Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Actually no I haven't I posted a link or two showing reports that ben laden was dead but I don't recall agreeing with them.

The SEAL team gave no report, that have been ordered to remain silent about the operation. Without a body and chain of custody of all evidence the blood and DNA are worthless.

Here is the address where you can get the blood sample. You don't need the SEALs DNA sample. Go collect evidence from the seen. Take UN officials, CSI or any authority you want. All the evidence you will ever need is still there.

The evidence would be tainted. The chain of evidence has been broken. DNA samples also need a direct source to match with.

Osama has many brothers & sisters from whom you can collect DNA. He may even have parents still alive. You get the DNA from the same places the US government did. It can all be independently verified.
Here is the address where you can get the blood sample. You don't need the SEALs DNA sample. Go collect evidence from the seen. Take UN officials, CSI or any authority you want. All the evidence you will ever need is still there.

The evidence would be tainted. The chain of evidence has been broken. DNA samples also need a direct source to match with.

Osama has many brothers & sisters from whom you can collect DNA. He may even have parents still alive. You get the DNA from the same places the US government did. It can all be independently verified.
You still would not have a direct match with Bin Ladens DNA
The evidence would be tainted. The chain of evidence has been broken. DNA samples also need a direct source to match with.

Osama has many brothers & sisters from whom you can collect DNA. He may even have parents still alive. You get the DNA from the same places the US government did. It can all be independently verified.
You still would not have a direct match with Bin Ladens DNA

So who's DNA would it be?

His evil twin?
Where's Wikileaks? Can't count on our Media/Politicians for truth. Yea we're all "Conspiracy Nuts" and "Un-American" for asking for just a little proof the guy's dead. What a country. Yup,never question your Government. Because they always tell the truth. Man,this country is descending into Goose Stepper Hell. All that being said,they will release some proof eventually. They're probably just waiting for the time of maximum political gain. That's the pattern with this current Administration. The Economy will be tanking again so they'll probably wait till the Economic News is at its worst for the release of Photos/Videos. It will happen though. Bet on that.
Here is the address where you can get the blood sample. You don't need the SEALs DNA sample. Go collect evidence from the seen. Take UN officials, CSI or any authority you want. All the evidence you will ever need is still there.

The evidence would be tainted. The chain of evidence has been broken. DNA samples also need a direct source to match with.

The federal government doesn't give a shit about evidence. Ask the Davidians.


True but were are in the court of opinions not federal court.:lol:
Where's Wikileaks? Can't count on our Media/Politicians for truth. Yea we're all "Conspiracy Nuts" and "Un-American" for asking for just a little proof the guy's dead. What a country. Yup,never question your Government. Because they always tell the truth. Man,this country is descending into Goose Stepper Hell. All that being said,they will release some proof eventually. They're probably just waiting for the time of maximum political gain. That's the pattern with this current Administration. The Economy will be tanking again so they'll probably wait till the Economic News is at its worst for the release of Photos/Videos. It will happen though. Bet on that.

He's dead, why do I say he's dead, because obama told us so. Looks like the left would know what it's like after 8 years of bush, the right calling them un American they hate the troops they support the enemy and bush lied. They bashed bush but support obama and obama is doing the same thing bush did, just times ten
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You still would not have a direct match with Bin Ladens DNA

So who's DNA would it be?

His evil twin?

We wouldn't know since obama seen fit to destroy the evidence.

Don't be silly, the US government could not destroy all the direct Osama DNA evidence. You can start by collecting his DNA from any hospital that ever treated Osama such as the military hospital in Rawalpindi. There are many many places to get his direct DNA. Osama's children will also provide a direct match to Osama & not any of Osama's brothers & sisters. This type of verification is done every day in forensic criminal science.
Where's Wikileaks? Can't count on our Media/Politicians for truth. Yea we're all "Conspiracy Nuts" and "Un-American" for asking for just a little proof the guy's dead. What a country. Yup,never question your Government. Because they always tell the truth. Man,this country is descending into Goose Stepper Hell. All that being said,they will release some proof eventually. They're probably just waiting for the time of maximum political gain. That's the pattern with this current Administration. The Economy will be tanking again so they'll probably wait till the Economic News is at its worst for the release of Photos/Videos. It will happen though. Bet on that.

He's dead, why do I say he's dead, because obama told us so. Looks like the left would know what it's like after 8 years of bush, the right calling them un American they hate the troops they support the enemy and bush lied. They bashed bush but support obama and obama is doing the same thing bush did, just times ten

Hey don't question authority. Because that makes you a "Conspiracy Nut" and "Un-American." Because the Authority never lies. What a country we're becoming huh? Just shout down and viciously condemn anyone who dares to question the Government. I don't take the Government's word on anything. And i never will. A couple of Photos is not asking for a lot. It's a perfectly reasonable request. And they will agree with me eventually. You have to provide some type of verifiable proof on things like this. Look for them to release Photos/Video proof when they think they'll benefit most politically. They'll most likely do it as a distraction from the very bad Economic News that's coming. They'll release something. You can count on that.
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So who's DNA would it be?

His evil twin?

We wouldn't know since obama seen fit to destroy the evidence.

Don't be silly, the US government could not destroy all the direct Osama DNA evidence. You can start by collecting his DNA from any hospital that ever treated Osama such as the military hospital in Rawalpindi. There are many many places to get his direct DNA. Osama's children will also provide a direct match to Osama & not any of Osama's brothers & sisters. This type of verification is done every day in forensic criminal science.

