Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

The future is now.

All you have to do is swab a sample of the blood around Osama's bed & do a DNA test to prove to yourself that they got him.


Well you have been on this board claiming Osama was dead before that building or compound was even built. So tell me again how there could be cross contaminated DNA? :lol: You just blew a hole through all of your spin arguments you ever posted on here. :lol:

Bottom line is that huge fresh pool of blood on & around Osama's bed will yield conclusive Blood DNA for anyone seeking the truth of Osama's death that will hold up in any court of law.

This fresh blood pool will prove in any court that Osama was not dead prior to the SEAL team raid on his compound.

Drag marks & blood trail will prove that his body was extracted from the seen matching the SEAL team story & political narrative. There may even be blood evidence available on the helicopter & aircraft carrier used to dump his body at sea.

If you don't believe the official narrative then go build your case with the real evidence!
Where's Osama ?
How about the dialysis machine ? They get a shot of that ?

All you have to do is swab a sample of the blood around Osama's bed & do a DNA test to prove to yourself that they got him.

Tainted DNA the only thing that will prove is that bin laden had been there I don't think it would prove he was killed there. At least not without a body and chain of evidence.

Well you have been on this board claiming Osama was dead before that building or compound was even built. So tell me again how there could be cross contaminated DNA? :lol: You just blew a hole through all of your spin arguments you ever posted on here. :lol:

Bottom line is that huge fresh pool of blood on & around Osama's bed will yield conclusive Blood DNA for anyone seeking the truth of Osama's death that will hold up in any court of law.

This fresh blood pool will prove in any court that Osama was not dead prior to the SEAL team raid on his compound.

Drag marks & blood trail will prove that his body was extracted from the seen matching the SEAL team story & political narrative. There may even be blood evidence available on the helicopter & aircraft carrier used to dump his body at sea.

If you don't believe the official narrative then go build your case with the real evidence!
Funny how all the libs are defending this not releasing the photos of dead Osama.

You all screamed ranted and raved that we needed to see all the pics of Abu Ghraib, when you knew it would inflame the Muzzies.

You all defended Obama releasing photos of dead US soldiers returning home in their coffins.

Now suddenly, "we don't need photos to prove" what happened.

Can you imagine the screeching if Bush had gotten Bin Laden and then told the people they can't see anything about it.
They would be calling him a liar, a murderer, calling for his head.
But since the Obama did it, the sheep must follow.
Right and I will hear something I would not be expecting from media matters?

The video is a Fox Business Channel broadcast.

Media Matters had nothing to do with it's creation. It just re-posted it on the site.

If Media Matters is showing it in no way is it flattering anyone on the right. Nor would they show an unedited version of that video.


Here's the full video, the show begins about 50 seconds in:

[ame=]YouTube - Freedom Watch - Killing The Rule Of Law 5/2/2011[/ame]

Now, tell me, because I'm trying to wrap my head around this, what was the "Context"??

What possible context could the statement "Usama Bin Laden Assassinated... Killed on the illegal whim of the President" be used in that would be in any way acceptable?

Tell me how "the judge" isn't saying that Obama's a criminal for killing Bin Laden.

Meanwhile, I'm going to start a new thread about this.
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The video is a Fox Business Channel broadcast.

Media Matters had nothing to do with it's creation. It just re-posted it on the site.

If Media Matters is showing it in no way is it flattering anyone on the right. Nor would they show an unedited version of that video.


Here's the full video, the show begins about 50 seconds in:

[ame=]YouTube - Freedom Watch - Killing The Rule Of Law 5/2/2011[/ame]

Now, tell me, because I'm trying to wrap my head around this, what was the "Context"??

What possible context could the statement "Usama Bin Laden Assassinated... Killed on the illegal whim of the President" be used in that would be in any way acceptable?

Tell me how "the judge" isn't saying that Obama's a criminal for killing Bin Laden.

Meanwhile, I'm going to start a new thread about this.

still whining about this, eh?
still whining about this, eh?

Yeah, hack, pointing out that FoxNews called the President a criminal for killing Osama Bin Laden is "Whining".

Wow. Tell me, what would FoxNews have to say for you to find it offensive?


LOL, it wasn't FOX NEWS that called him a criminal, it was Judge Napolitano who evidently said something to get your panties in a bunch, but nice try.:lol:
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Funny how the Katrina dead were shown constantly and can still be found in searches.
What about our wounded and maimed ... not gruesome or just don't count?
LOL, it wasn't FOX NEWS that called him a criminal, it was Judge Napolitano who evidently said something to get your panties in a bucnh, but nice try.:lol:

Does Judge Napolitano not work for FoxNews?

Is he not on their payroll?

Has FoxNews issued a statement specifically disavowing the statement?

Has FoxNews fired Napolitano, as any other media outlet would if one of their people made such an outrageous statement?

So, since the answer to these statements is yes, yes, no, and no... FoxNews called him a criminal... for killing Osama Bin Laden.
LOL, it wasn't FOX NEWS that called him a criminal, it was Judge Napolitano who evidently said something to get your panties in a bucnh, but nice try.:lol:

Does Judge Napolitano not work for FoxNews?

Is he not on their payroll?

Has FoxNews issued a statement specifically disavowing the statement?

Has FoxNews fired Napolitano, as any other media outlet would if one of their people made such an outrageous statement?

So, since the answer to these statements is yes, yes, no, and no... FoxNews called him a criminal... for killing Osama Bin Laden.

oh stop waaaaa waaaaing. People have been calling Bush a criminal FOR YEARS. Until it is PROVEN either Bush or the Obama are, all they are is accusations AND not enough to get yer blood pressure up.
The Obama is NOT ABOVE any sort of criticism, though a lot of you Obamabots think so.
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Yep, people have been calling Bush a criminal for years. And I have also said that Olbermann needed to be fired for that very reason.

But this isn't just about the president, this is about the act itself. This man is saying that to kill Osama Bin Laden in this manner was a criminal act.
Yep, people have been calling Bush a criminal for years. And I have also said that Olbermann needed to be fired for that very reason.

But this isn't just about the president, this is about the act itself. This man is saying that to kill Osama Bin Laden in this manner was a criminal act.

I didn't watch the video, but I'm sure the JUDGE knows a little about the LAW, he is nothing like that dumb talking head, Olbermann, that wouldn't know his ass from a hole in the ground...
we will have to wait until ALL THE FACTS are out. so calm down, nothing is PROVEN YET.
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Funny how all the libs are defending this not releasing the photos of dead Osama.

You all screamed ranted and raved that we needed to see all the pics of Abu Ghraib, when you knew it would inflame the Muzzies.

You all defended Obama releasing photos of dead US soldiers returning home in their coffins.

Now suddenly, "we don't need photos to prove" what happened.

Can you imagine the screeching if Bush had gotten Bin Laden and then told the people they can't see anything about it.
They would be calling him a liar, a murderer, calling for his head.
But since the Obama did it, the sheep must follow.

Sounds kinda like those WMDs
WE SUPPORT our men and women SERVING in the military.

that is not to say we can't question the decisions of the Top Brass making this stupid request now, if they did.

good grief.

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