Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

In his speech on Sunday night? He said that "HE Divised" this get bin-Laden...

Go back and listen to the speech...

He didn't do SQUAT but give his blessing...The place where he was killed was known about long before what transpired Sunday...

ALL Obama did was to go fourth with what Bush had already done in advance...Obama had no choice...

Oh... bullshit. If Bush had already "done it" we wouldn't be having this conversation. What does a Commander in Chief do besides give his blessing? I'm sure you have visions of sugarplums dancing in your head that envision GWB literally taking up arms... but the truth is, he did nothing more than "Give his Blessing" for 7 years.

You are so partisan, it's not even worth the effort to argue. Nothing Obama does is right, nothing Conservatives think is wrong. You are every bit as much as a sheep as the far left. You just don't realize it.

I am a conservative and have no problem with any of what Obama has done after the raid Sunday.
Am not voting for him but he has done nothing wrong on this.
No wonder he was elected the first time. Posters against him in this matter, the birth nonsense and most everything else are the most defensive knee jerk reactionists I have ever seen. They can not tell the real issues from the bull shit ones.
In politics, war and football you have to know which battles to fight and which ones to give a little ground on.
Let the President get some love and appreciation for once. He did nothing wrong and acted appropriately from start to finish in this.
I hope you didn't assume that you running your mouth to me would not get a response?

Blah, blah, blah, blah you whiney little dumbshit. The fact still stands, Many pople want to see the photos and for many different reasons. Some want them in order to believe the story, and some just want to fucking see them you dumb ass you. I want to see them because I want to see them. I don't give a damn what you think bro. Face it, You made a complete ass out of yourself and blew this whole thing out of line. You're a little yes man robot who is a good little sheople. Bow down to your masters worm. Don't ask any questions about anything. How dare us! LMAO!

Birthers? WTF? It's common for people to want to see pitcures? We seen Zarqawi's body and Saddam hanging didn't we huh dummy? They love slaves like you who argue for and defend them. Now your masters just came out with a report that they will no longer comment on the operation. Well why the fuck not!!! Huh fuckO? What's the big deal if they showed the body wrapped on the ship? Seems to me that would be a good gesture showing we respected Islamic tradition. You're a joke bro. I have lost alot of respect for you. ~BH

Yeah, whatever BH.

Let me show you why this Bullshit pisses me off so fucking much.

Because it leads to this kind of Bullshit:

Fox Business' Napolitano: Bin Laden "Killed On The Illegal Whim Of The President" | Media Matters for America

And don't do the whole "it's from Media Matters" schtick. This is the actual video of this guy's bullshit, not some schlock blogoshpere interpretation.

"Freedom Watch" my ass.
I hope you didn't assume that you running your mouth to me would not get a response?

Blah, blah, blah, blah you whiney little dumbshit. The fact still stands, Many pople want to see the photos and for many different reasons. Some want them in order to believe the story, and some just want to fucking see them you dumb ass you. I want to see them because I want to see them. I don't give a damn what you think bro. Face it, You made a complete ass out of yourself and blew this whole thing out of line. You're a little yes man robot who is a good little sheople. Bow down to your masters worm. Don't ask any questions about anything. How dare us! LMAO!

Birthers? WTF? It's common for people to want to see pitcures? We seen Zarqawi's body and Saddam hanging didn't we huh dummy? They love slaves like you who argue for and defend them. Now your masters just came out with a report that they will no longer comment on the operation. Well why the fuck not!!! Huh fuckO? What's the big deal if they showed the body wrapped on the ship? Seems to me that would be a good gesture showing we respected Islamic tradition. You're a joke bro. I have lost alot of respect for you. ~BH

Yeah, whatever BH.

Let me show you why this Bullshit pisses me off so fucking much.

Because it leads to this kind of Bullshit:

Fox Business' Napolitano: Bin Laden "Killed On The Illegal Whim Of The President" | Media Matters for America

And don't do the whole "it's from Media Matters" schtick. This is the actual video of this guy's bullshit, not some schlock blogoshpere interpretation.

"Freedom Watch" my ass.

Media Matters? you're going to let the views and opinion of the leftist group Media Matters dictate to you? You deserve to be pissed off at Media Matters.
Media Matters? you're going to let the views and opinion of the leftist group Media Matters dictate to you? You deserve to be pissed off at Media Matters.

Sigh... Way to act exactly as predicted...

Just watch the fucking video, which is just the guy's show. If you don't want to read the crap they post about it, don't, I didn't, I just watched the video.

I don't generally look at media matters, this was posted by a friend on Facebook.
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Media Matters? you're going to let the views and opinion of the leftist group Media Matters dictate to you? You deserve to be pissed off at Media Matters.

Sigh... Way to act exactly as predicted...

Just watch the fucking video, which is just the guy's show. If you don't want to read the crap they post about it, don't, I didn't, I just watched the video.

I don't generally look at media matters, this was posted by a friend on Facebook.