That's the same as a rape case collecting DNA. Go to the hospitel collect the evidence from the victim. You would still need direct connection DNA with the suspect. Meaning from off the body of the suspect.
We wouldn't know since obama seen fit to destroy the evidence.

Don't be silly, the US government could not destroy all the direct Osama DNA evidence. You can start by collecting his DNA from any hospital that ever treated Osama such as the military hospital in Rawalpindi. There are many many places to get his direct DNA. Osama's children will also provide a direct match to Osama & not any of Osama's brothers & sisters. This type of verification is done every day in forensic criminal science.

That's the same as a rape case collecting DNA. Go to the hospitel collect the evidence from the victim. You would still need direct connection DNA with the suspect. Meaning from off the body of the suspect.

Man we don't even know anything about the DNA evidence. They could have least held a Press Conference illustrating how they went about sorting out the DNA evidence. They haven't shown any proof of the guy's death at all. Yet so many are just so willing to believe anything the Government tells them. You can't just claim a man is dead but then present no evidence at all confirming this. That just doesn't make any sense. I believe he's dead but they sure haven't helped convince anyone. The Proof is not just for Americans. It's for all People of the World. They're either botching this thing or they're purposely waiting to release proof when it's most politically expedient for them. I think we'll see proof eventually.
Don't be silly, the US government could not destroy all the direct Osama DNA evidence. You can start by collecting his DNA from any hospital that ever treated Osama such as the military hospital in Rawalpindi. There are many many places to get his direct DNA. Osama's children will also provide a direct match to Osama & not any of Osama's brothers & sisters. This type of verification is done every day in forensic criminal science.

That's the same as a rape case collecting DNA. Go to the hospitel collect the evidence from the victim. You would still need direct connection DNA with the suspect. Meaning from off the body of the suspect.

Man we don't even know anything about the DNA evidence. They could have least held a Press Conference illustrating how they went about sorting out the DNA evidence. They haven't shown any proof of the guy's death at all. Yet so many are just so willing to believe anything the Government tells them. You can't just claim a man is dead but then present no evidence at all confirming this. That just doesn't make any sense. I believe he's dead but they sure haven't helped convince anyone. The Proof is not just for Americans. It's for all People of the World. They're either botching this thing or they're purposely waiting to release proof when it's most politically expedient for them. I think we'll see proof eventually.

Somethings got to come out eventually, I don't know why we released photos of Saddams sons and Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi but somehow Bin Laden is better than these guys, hell you can see Saddams execution on youtube.
If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:

As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Oh, bfagn didn't want the pictures from Abu released. Just 90% of all other libs did.

Everyone knows it was the liberal media and their sheeples that blindly follow the media were demanding to see those photos. They all wanted to use them to undermine the war to harm Bush, no matter the consequences to the troops. So who was using the troops as "pawns" then? Liberals, plain and simple.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

Actually I think your right, they already released the photos of the other 3 men killed inside the house, I don't know why Bin Laden is so much better than them but at the same time the Administration doesn't want to put all its cards on the table at once, like you said once things get really bad with the economy or gas prices sky rocket to $5 we will wake up one morning, log on to our computers and see that the pictures have been released.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

Actually I think your right, they already released the photos of the other 3 men killed inside the house, I don't know why Bin Laden is so much better than them but at the same time the Administration doesn't want to put all its cards on the table at once, like you said once things get really bad with the economy or gas prices sky rocket to $5 we will wake up one morning, log on to our computers and see that the pictures have been released.

Well said HG. They're probably just waiting for maximum Political Gain. The Economy will be tanking again. They'll need a big distraction. The People are beginning to feel the pain of skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices. Bin Laden Photos/Videos could distract them. I guess we'll see if that works for them. Stay tuned.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

I think you have a valid point.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

Actually I think your right, they already released the photos of the other 3 men killed inside the house, I don't know why Bin Laden is so much better than them but at the same time the Administration doesn't want to put all its cards on the table at once, like you said once things get really bad with the economy or gas prices sky rocket to $5 we will wake up one morning, log on to our computers and see that the pictures have been released.

Well said HG. They're probably just waiting for maximum Political Gain. The Economy will be tanking again. They'll need a big distraction. The People are beginning to feel the pain of skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices. Bin Laden Photos/Videos could distract them. I guess we'll see if that works for them. Stay tuned.

The smart move is to ride this Osama Bin Laden victory as long as you can, makes no sense to release everything now because they have no cards to play for later unless they plan on killing Ayman Zawahiri or some other terrorist faggot.
Actually I think your right, they already released the photos of the other 3 men killed inside the house, I don't know why Bin Laden is so much better than them but at the same time the Administration doesn't want to put all its cards on the table at once, like you said once things get really bad with the economy or gas prices sky rocket to $5 we will wake up one morning, log on to our computers and see that the pictures have been released.

Well said HG. They're probably just waiting for maximum Political Gain. The Economy will be tanking again. They'll need a big distraction. The People are beginning to feel the pain of skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices. Bin Laden Photos/Videos could distract them. I guess we'll see if that works for them. Stay tuned.

The smart move is to ride this Osama Bin Laden victory as long as you can, makes no sense to release everything now because they have no cards to play for later unless they plan on killing Ayman Zawahiri or some other terrorist faggot.

Fantastic point. You nailed it. No need to add anything more.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

If you don't want to believe he is dead....Don't

Why should anyone care? All we know is we don't have to waste time looking for his sorry ass anymore

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