seems they are the same other than one has used to restroom and the other hasn't.

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