Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Yea and i'm good buddies with the Pope too. So fuck you and your imaginary Navy friends. Asking for just a little confirmation proof from your Government does not mean you're "Un-American" in any way. It's actually logical and right.

I was stationed with all four forces for most of my time in the military. It was a very common occurence in my MOS.

Now, jackass, are you, or are you not, questioning any reports that have been filed by the Navy SEALS concerning the death of Osama Bin Laden?

I'll tell ya what Rambone,i would tell all your imaginary Navy friends to their imaginary faces that i still want some proof the guy's dead. That clear enough for you? That doesn't make me "Un-American" in any way. Got it?
Yea and i'm good buddies with the Pope too. So fuck you and your imaginary Navy friends. Asking for just a little confirmation proof from your Government does not mean you're "Un-American" in any way. It's actually logical and right.

I was stationed with all four forces for most of my time in the military. It was a very common occurence in my MOS.

Now, jackass, are you, or are you not, questioning any reports that have been filed by the Navy SEALS concerning the death of Osama Bin Laden?

Nope... just questioning you.
This is actually a really moronic conversation.

You imbeciles are EXACTLY the same as the far-left whackos that made every little mistake Bush may or may not have made into a huge deal, and then worked hard to cast so many dispersions on any Bush victory, that by the end it didn't seem like a victory anymore.

You don't care who who call a liar, or who's lives you hurt. All you care about it scoring fucking
political points.

You all need to look at yourselves closely in the mirror. You're disgusting.

Each of you is a little Michael Moore, except on the right-hand side of the fence.

The sad part of it is, is that this kind of stupid-ass rumor is spread like wild-fire by the jackasses in the media, who spread the rumor for ratings.
No bro, you're putting words into his mouth. Hey? This just in! Alot of fucking people want to see the photos and for alot of different reasons. Jeesuz, Now people can't even ask to see the pitcures? Unbelievable. ~BH

What reasons?

Please, feel free to be specific.

We are waiting for your proof of Navy Seal testimonies. Don't try and change the subject. But because you asked, I want see them because I am curious to see them. Just as I wanted to see Saddam hanging. There was no problem showing Zarqawi's dead photo was there? Anyway, If you want more reasons, you better ask somebody. ~BH
That's pretty gutless bro. He didn't say that. Wanting to see the photos is not calling The Navy Seals liars. ~BH

He's saying that all the SEALS that were involved in the mission, and submitted reports on said mission, lied about the person shot being Osama Bin Laden.

He is demanding evidence that it is Bin Laden, therefore he is specifically doubting the word of the Navy SEALS who carried out the mission.

What about that scenario is NOT calling the Navy SEALS liars???

No bro, you're putting words into his mouth. Hey? This just in! Alot of fucking people want to see the photos and for alot of different reasons. Jeesuz, Now people can't even ask to see the pitcures? Unbelievable. ~BH

Obama and the Statists are going back to their 'Appeasement' tactics already...Heck just the news he's dead is enough to spark these idiots...

and I have a fact for Obama and the Statist loons...

They're going to try to nail us no matter what we do anyway...they already have.
I'll tell ya what Rambone,i would tell all your imaginary Navy friends to their imaginary faces that i still want some proof the guy's dead. That clear enough for you? That doesn't make me "Un-American" in any way. Got it?

Yep, whatever.

Go Fuck Yourself. You piece of shit.
Again,it's not a Conspiracy Theory to ask for some proof of his death. Right now there is absolutely no proof of the man's death. They blew that when they disposed the body so quickly. Photo/Video proof would be quite appropriate. I'm beginning to agree with an earlier poster who said they'll probably release the Photos/Videos when they think they will benefit most from it politically. Because they are going to have to present some evidence of the man's death at some point. I think they know this. There will be Photo/Video proof being released eventually.

There is the eyewitness testimony of dozens of members of our fine armed services, as well as the testimony of every single other person who was working on the mission.

But again, you are calling them liars.

What exactly is your problem with the Navy SEALS anyway?

You do realize you're talking out of your ass right now? The people on that mission have been ordered not to talk about it.
Now i am beginning to think they're going to release these Photos only when they think they will benefit most politically. Probably playing us all for suckers at this point. Maybe pull out the photos when terrible Economic News is at its worst. Because the Economy is going to tank again real soon. Gas & Food Prices are Skyrocketing as we speak. They're probably trying to time the release for maximum political gain. I hope that's not true but who knows?
Again,it's not a Conspiracy Theory to ask for some proof of his death. Right now there is absolutely no proof of the man's death. They blew that when they disposed the body so quickly. Photo/Video proof would be quite appropriate. I'm beginning to agree with an earlier poster who said they'll probably release the Photos/Videos when they think they will benefit most from it politically. Because they are going to have to present some evidence of the man's death at some point. I think they know this. There will be Photo/Video proof being released eventually.

