Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Actually I think your right, they already released the photos of the other 3 men killed inside the house, I don't know why Bin Laden is so much better than them but at the same time the Administration doesn't want to put all its cards on the table at once, like you said once things get really bad with the economy or gas prices sky rocket to $5 we will wake up one morning, log on to our computers and see that the pictures have been released.

Well said HG. They're probably just waiting for maximum Political Gain. The Economy will be tanking again. They'll need a big distraction. The People are beginning to feel the pain of skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices. Bin Laden Photos/Videos could distract them. I guess we'll see if that works for them. Stay tuned.

The smart move is to ride this Osama Bin Laden victory as long as you can, makes no sense to release everything now because they have no cards to play for later unless they plan on killing Ayman Zawahiri or some other terrorist faggot.

You could be onto something there. He wants to get the "Deather Movement" going first. He is going to peak way to early from this victory to ride it into the election just like Bush Senior did with Gulf War #1 Desert Storm Victory. This way he can level the Deathers just before the election. This will also discredit all the Middle East Deathers who try to use this for political traction.
Well said HG. They're probably just waiting for maximum Political Gain. The Economy will be tanking again. They'll need a big distraction. The People are beginning to feel the pain of skyrocketing Food & Gas Prices. Bin Laden Photos/Videos could distract them. I guess we'll see if that works for them. Stay tuned.

The smart move is to ride this Osama Bin Laden victory as long as you can, makes no sense to release everything now because they have no cards to play for later unless they plan on killing Ayman Zawahiri or some other terrorist faggot.

You could be onto something there. He wants to get the "Deather Movement" going first. He is going to peak way to early from this victory to ride it into the election just like Bush Senior did with Gulf War #1 Desert Storm Victory. This way he can level the Deathers just before the election. This will also discredit all the Middle East Deathers who try to use this for political traction.

You can't put all your cards on the table at once, I'm no politician but I know that much, I wouldn't release the tapes or pics of Osama either, save those for a rainy day when shit really hits the fan like when gas goes up to $6 or whatever the fuck.
The smart move is to ride this Osama Bin Laden victory as long as you can, makes no sense to release everything now because they have no cards to play for later unless they plan on killing Ayman Zawahiri or some other terrorist faggot.

You could be onto something there. He wants to get the "Deather Movement" going first. He is going to peak way to early from this victory to ride it into the election just like Bush Senior did with Gulf War #1 Desert Storm Victory. This way he can level the Deathers just before the election. This will also discredit all the Middle East Deathers who try to use this for political traction.

You can't put all your cards on the table at once, I'm no politician but I know that much, I wouldn't release the tapes or pics of Osama either, save those for a rainy day when shit really hits the fan like when gas goes up to $6 or whatever the fuck.

If obama is using this for political points, that would be a very dangerous game not for him but our troops. obama did not like what Jones did by burning ther quran, Jones was condemn by the government saying he placed our troops in danger. What would piss the muslims off more burning the quran or killing an unarmed Bin Laden?
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

What end? Been to a gas station lately? :eek:

:lol: :lol:
You could be onto something there. He wants to get the "Deather Movement" going first. He is going to peak way to early from this victory to ride it into the election just like Bush Senior did with Gulf War #1 Desert Storm Victory. This way he can level the Deathers just before the election. This will also discredit all the Middle East Deathers who try to use this for political traction.

You can't put all your cards on the table at once, I'm no politician but I know that much, I wouldn't release the tapes or pics of Osama either, save those for a rainy day when shit really hits the fan like when gas goes up to $6 or whatever the fuck.

If obama is using this for political points, that would be a very dangerous game not for him but our troops. obama did not like what Jones did by burning ther quran, Jones was condemn by the government saying he placed our troops in danger. What would piss the muslims off more burning the quran or killing an unarmed Bin Laden?

If Islam is really a religion of "peace" they shouldn't mind seeing pics of a dead terrorist.
In the end,i think we're all being played for Suckers. I think they're just waiting to release Photo/Video Proof for when they feel they can benefit most politically. The coming Economic News is going to be grim. Food & Gas Prices are Skyrocketing. Americans really are beginning to feel the pinch. I think they'll wait till the Economic News is at its worst and then release Photos/Videos. That will be a big distraction for people feeling the pain of a worsening Economy. Looks like they really are just playing us all for Suckers again. Expect them to release something eventually.

