Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

They showed these pics on Brett Baier's show (Fox) tonight, with no warning. My two youngest were in the room. I was fine with it, glad they got to see what happens to terrorists. Graphic pics, yes, but not nearly as bad/graphic as I though they'd be. All the blood -- cripes, there's a lot of blood in a human body isn't there? -- definitely added to it but they were 'intact' in the pics. If half their face or head was missing . . yeah, that'd be pretty gruesome. ftr, I'd like them to release OBL's death pic. Make no mistake . . . OBL is dead, but as a nation we deserve to see it, we need to see it. If these pics were 'leaked', can OBL's be far behind?

"... glad they got to see what happens to terrorists."

Didn't go far enough....should have used the OBL pics to photoshop similar ones for Aminajihadmood and KimJongMentallyIllUn ....

....ya' know....a kind of hint.
WE SUPPORT our men and women SERVING in the military.

that is not to say we can't question the decisions of the Top Brass making this stupid request now, if they did.

good grief.

The men and women in the military, and their families, DO NOT WANT THE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS PUBLISHED.
Go buy a Playgirl, National Enquirer or True Crime Story if you need relief that bad.
WE SUPPORT our men and women SERVING in the military.

that is not to say we can't question the decisions of the Top Brass making this stupid request now, if they did.

good grief.

The men and women in the military, and their families, DO NOT WANT THE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS PUBLISHED.
Go buy a Playgirl, National Enquirer or True Crime Story if you need relief that bad.

Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.
WE SUPPORT our men and women SERVING in the military.

that is not to say we can't question the decisions of the Top Brass making this stupid request now, if they did.

good grief.

The men and women in the military, and their families, DO NOT WANT THE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS PUBLISHED.
Go buy a Playgirl, National Enquirer or True Crime Story if you need relief that bad.

Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.
The men and women in the military, and their families, DO NOT WANT THE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS PUBLISHED.
Go buy a Playgirl, National Enquirer or True Crime Story if you need relief that bad.

Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

oh well fer sure, KILLING HIM didn't ALREADY INFLAME THEM. But showing a picture of him DEAD WILL..
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly, WTF?:rofl:

you're a real idiot.
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The men and women in the military, and their families, DO NOT WANT THE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS PUBLISHED.
Go buy a Playgirl, National Enquirer or True Crime Story if you need relief that bad.

Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

Funny how all the libs are defending this not releasing the photos of dead Osama.

You all screamed ranted and raved that we needed to see all the pics of Abu Ghraib, when you knew it would inflame the Muzzies.

You all defended Obama releasing photos of dead US soldiers returning home in their coffins.

Now suddenly, "we don't need photos to prove" what happened.

Can you imagine the screeching if Bush had gotten Bin Laden and then told the people they can't see anything about it.
They would be calling him a liar, a murderer, calling for his head.
But since the Obama did it, the sheep must follow.

Well, we will never know because Osama was not caught and killed during Bush's administration, he was caught and killed during Obama's administration.

Better late than never.
Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.


yeah sure, you got it all figured out.:eusa_hand:
The men and women in the military, and their families, DO NOT WANT THE BIN LADEN DEATH PHOTOS PUBLISHED.
Go buy a Playgirl, National Enquirer or True Crime Story if you need relief that bad.

Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:
Funny how all the libs are defending this not releasing the photos of dead Osama.

You all screamed ranted and raved that we needed to see all the pics of Abu Ghraib, when you knew it would inflame the Muzzies.

You all defended Obama releasing photos of dead US soldiers returning home in their coffins.

Now suddenly, "we don't need photos to prove" what happened.

Can you imagine the screeching if Bush had gotten Bin Laden and then told the people they can't see anything about it.
They would be calling him a liar, a murderer, calling for his head.
But since the Obama did it, the sheep must follow.

Well, we will never know because Osama was not caught and killed during Bush's administration, he was caught and killed during Obama's administration.

Better late than never.

oh don't worry, A LOT OF US do know what you rabid lefties WOULD OF DONE. We saw it and had to ENDURE the so called ANTI-WAR protesters for years.

by the way, where are they all NOW?:lol:
Can you imagine the screeching if Bush had gotten Bin Laden and then told the people they can't see anything about it.
They would be calling him a liar, a murderer, calling for his head.
But since the Obama did it, the sheep must follow.

Well, we will never know because Osama was not caught and killed during Bush's administration, he was caught and killed during Obama's administration.

Better late than never.

oh don't worry, A LOT OF US do know what you rabid lefties WOULD OF DONE.

Really? So you think we would have acted like partisan hacks - kinda like, well... YOU are doing right now?

