Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

We will never know for sure because Osama was caught and killed during Obama's administration, not during Bush's administration, wasn't he?

Better late than never.

Right, You can bet your last dollar against a 1000 what I said is true.

Osama was caught and killed during Obama's administration, not during Bush's administration, wasn't he

Caught and killed? Do you mean like an exacution? Or killed while being caught?

BTW the only person who has said Ben Laden is dead Was obama and you know what my opion of obama's word is don't you?

As I said before...we will never know for sure because Obama was NOT caught and killed during Bush's Administration, he was caught and killed during Obama's administration.

Better late than never.

Explain that caught and kill thing to me?
Right, You can bet your last dollar against a 1000 what I said is true.

Caught and killed? Do you mean like an exacution? Or killed while being caught?

BTW the only person who has said Ben Laden is dead Was obama and you know what my opion of obama's word is don't you?

As I said before...we will never know for sure because Obama was NOT caught and killed during Bush's Administration, he was caught and killed during Obama's administration.

Better late than never.

Explain that caught and kill thing to me?

Which word are you having difficulty with?
What cracks me up is that if this was bush the roles would be reversed.

We will never know for sure because Osama was caught and killed during Obama's administration, not during Bush's administration, wasn't he?

Better late than never.

Right, You can bet your last dollar against a 1000 what I said is true.

Osama was caught and killed during Obama's administration, not during Bush's administration, wasn't he

Caught and killed? Do you mean like an exacution? Or killed while being caught?

BTW the only person who has said Ben Laden is dead Was obama and you know what my opion of obama's word is don't you?

If he provides the long form will you believe he is dead?
We will never know for sure because Osama was caught and killed during Obama's administration, not during Bush's administration, wasn't he?

Better late than never.

Right, You can bet your last dollar against a 1000 what I said is true.

Osama was caught and killed during Obama's administration, not during Bush's administration, wasn't he

Caught and killed? Do you mean like an exacution? Or killed while being caught?

BTW the only person who has said Ben Laden is dead Was obama and you know what my opion of obama's word is don't you?

If he provides the long form will you believe he is dead?

I really don't care
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

Even if they released the photos, most of the people who believe in conspiracy theories and who wouldn't believe that bin Laden was killed, would believe the photos were faked, just like they believe Obama's birth certificate is fake.
Yup don't ever question your Government. Because that means you're "Crazy" and "Un-American." God i hate partisan Goose Steppers. Mindless cattle.

Amen brother:clap2:

Yeah... unless it was the Patriot Act or anything else that Bush did... then it was Un-American and "freedom hating".

The dude you are criticizing(the guy with the cartoon Muslim for an avatar) is right. You idiots are "all in" kind of people. Sure, there's a few lefties that are the same way. But you guys, as soon as Obama was elected, came out in droves and you're still beating the same Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck driven war drums over and over and over again.

No president is 100% wrong(Not even Bush)... which by all indications, is your continuing ridiculous commentary.

In short... you are just as bad as those radical lefties... worse actually. Because a significant portion of you don't stand on your own sense of right and wrong... you let a little man in a box(TV/Radio) do your thinking for you.

No, you're not un-American for wanting to see the pics. But to believe that it's a cover up until you do is
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Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

Even if they released the photos, most of the people who believe in conspiracy theories and who wouldn't believe that bin Laden was killed, would believe the photos were faked, just like they believe Obama's birth certificate is fake.

Ain't nuthin' stopping them now from formulating what ever they are...

It's gonna happen just IS...what it is...
I am glad to see Obama has got this right to.He wanted to release more abu ghraib pics, but in the end stopped. The argument here is basically the same there. In the end it will do more harm than good.

When you shoot someone in the face or forehead, kinetic energy in the form of hydrostatic shock does things to that face, blow off ears, blows out eye balls,it can bloat the face grotesquely etc.

There has not been a huge groundswell among arabs that claims he isn't dead, just the usual fringe. let them hang.....
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I am glad to see Obama has got this right to.He wanted to release more abu ghraib pics, but in the end stopped. The argument here is basically the same there. In the end it will do more harm than good.

When you shoot someone in the face or forehead, kinetic energy in the form of hydrostatic shock does things to that face, blow off ears eye balls bloats the face grotesquely etc.

There has not been a huge groundswell among arabs that claims he isn't dead, just the usual fringe. let them hang.....

And hang they will...Thing is? I contend it doesn't matter what we DO...or don't...these radicals are Hell-Bent on nailing us...and have been.

Screw them all.
Quite frankly? I think the POTUS is a PUSSY for not wanting to post the pictures.

Nothing more needs to be said.
Quite frankly? I think the POTUS is a PUSSY for not wanting to post the pictures.

Nothing more needs to be said.

He thinks buring Ben Laden at sea will keep mulsims from making a shrine for ben laden. What most isn't talking about they have a shrine already for ben laden the compound he was killed in.
I'm pretty sure this Administration is going to agree with me in the end. You can't just claim the guy is dead without presenting even the slightest bit of proof. That makes no sense. And shame on all you hyper-partisan Goose Steppers for condemning people as being "Crazy" and "Un-American" for asking for proof. I have no respect for you people anymore. And you know who you are.

Isn't that a bit harsh??? Well, hopefully we can find the right support group. :lol::lol::lol:

Get over yourself!!!!
Quite frankly? I think the POTUS is a PUSSY for not wanting to post the pictures.

Nothing more needs to be said.

He thinks buring Ben Laden at sea will keep mulsims from making a shrine for ben laden. What most isn't talking about they have a shrine already for ben laden the compound he was killed in.

Why not? That's where he gave UP the ghost...It's idiotic...and again? The Admin using the excuse that it will embroil the radicals is stupid...

They have sworn to take us down...they did that decades ago...Show some BALLS Mr. President...
It's like my husband just said. We can watch Jack Kennedy's head being blown off but this is too delicate for sensitivities.

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