Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then how did Bush lower it in 2008?

Yes, you are confused. You probably don't know this, but we've been drilling in the Gulf for DECADES.

BTW... the Gulf Oil Disaster was caused by a f'd up BOP.

No wonder you're in a union. You're too dumb to make it on your own.


Wow. You're really jealous of unions, aren't you? :evil:

Why else would you keep harping on that? :confused:

Look, public union members get what they get because they EARNED it. And what private unions do and get is none of your damned business. If you don't want to work in a unionized place then don't apply at them and STFU.

Now either expanding off shore drilling is good or not. What's YOUR opinion? (I'll give you some time to research what Rush Limbaugh says before you answer.)


Jealous of a union? Perhaps you mean union members.. and no. I have no need to join a union. Anyhoo, yes, I am in favor of furthered oil drilling. There is plenty of oil, contrary to what Al Gore says, and it is INSANE to be loaning money to foreign countries to drill in our back yard while choking off domestic companies from drilling and putting literally thousands on Americans out of work. Ya wanna see the peculators drive the price through the floor? Announce and energy plan that says we're gonna drill baby drill.

And frankly, why would I consult with Rush? Oh, that's right.. you're a union guy who has to run his opinions past the union bosses.

Yes you are. You have to be just seething with jealousy. You continue to obsess over them so what else explains it? Did you get turned down for one of those great jobs? Did you cross a picket line and they made you squeal like a little girl?

There must be SOME reason for your obsession.....

Notice what happened on July 14, 2008? Oil prices suddenly plummeted from their historic high of $145 a barrel. Why?

Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.
That's BULLSHIT (only) a half-witted Teabagger would believe.


It's more-than common-knowledge that oil-inventories aren't the issue.

I thought you Teabaggers wanted to talk-about REAL issues?????

Wow. You're really jealous of unions, aren't you? :evil:

Why else would you keep harping on that? :confused:

Look, public union members get what they get because they EARNED it. And what private unions do and get is none of your damned business. If you don't want to work in a unionized place then don't apply at them and STFU.

Now either expanding off shore drilling is good or not. What's YOUR opinion? (I'll give you some time to research what Rush Limbaugh says before you answer.)


Jealous of a union? Perhaps you mean union members.. and no. I have no need to join a union. Anyhoo, yes, I am in favor of furthered oil drilling. There is plenty of oil, contrary to what Al Gore says, and it is INSANE to be loaning money to foreign countries to drill in our back yard while choking off domestic companies from drilling and putting literally thousands on Americans out of work. Ya wanna see the peculators drive the price through the floor? Announce and energy plan that says we're gonna drill baby drill.

And frankly, why would I consult with Rush? Oh, that's right.. you're a union guy who has to run his opinions past the union bosses.

Yes you are. You have to be just seething with jealousy. You continue to obsess over them so what else explains it? Did you get turned down for one of those great jobs? Did you cross a picket line and they made you squeal like a little girl?

There must be SOME reason for your obsession.....


I haven't worked for wage in decades, probably since college. And no, I never attempted to join a union. Why would I? My obsession is with collectivists who band together and foist their fucked up view of reality on the rest of us who'd just as soon be left alone.

But hey, it's a free country, and you have a right to unionize.. in the private sector. The public sector, no fucking way, nobody should have the right to unionize, make deals with politicians on how best to screw me out of my money via taxation by funnelling it back and forth between the unions and the politicians when I have no seat at the table.
It comes from the taxpayers who hired them to do the jobs that they're doing every day,

The taxpayers didn't hire them and are unaware they are even sucking off the public tit in the vast majority of cases.

Up until this last recession, most taxpayers didn't comprehend the extent of the theft by the circle of shame of public employment;

Drone gives money to union.

Union gives money to democrat

democrat gives higher wages and insane pension to drone

Drone gives more money to union.

Union gives more money to democrat

democrat gives higher wages and more insane pension to drone

Drone gives yet more money to union.

Union gives yet more money to democrat

democrat gives yet higher wages and stupendously insane pension to drone who retires at 40 with 99% of their wage for life.

Taxpayer gets fucked up the ass and pays for the larceny.
We pay public employees to pick up garbage?

that should all be privatized and competitive. We need to hear different companies garbace trucks running before daybreak every day of the week.
I just love the clunks and clanks and the screetchy brakes.
It comes from the taxpayers who hired them to do the jobs that they're doing every day,

The taxpayers didn't hire them and are unaware they are even sucking off the public tit in the vast majority of cases.

Up until this last recession, most taxpayers didn't comprehend the extent of the theft by the circle of shame of public employment;

Drone gives money to union.

Union gives money to democrat

democrat gives higher wages and insane pension to drone

Drone gives more money to union.

Union gives more money to democrat

democrat gives higher wages and more insane pension to drone

Drone gives yet more money to union.

Union gives yet more money to democrat

democrat gives yet higher wages and stupendously insane pension to drone who retires at 40 with 99% of their wage for life.

Taxpayer gets fucked up the ass and pays for the larceny.

Try it this way............

Taxpayer wants garbage picked up

Taxpayer wants their kids babysat in school all day

Taxpayer wants someone to squeegee their shit at the sewage treatment plants

Taxpayer wants someone to build, fix and care for their roads

Taxpayer wants clean, sanitary water delivered 24/7 to their house

Taxpayer wants nice, up to date libraries

Taxpayer wants 24/7 police protection

Taxpayer wants 24/7 fire protection

Taxpayer wants 24/7 ambulance service

Taxpayer wants county lock ups for bad people

Taxpayer wants courts to try and sentence evildoers to prison

Do you think all this shit comes for free?

