Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Where's Wikileaks? Can't count on our Media/Politicians for truth. Yea we're all "Conspiracy Nuts" and "Un-American" for asking for just a little proof the guy's dead. What a country. Yup,never question your Government. Because they always tell the truth. Man,this country is descending into Goose Stepper Hell. All that being said,they will release some proof eventually. They're probably just waiting for the time of maximum political gain. That's the pattern with this current Administration. The Economy will be tanking again so they'll probably wait till the Economic News is at its worst for the release of Photos/Videos. It will happen though. Bet on that.

He's dead, why do I say he's dead, because obama told us so. Looks like the left would know what it's like after 8 years of bush, the right calling them un American they hate the troops they support the enemy and bush lied. They bashed bush but support obama and obama is doing the same thing bush did, just times ten

Hey don't question authority. Because that makes you a "Conspiracy Nut" and "Un-American." Because the Authority never lies. What a country we're becoming huh? Just shout down and viciously condemn anyone who dares to question the Government. I don't take the Government's word on anything. And i never will. A couple of Photos is not asking for a lot. It's a perfectly reasonable request. And they will agree with me eventually. You have to provide some type of verifiable proof on things like this. Look for them to release Photos/Video proof when they think they'll benefit most politically. They'll most likely do it as a distraction from the very bad Economic News that's coming. They'll release something. You can count on that.

I am all for (TFYQA) Think For Yourself Question Authority. That is what liberals preach at rallies on College Campuses. I am surprised to see most liberals questioning 9/11 but giving Obama a pass on this one & conservatives questioning him. You people are way to partisan.

My main beef is if you are going to accuse Obama of lying then get some proof first. Crime scenes can almost always be independently verified. All the DNA evidence still exist to do independent testing void of government intervention. News organizations & EOTS should be all over this. Also Osama's wife is alive & can be questioned about what happened to Osama during the raid. One would think the administration is fully aware of the many ways to prove whether they lied or not, so they would steer clear of fabricating this story in the first place as it would come back to bit them after a while.

There are however differing narratives about whether or not Osama was armed & what caused the helicopter crash. That is where some juicy fabricated story telling is taking place.
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Obama and his puppet masters are fucking liars. America is on to them. I am not usually an Alex Jones kind of guy, I think alot of stuff he says is bs. However, I have to say that this interview he did with Dr. Steve R. Pieczenik is very interesting. Every American should listen to it either way. I don't know what to think really.

I only linked PrisonPlanet because they had all parts of the interview on their website. Youtube only had the first, but I am sure the rest are out there. They just didn't pop up after the first finished. And before any fucking sheoplized yes man robot slave calls me a conspiracy theorist, find me one other time in the last 10 years here, or over at Vannity, where I have ever linked to any Conspiracy theory website. You won't. Forget the website. Watch the fucking video. Alot of people are talking about this. ~BH

Top Terrorist Hunter For U.S. Government: Wolfowitz General Told Me 9/11 Was False Flag

You do realize that Pieczenik is saying George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and their insiders attacked the United States of America on 9/11?
He's dead, why do I say he's dead, because obama told us so. Looks like the left would know what it's like after 8 years of bush, the right calling them un American they hate the troops they support the enemy and bush lied. They bashed bush but support obama and obama is doing the same thing bush did, just times ten

Hey don't question authority. Because that makes you a "Conspiracy Nut" and "Un-American." Because the Authority never lies. What a country we're becoming huh? Just shout down and viciously condemn anyone who dares to question the Government. I don't take the Government's word on anything. And i never will. A couple of Photos is not asking for a lot. It's a perfectly reasonable request. And they will agree with me eventually. You have to provide some type of verifiable proof on things like this. Look for them to release Photos/Video proof when they think they'll benefit most politically. They'll most likely do it as a distraction from the very bad Economic News that's coming. They'll release something. You can count on that.

I am all for (TFYQA) Think For Yourself Question Authority. That is what liberals preach at rallies on College Campuses. I am surprised to see most liberals questioning 9/11 but giving Obama a pass on this one & conservatives questioning him. You people are way to partisan.

My main beef is if you are going to accuse Obama of lying then get some proof first. Crime scenes can almost always be independently verified. All the DNA evidence still exist to do independent testing void of government intervention. News organizations & EOTS should be all over this. Also Osama's wife is alive & can be questioned about what happened to Osama during the raid. One would think the administration is fully aware of the many ways to prove whether they lied or not, so they would steer clear of fabricating this story in the first place as it would come back to bit them after a while.