There is the eyewitness testimony of dozens of members of our fine armed services, as well as the testimony of every single other person who was working on the mission.

But again, you are calling them liars.

What exactly is your problem with the Navy SEALS anyway?

You do realize you're talking out of your ass right now? The people on that mission have been ordered not to talk about it.

Indeed. They are bound NOT to. Heck I signed a statement when I left USAF SOC that I wouldn't comment on certain things and write nothing about it...

there's nothing unusual about it. It's a security issue.
This is actually a really moronic conversation.

You imbeciles are EXACTLY the same as the far-left whackos that made every little mistake Bush may or may not have made into a huge deal, and then worked hard to cast so many dispersions on any Bush victory, that by the end it didn't seem like a victory anymore.

You don't care who who call a liar, or who's lives you hurt. All you care about it scoring fucking
political points.

You all need to look at yourselves closely in the mirror. You're disgusting.

Each of you is a little Michael Moore, except on the right-hand side of the fence.

The sad part of it is, is that this kind of stupid-ass rumor is spread like wild-fire by the jackasses in the media, who spread the rumor for ratings.

The only imbecile here is you bro. You really should pick your battles son. Still waiting......

Now i am beginning to think they're going to release these Photos only when they think they will benefit most politically. Probably playing us all for suckers at this point. Maybe pull out the photos when terrible Economic News is at its worst. Because the Economy is going to tank again real soon. Gas & Food Prices are Skyrocketing as we speak. They're probably trying to time the release for maximum political gain. I hope that's not true but who knows?

Isn't that usually the case? ;)
We are waiting for your proof of Navy Seal testimonies. Don't try and change the subject. But because you asked, I want see them because I am curious to see them. Just as I wanted to see Saddam hanging. There was no problem showing Zarqawi's dead photo was there? Anyway, If you want more reasons, you better ask somebody. ~BH

LOL, whatever dude.

That is a bunch of crap if I ever heard it.

So you and your buds in this thread have made absolutely no allusions to "doubts" about Osama's death, right?

No little jibes that hint about a cover-up?

No, no, you'd never do that. Sean Hannity isn't doing that either, is he?


So, since I've already answered your question, in a post that you apparently ignored:

Which is it:

Is the entire portion of the government that would be able to see said reports "in on it" too? Republicans and Democrats?

Is that what you're implying?

Because if not, then you are calling the Navy SEALS, and all the other people that will have filed reports on this operation, liars.
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

Since when has proof of anything ever stopped conspiracy theorists from spinning their crackpot theories for fun and profit?
We are waiting for your proof of Navy Seal testimonies. Don't try and change the subject. But because you asked, I want see them because I am curious to see them. Just as I wanted to see Saddam hanging. There was no problem showing Zarqawi's dead photo was there? Anyway, If you want more reasons, you better ask somebody. ~BH

LOL, whatever dude.

That is a bunch of crap if I ever heard it.

So you and your buds in this thread have made absolutely no allusions to "doubts" about Osama's death, right?

No little jibes that hint about a cover-up?

No, no, you'd never do that. Sean Hannity isn't doing that either, is he?


So, since I've already answered your question, in a post that you apparently ignored:

Which is it:

Is the entire portion of the government that would be able to see said reports "in on it" too? Republicans and Democrats?

Is that what you're implying?

Because if not, then you are calling the Navy SEALS, and all the other people that will have filed reports on this operation, liars.

*IF* this is intimidation? *YOU* need to go back to square one.
So releasing the photos would settle the matter?

Just like releasing the long form BC settled that matter?

I think it's politically brilliant that they don't release it. Keep people's attention on the lunacy of the Obama derangement syndrome crowd.

Not releasing them is a win/win. Our government appears restrained while the crazies appear.....well, crazy.

And then, when the Right wing politicians start screaming for the photos to be released (I understand Palin is already doing so)...If any backlash happens, it's on their heads.

Another win/win for the Administration.

Will the Right be again too stupid to see what they are doing to themselves? Stay tuned.

Apparently my scenario merited a neg....Thank you Infidel. Apparently it's a scary thought.
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You do realize you're talking out of your ass right now? The people on that mission have been ordered not to talk about it.

To the press and the public, yes.

But they had to file reports. That's SOP.

And those reports are seen by the appropriate oversight people. And there's a lot of them.

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