Taxpayer hires people to do this unpleasant work

Taxpayer signs contract with the workers to do this unpleasant work

AND NOW suddenly YOU want to change the contract YOU signed with the workers (through your elected reps) to do this unpleasant work.

Lastly.....once the workers get paid they can do whatever they want with the money they EARNED. It's their money and you can stay the fuck out of it.

Geez!! Is it any wonder that those GOP Senators are all going to be recalled in Wisconsin?

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Jealous of a union? Perhaps you mean union members.. and no. I have no need to join a union. Anyhoo, yes, I am in favor of furthered oil drilling. There is plenty of oil, contrary to what Al Gore says, and it is INSANE to be loaning money to foreign countries to drill in our back yard while choking off domestic companies from drilling and putting literally thousands on Americans out of work. Ya wanna see the peculators drive the price through the floor? Announce and energy plan that says we're gonna drill baby drill.

And frankly, why would I consult with Rush? Oh, that's right.. you're a union guy who has to run his opinions past the union bosses.

Yes you are. You have to be just seething with jealousy. You continue to obsess over them so what else explains it? Did you get turned down for one of those great jobs? Did you cross a picket line and they made you squeal like a little girl?

There must be SOME reason for your obsession.....


I haven't worked for wage in decades, probably since college. And no, I never attempted to join a union. Why would I? My obsession is with collectivists who band together and foist their fucked up view of reality on the rest of us who'd just as soon be left alone.

But hey, it's a free country, and you have a right to unionize.. in the private sector. The public sector, no fucking way, nobody should have the right to unionize, make deals with politicians on how best to screw me out of my money via taxation by funnelling it back and forth between the unions and the politicians when I have no seat at the table.

Left alone? How the hell are they bothering YOU any? You hired them now pay the poor bastards.

"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


Was it?
Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

Didn't Obama just do that? There was a moratorium for a bit while we figured out what the oil gusher meant about future safety. The oil companies created a consortium with a plan and equipment to deal with a blowout when (not if) it happens again. And the moratorium is lifted. So what exactly are you proposing that Obama do?
President Obama says there's not much the federal government can do to bring down gas prices any time soon. Michael Bromwich, Obama's chief bureaucrat in charge of issuing permits for oil and gas companies to drill off-shore, said the same thing today:

Both Obama and Bromwich either are purposely lying or they simply don't know what they are talking about. Check out the chart that accompanies this post. Notice what happened on July 14, 2008? Oil prices suddenly plummeted from their historic high of $145 a barrel. Why?

Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

In other words, Obama could with the stroke of a pen sign an executive order telling his appointees at EPA, the Department of Interior and the Department of Energy to stop throwing up obstacles to increased U.S. oil and natural gas production and instead work with the energy industry on a crash program to "drill here, drill now."


Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?

Ummmm... The price of all commodities fell in 2008, dingus. That's what happens in a worldwide economic crisis.
Read all here: Government can't do anything about gas prices? Then why did this happen in 2008? | Mark Tapscott | Beltway Confidential | Washington Examiner

That means this hike in oil prices is DELIBERATE, because Obama could end it tomorrow with a stroke of his pen.

Liberals can argue otherwise, but what are they going to say? It's not deliberate, Obama is just that stupid?


"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


Oh please! They can't even find any oil now!

It might interest you to know that oil naturally seeps into the ocean every day.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2000) — Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps into the Gulf of Mexico every year, according to a new study that will be presented January 27 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

The fact is, the ocean breaks it up naturally.

I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.
The market collapsing, econmic shit storm, and lack of demand for oil is the most significant reason oil and gas prices fell in 2008. To think anything else is retarded... but I got to consider the OP I guess.

Exactly. After prices got so high more people began driving less and that lowered the demand bringing a decrease in price. I stopped driving all the way into downtown back then and began catching the train half way and so did everybody else. The train would get so back you be pushed up against the door from everyone trying to cram on.
Because that was the day President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico and off the U.S. Atlantic and Pacific coasts. Overnight, the price per barrel of oil plunged, and that plunge was reflected at the pump soon thereafter.

Didn't Obama just do that? There was a moratorium for a bit while we figured out what the oil gusher meant about future safety. The oil companies created a consortium with a plan and equipment to deal with a blowout when (not if) it happens again. And the moratorium is lifted. So what exactly are you proposing that Obama do?

That's the problem. They don't know what they want Obama to do. :confused:

I nominate this thread as the stupidest thread of the month.

And that's saying something considering all the birfer threads.
"President George W. Bush signed an executive order lifting the moratorium on off-shore drilling in the eastern half of the Gulf of Mexico."

Isn't that what led us to the worst oil spill in history of the world? :confused:


Oh please! They can't even find any oil now!

It might interest you to know that oil naturally seeps into the ocean every day.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

ScienceDaily (Jan. 27, 2000) — Twice an Exxon Valdez spill worth of oil seeps into the Gulf of Mexico every year, according to a new study that will be presented January 27 at the Ocean Sciences Meeting in San Antonio, Texas.

Scientists Find That Tons Of Oil Seep Into The Gulf Of Mexico Each Year

The fact is, the ocean breaks it up naturally.

I've got a bridge I'd like to sell you.

Seriously. I find it hard to believe this person can operate a computer and find the internet with logic like that.

Surely one can recognize a "natural" amount of oil seepage and a dangerous amount? Holy hell. Let's just fuck up the planet and ask for a reset?

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