There are however differing narratives about whether or not Osama was armed & what caused the helicopter crash. There is where some juicy story telling is taking place.

If bin Laden is alive, he could easily verify it with a video referencing the event and date.
If the Seals said he was dead and they had his body in their possession, then that's good enough for me. I don't need to see his body.
Alot of people are talking about this. ~BH

As well they should be. By Killing Osama (which I do believe we did) and then dumping the Body so fast, and then Refusing to release Photos. The Obama Admin has created and is fueling doubt.

The Left will dismiss this, and say right wingers would not believe it if we showed proof. What they do not understand is it is not just right wingers that think it is odd, and proof should be released. Much of the world is wondering as well, and most importantly Moderate, Average Muslims around the world are speaking out and saying they need to see Proof. They want to know he is finally dead for sure, and are not going to just take our word for it.


Yeah, I hear yuh my friend. I am also thinking it also could be a situation where they hold on to the photos until just prior to the election. Kind of like how they held on to the birth certificate in order to get the conspiracy theories going. Could be that too, but one has to wonder why they don't atleast show his wrapped body on the boat. They had no problem showing Gitmo images that surely enraged more Muslims then this would have. They also had no problem showing the beheader Zarqawi's dead body after we killed him with Airstrikes. Why are those ok to show? = They are hiding something, or waiting for the right political moment to release them. ~BH

YEP...all political games, manipulation...disingenuousness by these creeps...all for control of US. We need to keep calling OUT these ASSHOLES.
If the Seals said he was dead and they had his body in their possession, then that's good enough for me. I don't need to see his body.

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.

The term is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority figure's suggestion without critical analysis or sufficient research to understand the ramifications of that decision. By doing so, Sheeple undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights. The implication of the term is that people fallaciously appeal to authority and believe or do what they are told by perceived authority figures who they view as trustworthy.

If the Seals said he was dead and they had his body in their possession, then that's good enough for me. I don't need to see his body.

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.

The term is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority figure's suggestion without critical analysis or sufficient research to understand the ramifications of that decision. By doing so, Sheeple undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights. The implication of the term is that people fallaciously appeal to authority and believe or do what they are told by perceived authority figures who they view as trustworthy.

Those SEALS would never allow themselves to be used as part of some damn conspiracy.

The man is dead.

If you want to see what the SEALS, and what ALL Special Op's units are all about, I suggest you research SEAL team 10.
If the Seals said he was dead and they had his body in their possession, then that's good enough for me. I don't need to see his body.

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.

The term is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority figure's suggestion without critical analysis or sufficient research to understand the ramifications of that decision. By doing so, Sheeple undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights. The implication of the term is that people fallaciously appeal to authority and believe or do what they are told by perceived authority figures who they view as trustworthy.

Those SEALS would never allow themselves to be used as part of some damn conspiracy.


Waco Update:

The Delta Force Was There

the Army's Fort Bragg-based Combat Applications Group-popularly known as the Delta Force-had been enlisted as part of the assault team on the Branch Davidian Compound.

Now shut the fuck up go forth and sin no more.

If the Seals said he was dead and they had his body in their possession, then that's good enough for me. I don't need to see his body.

Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.

The term is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority figure's suggestion without critical analysis or sufficient research to understand the ramifications of that decision. By doing so, Sheeple undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights. The implication of the term is that people fallaciously appeal to authority and believe or do what they are told by perceived authority figures who they view as trustworthy.

Those SEALS would never allow themselves to be used as part of some damn conspiracy.

The man is dead.

If you want to see what the SEALS, and what ALL Special Op's units are all about, I suggest you research SEAL team 10.

Would they have a choice if they were ordered to remain silent?
Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.

The term is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority figure's suggestion without critical analysis or sufficient research to understand the ramifications of that decision. By doing so, Sheeple undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights. The implication of the term is that people fallaciously appeal to authority and believe or do what they are told by perceived authority figures who they view as trustworthy.

Those SEALS would never allow themselves to be used as part of some damn conspiracy.


Waco Update:

The Delta Force Was There

the Army's Fort Bragg-based Combat Applications Group-popularly known as the Delta Force-had been enlisted as part of the assault team on the Branch Davidian Compound.

Now shut the fuck up go forth and sin no more.

Well, you're a fuckin' idiot, ya' god damn Gomer.

Look Clephus, take your conspiracy crap and stick it up your ass, lil man.

I'm sick and tired of you fuckin' crazy whackjobs....From the Troofers, to the Birfers, and now we have the Deafers....Bunch o' fuckin' asshats.