What end? Been to a gas station lately? :eek:

:lol: :lol:

That will change next week. Osama's death has taken the terror premium off of oil prices. This has also helped the US dollar by default. This sudden US dollar strength caused the short dollar trade bubble to pop. Prices at the gas pump should drop 10% or 40 cents a gallon in the coming weeks.
You can't put all your cards on the table at once, I'm no politician but I know that much, I wouldn't release the tapes or pics of Osama either, save those for a rainy day when shit really hits the fan like when gas goes up to $6 or whatever the fuck.

If obama is using this for political points, that would be a very dangerous game not for him but our troops. obama did not like what Jones did by burning ther quran, Jones was condemn by the government saying he placed our troops in danger. What would piss the muslims off more burning the quran or killing an unarmed Bin Laden?

If Islam is really a religion of "peace" they shouldn't mind seeing pics of a dead terrorist.

Nor a burning quran
If you don't know that releasing those photos will inflame Muslims and the radicals in a war zone you are an idiot.
Or don't care.
NO ONE in the military wants those photos out. If they did THEY WOULD BE OUT.
Have some discipline and govern yourself accordingly.

OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:

As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Fuck off using our military for your cheap partisan point scoring, scum.

Liberals care deeply about our military? Do they? All of them? Really? Because family members of mine have been spat on by so called 'liberals' because of the uniform they wear.

Liberals collected American money - tax dollars - and used it to provide aid to our enemies in time of war. That's fucking treason. And those were Liberal Senators and liberal supporters who did that. Even with the military specifically explaining what would happen to that aid, they went ahead and provided it anyway.

So go fuck yourself, you moronic twit. Don't dare talk about how much liberals care, and don't you dare accuse the right of viewing them as pawns.
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OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:

As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Fuck off using our military for your cheap partisan point scoring, scum.

Liberals care deeply about our military? Do they? All of them? Really? Because family members of mine have been spat on by so called 'liberals' because of the uniform they wear.

Liberals collected American money - tax dollars - and used it to provide aid to our enemies in time of war. That's fucking treason. And those were Liberal Senators and liberal supporters who did that. Even with the military specifically explaining what would happen to that aid, they went ahead and provided it anyway.
Sorta like Reagan did in Iran/Contra?
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Tainted DNA the only thing that will prove is that bin laden had been there I don't think it would prove he was killed there. At least not without a body and chain of evidence.

It'll be faked in any case so why bother asking for it?

what you're saying is:

a) You don't believe OBL has been killed
b) Any evidence provided has been faked
c) There is no evidence you'd accept as true.

Wow, talk about avoiding any sort of critical thinking and cementing your ignorance. If I'm wrong about the 3 points, please correct me or head back to the conspiracy forum with the birfers, troofers and now deaffers.

The truth of my post is much shorter than that.
I knew that, as far as bigrednec and all the other birthers are concerned, any evidence that is released will be denied as fake.

Apparently there is a 1 in 100 billion chance of a coincidental DNA match, that is, 1 in 100 billion people have matching DNA markers.

I suspect that the Whitehouse would be accused of going out and finding a person with the same DNA markers as OBL and planting it at the house.
They're pretty sneaky those Democrats doncha know...
It'll be faked in any case so why bother asking for it?

what you're saying is:

a) You don't believe OBL has been killed
b) Any evidence provided has been faked
c) There is no evidence you'd accept as true.

Wow, talk about avoiding any sort of critical thinking and cementing your ignorance. If I'm wrong about the 3 points, please correct me or head back to the conspiracy forum with the birfers, troofers and now deaffers.

The truth of my post is much shorter than that.
I knew that, as far as bigrednec and all the other birthers are concerned, any evidence that is released will be denied as fake.

Apparently there is a 1 in 100 billion chance of a coincidental DNA match, that is, 1 in 100 billion people have matching DNA markers.

I suspect that the Whitehouse would be accused of going out and finding a person with the same DNA markers as OBL and planting it at the house.
They're pretty sneaky those Democrats doncha know...
Dem's wouldn't be smart enough to pull it off.

Doesn't matter.....He's fuckin' DEAD, dammit!
It'll be faked in any case so why bother asking for it?

what you're saying is:

a) You don't believe OBL has been killed
b) Any evidence provided has been faked
c) There is no evidence you'd accept as true.

Wow, talk about avoiding any sort of critical thinking and cementing your ignorance. If I'm wrong about the 3 points, please correct me or head back to the conspiracy forum with the birfers, troofers and now deaffers.