Right and I will hear something I would not be expecting from media matters?
Right and I will hear something I would not be expecting from media matters?

The video is a Fox Business Channel broadcast.

Media Matters had nothing to do with it's creation. It just re-posted it on the site.

If Media Matters is showing it in no way is it flattering anyone on the right. Nor would they show an unedited version of that video.
Right and I will hear something I would not be expecting from media matters?

The video is a Fox Business Channel broadcast.

Media Matters had nothing to do with it's creation. It just re-posted it on the site.

well waa waa, you all STILL call the war in Iraq, Bush's ILLEGAL WAR.

don't like that free speech thingy when it's USED against your hero?
I'm sorry, I call the war in Iraq what now?

Nothing "Illegal" about it as far as I can see.

Bush did quite a solid job on suckering a bunch of people into letting him do whatever he wanted. Legally.

You must be thinking of someone else.
I hope you didn't assume that you running your mouth to me would not get a response?

Blah, blah, blah, blah you whiney little dumbshit. The fact still stands, Many pople want to see the photos and for many different reasons. Some want them in order to believe the story, and some just want to fucking see them you dumb ass you. I want to see them because I want to see them. I don't give a damn what you think bro. Face it, You made a complete ass out of yourself and blew this whole thing out of line. You're a little yes man robot who is a good little sheople. Bow down to your masters worm. Don't ask any questions about anything. How dare us! LMAO!

Birthers? WTF? It's common for people to want to see pitcures? We seen Zarqawi's body and Saddam hanging didn't we huh dummy? They love slaves like you who argue for and defend them. Now your masters just came out with a report that they will no longer comment on the operation. Well why the fuck not!!! Huh fuckO? What's the big deal if they showed the body wrapped on the ship? Seems to me that would be a good gesture showing we respected Islamic tradition. You're a joke bro. I have lost alot of respect for you. ~BH

Yeah, whatever BH.

Let me show you why this Bullshit pisses me off so fucking much.

Because it leads to this kind of Bullshit:

Fox Business' Napolitano: Bin Laden "Killed On The Illegal Whim Of The President" | Media Matters for America

And don't do the whole "it's from Media Matters" schtick. This is the actual video of this guy's bullshit, not some schlock blogoshpere interpretation.

"Freedom Watch" my ass.

Sorry, Trying to BBQ our dinner and post at the same time. It's 90 degrees here in Nor Cal right now. Japanese radiation and all! LMAO!!! ;)

Actually, Those bottomfeeders over at Media matters have nothing to do with it. They only wish to politically capitalize off it. ;)

Listen bro, I will be honest about this, We have entered a touchy zone here for me personally. I respect Andrew alot. The good Judge is just trying to protect Americans and our Constitutional rights, but at the same time he is combining International law with U.S Constitutional Law. This is probably the only thing that I disagree with concerning this man, and many others as well. Then again, the question of "unlawful" combatants is another debate as well. Alot of questions with that label.

Listen Vast, There is a fine line between Government provided Safety and Freedom. This by no means gives you a trophy for what you have been trying to argue for. Atleast we are having a good discussion now though. ~BH
I'm sorry, I call the war in Iraq what now?

Nothing "Illegal" about it as far as I can see.

Bush did quite a solid job on suckering a bunch of people into letting him do whatever he wanted. Legally.

You must be thinking of someone else.

man are they all dummies or what.:lol:

and I said, you all, not YOU YOU YOU.
Photos from the Bin Laden Compound
Now if these photos can be released why wasn't ben ladens photos released? And why didn't these muslims get the same burial treatment as ben laden?

Inside bin Laden's Compound

Stop asking stupid questions you rightwing nut!

Dont you know we are to believe OBL was a good muslim... those guys were Hindu.

Besides, we are not allowed to know these things. We are not smart enough to deal with facts, right?
Photos from the Bin Laden Compound
Now if these photos can be released why wasn't ben ladens photos released? And why didn't these muslims get the same burial treatment as ben laden?

Inside bin Laden's Compound

Stop asking stupid questions you rightwing nut!

Dont you know we are to believe OBL was a good muslim... those guys were Hindu.

Besides, we are not allowed to know these things. We are not smart enough to deal with facts, right?

This is gonna fuel the conspiracy theories.
I think they should release the photos. Hell - they published photos of JFKs autopsy! Broadcast pictures of people jumping out of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
They won't publish the photos of OBL?

Don't be a dork....

Those 'theories' can be easily disproved by OBL himself if he is alive. Do you think the US military and Obama would say he WASN'T dead if there was even a slight chance he would be still alive.

Either Obama AND the US military are dumb as a sack of spuds, or the loser is dead....
The instant P-BO stated he wasn't going to release the photos I knew this was coming. Somebody was going to 'leak' the photos.


Photos show three dead men at bin Laden raid house | World | News | Calgary Sun

Now, they can blame some 'unknown' leaker who sold the pictures to the press and dodge any blame for doing this.

Did anyone not see this coming?

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