Acting like that?
If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.


yeah sure, you got it all figured out.:eusa_hand:

Gates is all over the Hill telling everyone and anyone that the military does not want the photos released. Gates states he is speaking for the military.
Who is Gates Stephanie?
9/11 families yesterday in New York also stated:
"please do not release the photos"
Need a link there Stephie? Or will you admit you are wrong on this one?
Do you give a shit about the 9/11 families?
Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:


yeah sure, you got it all figured out.:eusa_hand:

Gates is all over the Hill telling everyone and anyone that the military does not want the photos released. Gates states he is speaking for the military.
Who is Gates Stephanie?
9/11 families yesterday in New York also stated:
"please do not release the photos"
Need a link there Stephie? Or will you admit you are wrong on this one?
Do you give a shit about the 9/11 families?

I heard an interesting question yesterday about the 9.11 families. Obama is meeting in private with them today (no cameras). IF one of them requested to see the pictures because it would bring them some sort of closure, should they be allowed? I tend to think they should, but I realize it's a touchy subject.

Just an interesting question, imho.

yeah sure, you got it all figured out.:eusa_hand:

Gates is all over the Hill telling everyone and anyone that the military does not want the photos released. Gates states he is speaking for the military.
Who is Gates Stephanie?
9/11 families yesterday in New York also stated:
"please do not release the photos"
Need a link there Stephie? Or will you admit you are wrong on this one?
Do you give a shit about the 9/11 families?

Some people just want to be tittilated.
All you have to do is swab a sample of the blood around Osama's bed & do a DNA test to prove to yourself that they got him.

Tainted DNA the only thing that will prove is that bin laden had been there I don't think it would prove he was killed there. At least not without a body and chain of evidence.

Well you have been on this board claiming Osama was dead before that building or compound was even built. So tell me again how there could be cross contaminated DNA? :lol: You just blew a hole through all of your spin arguments you ever posted on here. :lol:

Bottom line is that huge fresh pool of blood on & around Osama's bed will yield conclusive Blood DNA for anyone seeking the truth of Osama's death that will hold up in any court of law.

This fresh blood pool will prove in any court that Osama was not dead prior to the SEAL team raid on his compound.

Drag marks & blood trail will prove that his body was extracted from the seen matching the SEAL team story & political narrative. There may even be blood evidence available on the helicopter & aircraft carrier used to dump his body at sea.

If you don't believe the official narrative then go build your case with the real evidence!

Well you have been on this board claiming Osama was dead before that building or compound was even built.

Actually no I haven't I posted a link or two showing reports that ben laden was dead but I don't recall agreeing with them.

This fresh blood pool will prove in any court that Osama was not dead prior to the SEAL team raid on his compound.

Drag marks & blood trail will prove that his body was extracted from the seen matching the SEAL team story & political narrative. There may even be blood evidence available on the helicopter & aircraft carrier used to dump his body at sea.

The SEAL team gave no report, that have been ordered to remain silent about the operation. Without a body and chain of custody of all evidence the blood and DNA are worthless.
How can one spot a right wing ideological blind hack?
Everytime anyone disagreew with them they are labeled "rabid lefties".
I R Republican since '72.
yeah sure, you got it all figured out.:eusa_hand:

Gates is all over the Hill telling everyone and anyone that the military does not want the photos released. Gates states he is speaking for the military.
Who is Gates Stephanie?
9/11 families yesterday in New York also stated:
"please do not release the photos"
Need a link there Stephie? Or will you admit you are wrong on this one?
Do you give a shit about the 9/11 families?

Some people just want to be tittilated.

holy cow that was dumb.
yeah sure, you got it all figured out.:eusa_hand:

Gates is all over the Hill telling everyone and anyone that the military does not want the photos released. Gates states he is speaking for the military.
Who is Gates Stephanie?
9/11 families yesterday in New York also stated:
"please do not release the photos"
Need a link there Stephie? Or will you admit you are wrong on this one?
Do you give a shit about the 9/11 families?

I heard an interesting question yesterday about the 9.11 families. Obama is meeting in private with them today (no cameras). IF one of them requested to see the pictures because it would bring them some sort of closure, should they be allowed? I tend to think they should, but I realize it's a touchy subject.

Just an interesting question, imho.

Good question.
Oh? so now you KNOW what ALL the men and women and THEIR Families want.
You need to pull your head out of your ass, then maybe you wouldn't say so much STUPID SHIT.

If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:

G dawg is not a shit bag. He and I may disagree on some issues but like I said he is not a shitbag.

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