The truth of my post is much shorter than that.
I knew that, as far as bigrednec and all the other birthers are concerned, any evidence that is released will be denied as fake.

Apparently there is a 1 in 100 billion chance of a coincidental DNA match, that is, 1 in 100 billion people have matching DNA markers.

I suspect that the Whitehouse would be accused of going out and finding a person with the same DNA markers as OBL and planting it at the house.
They're pretty sneaky those Democrats doncha know...

I said it does not matter now no matter what obama did it would not be believed by some. Most of us would accept it and would have move on. But obama caused this. I'm still wondering why you quesion my satment? To begin with in the first place.
OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:

As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Fuck off using our military for your cheap partisan point scoring, scum.

Liberals care deeply about our military? Do they? All of them? Really? Because family members of mine have been spat on by so called 'liberals' because of the uniform they wear.

Liberals collected American money - tax dollars - and used it to provide aid to our enemies in time of war. That's fucking treason. And those were Liberal Senators and liberal supporters who did that. Even with the military specifically explaining what would happen to that aid, they went ahead and provided it anyway.

So go fuck yourself, you moronic twit. Don't dare talk about how much liberals care, and don't you dare accuse the right of viewing them as pawns.

Yes, liberals care deeply about our military sons & daughters. Liberal patriotism is based on caring about the American people and all people. Conservative patriotism is based on superficial nationalism and war. The only way to show that care is to never send our sons & daughters into harms way unless every other possible option is exhausted. The whole idea of preemptive war makes me sick and makes liberals sick. I listened to you right wing warmongers for 8 years cheer for war, killing and torture. You have absolutely no thought or remorse for the 100,000 innocent human beings needlessly killed in Bush's war, because the were Iraqis. You right wing scum bags have no regard for the lives of anyone except yourself.

When the details of the friendly-fire death of former NFL star Pat Tillman came out, liberals were outraged. You right wing traitors were outraged because Pat's mother called out your beloved despot Bush.

When Jim Webb and Democrats proposed the new GI Bill, Bush, McCain and you right wing parrots were against it; it was too generous.

The lead interrogator in Iraq came out and testified that torture doesn't work. And worse yet, those atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo you slime balls cheered for recruited thousands of foreign fighters to Iraq who were responsible for deaths of thousands of American sons & daughters.

So go fuck yourself. You right wingers are not patriots, you are traitors.

Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Fuck off using our military for your cheap partisan point scoring, scum.

Liberals care deeply about our military? Do they? All of them? Really? Because family members of mine have been spat on by so called 'liberals' because of the uniform they wear.

Liberals collected American money - tax dollars - and used it to provide aid to our enemies in time of war. That's fucking treason. And those were Liberal Senators and liberal supporters who did that. Even with the military specifically explaining what would happen to that aid, they went ahead and provided it anyway.

So go fuck yourself, you moronic twit. Don't dare talk about how much liberals care, and don't you dare accuse the right of viewing them as pawns.

Yes, liberals care deeply about our military sons & daughters. Liberal patriotism is based on caring about the American people and all people. Conservative patriotism is based on superficial nationalism and war. The only way to show that care is to never send our sons & daughters into harms way unless every other possible option is exhausted. The whole idea of preemptive war makes me sick and makes liberals sick. I listened to you right wing warmongers for 8 years cheer for war, killing and torture. You have absolutely no thought or remorse for the 100,000 innocent human beings needlessly killed in Bush's war, because the were Iraqis. You right wing scum bags have no regard for the lives of anyone except yourself.

When the details of the friendly-fire death of former NFL star Pat Tillman came out, liberals were outraged. You right wing traitors were outraged because Pat's mother called out your beloved despot Bush.

When Jim Webb and Democrats proposed the new GI Bill, Bush, McCain and you right wing parrots were against it; it was too generous.

The lead interrogator in Iraq came out and testified that torture doesn't work. And worse yet, those atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo you slime balls cheered for recruited thousands of foreign fighters to Iraq who were responsible for deaths of thousands of American sons & daughters.

So go fuck yourself. You right wingers are not patriots, you are traitors.

Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.
Dwight D. Eisenhower
As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Fuck off using our military for your cheap partisan point scoring, scum.

Liberals care deeply about our military? Do they? All of them? Really? Because family members of mine have been spat on by so called 'liberals' because of the uniform they wear.

Liberals collected American money - tax dollars - and used it to provide aid to our enemies in time of war. That's fucking treason. And those were Liberal Senators and liberal supporters who did that. Even with the military specifically explaining what would happen to that aid, they went ahead and provided it anyway.

So go fuck yourself, you moronic twit. Don't dare talk about how much liberals care, and don't you dare accuse the right of viewing them as pawns.

Yes, liberals care deeply about our military sons & daughters. Liberal patriotism is based on caring about the American people and all people. Conservative patriotism is based on superficial nationalism and war. The only way to show that care is to never send our sons & daughters into harms way unless every other possible option is exhausted. The whole idea of preemptive war makes me sick and makes liberals sick. I listened to you right wing warmongers for 8 years cheer for war, killing and torture. You have absolutely no thought or remorse for the 100,000 innocent human beings needlessly killed in Bush's war, because the were Iraqis. You right wing scum bags have no regard for the lives of anyone except yourself.

When the details of the friendly-fire death of former NFL star Pat Tillman came out, liberals were outraged. You right wing traitors were outraged because Pat's mother called out your beloved despot Bush.

When Jim Webb and Democrats proposed the new GI Bill, Bush, McCain and you right wing parrots were against it; it was too generous.

The lead interrogator in Iraq came out and testified that torture doesn't work. And worse yet, those atrocities at Abu Ghraib and Gitmo you slime balls cheered for recruited thousands of foreign fighters to Iraq who were responsible for deaths of thousands of American sons & daughters.

So go fuck yourself. You right wingers are not patriots, you are traitors.

Preventive war was an invention of Hitler. Frankly, I would not even listen to anyone seriously that came and talked about such a thing.
Dwight D. Eisenhower

Guess whom this cretin is referring to?

BUFU? YOU are an IDIOT to the extreme.
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

I'm just glad they slid him in with the fish, before Eric Holder stuck his big nose into the issue ( in the event he didn't ) . :eusa_whistle:
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

I'm just glad they slid him in with the fish, before Eric Holder stuck his big nose into the issue ( in the event he didn't ) . :eusa_whistle:
That's what SEALS do after eating their bait. Slip the left over carcass into the ocean.
Obama and his puppet masters are fucking liars. America is on to them. I am not usually an Alex Jones kind of guy, I think alot of stuff he says is bs. However, I have to say that this interview he did with Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik is very interesting. Every American should listen to it either way. I don't know what to think really.

I only linked PrisonPlanet because they had all parts of the interview on their website. Youtube only had the first, but I am sure the rest are out there. They just didn't pop up after the first finished. And before any fucking sheoplized yes man robot slave calls me a conspiracy theorist, find me one other time in the last 10 years here, or over at Vannity, where I have ever linked to any Conspiracy theory website. You won't. Forget the website. Watch the fucking video. Alot of people are talking about this. ~BH
Alot of people are talking about this. ~BH

As well they should be. By Killing Osama (which I do believe we did) and then dumping the Body so fast, and then Refusing to release Photos. The Obama Admin has created and is fueling doubt.

The Left will dismiss this, and say right wingers would not believe it if we showed proof. What they do not understand is it is not just right wingers that think it is odd, and proof should be released. Much of the world is wondering as well, and most importantly Moderate, Average Muslims around the world are speaking out and saying they need to see Proof. They want to know he is finally dead for sure, and are not going to just take our word for it.

Alot of people are talking about this. ~BH

As well they should be. By Killing Osama (which I do believe we did) and then dumping the Body so fast, and then Refusing to release Photos. The Obama Admin has created and is fueling doubt.

The Left will dismiss this, and say right wingers would not believe it if we showed proof. What they do not understand is it is not just right wingers that think it is odd, and proof should be released. Much of the world is wondering as well, and most importantly Moderate, Average Muslims around the world are speaking out and saying they need to see Proof. They want to know he is finally dead for sure, and are not going to just take our word for it.


Yeah, I hear yuh my friend. I am also thinking it also could be a situation where they hold on to the photos until just prior to the election. Kind of like how they held on to the birth certificate in order to get the conspiracy theories going. Could be that too, but one has to wonder why they don't atleast show his wrapped body on the boat. They had no problem showing Gitmo images that surely enraged more Muslims then this would have. They also had no problem showing the beheader Zarqawi's dead body after we killed him with Airstrikes. Why are those ok to show? = They are hiding something, or waiting for the right political moment to release them. ~BH

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