Oh, and BTW, nobody would EVER know if D-force was deployed.

Get a fuckin' clue!
Sheeple (a portmanteau of "sheep" and "people") is a term of disparagement, in which people are likened to sheep.

The term is often used to denote persons who voluntarily acquiesce to a perceived authority figure's suggestion without critical analysis or sufficient research to understand the ramifications of that decision. By doing so, Sheeple undermine their own individuality and may willingly give up their rights. The implication of the term is that people fallaciously appeal to authority and believe or do what they are told by perceived authority figures who they view as trustworthy.

Those SEALS would never allow themselves to be used as part of some damn conspiracy.

The man is dead.

If you want to see what the SEALS, and what ALL Special Op's units are all about, I suggest you research SEAL team 10.

Would they have a choice if they were ordered to remain silent?
Research SEAL team 10.
Oh, and BTW, nobody would EVER know if D-force was deployed.

After energetic use of Freedom of Information Act enquiries, plus research in three repositories in Texas holding evidence from the Waco inferno, plus other extensive investigations, McNulty and his team have put together an explosive file:

· 28 video tapes from the repositories show that in the final onslaught on the Waco compound were members of the US military in special assault gear
Oh, and BTW, nobody would EVER know if D-force was deployed.

After energetic use of Freedom of Information Act enquiries, plus research in three repositories in Texas holding evidence from the Waco inferno, plus other extensive investigations, McNulty and his team have put together an explosive file:

· 28 video tapes from the repositories show that in the final onslaught on the Waco compound were members of the US military in special assault gear
Yeah, and Bush allowed 9/11 to happen.

Fact is, no one would ever know if D-force is deployed.

Fact is, the military would not waste a group like D-force for a civilian mission like Waco, that was nothing more than a bunch of fuckin morons holed up in a house......What WACO was, was a series of fuck ups by ATF and FBI yahoos, led by a yahoo named Janet Reno.

Enough with the conspiracy crap.
Oh, and BTW, nobody would EVER know if D-force was deployed.

After energetic use of Freedom of Information Act enquiries, plus research in three repositories in Texas holding evidence from the Waco inferno, plus other extensive investigations, McNulty and his team have put together an explosive file:

· 28 video tapes from the repositories show that in the final onslaught on the Waco compound were members of the US military in special assault gear
Yeah, and Bush allowed 9/11 to happen.

Fact is, no one would ever know if D-force is deployed.

Fact is, the military would not waste a group like D-force for a civilian mission like Waco, that was nothing more than a bunch of fuckin morons holed up in a house......What WACO was, was a series of fuck ups by ATF and FBI yahoos, led by a yahoo named Janet Reno.

Enough with the conspiracy crap.

You Can't handle the truth.


"A government large enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."-----Thomas Jefferson


After energetic use of Freedom of Information Act enquiries, plus research in three repositories in Texas holding evidence from the Waco inferno, plus other extensive investigations, McNulty and his team have put together an explosive file:

· 28 video tapes from the repositories show that in the final onslaught on the Waco compound were members of the US military in special assault gear
Yeah, and Bush allowed 9/11 to happen.

Fact is, no one would ever know if D-force is deployed.

Fact is, the military would not waste a group like D-force for a civilian mission like Waco, that was nothing more than a bunch of fuckin morons holed up in a house......What WACO was, was a series of fuck ups by ATF and FBI yahoos, led by a yahoo named Janet Reno.

Enough with the conspiracy crap.

You Can't handle the truth.


"A government large enough to give you what you want, is strong enough to take everything you have."-----Thomas Jefferson

Seriously, do you actually think a group of SEALS is going to cover for a president trying to score political points.....Or wouldn't be able to figure it out on their own, and then keep their mouths shut...That they would put their asses and honor on the line to do a mission for a president trying to score political points, and enacting a cover up......That higher ups in the Military would allow a president to get away with that shit?

Hell fuckin' no they wouldn't.

Bin Laden is dead.
OH, suddenly you shitbags care about what the military wants.

Funny how you libs demanded all photos of Abu Ghraib be released knowing the Muslims would overreact.

Funny how you libs demananded that photos of dead soldiers returning home be made public.

You shitbags are such hypocrits. You motherfuckers support the release of any photo that will demoralize America and embolden our enemies. And by the way, where the fuck do you get off saying "NO ONE in the military" wants these photos out? Just because Obama's man Gates says so? :cuckoo:

As a liberal, I did NOT want pictures from Abu Ghraib released. And liberals care deeply about our military personnel. Right wingers view them as pawns, liberals see they are our sons & daughters.

Fuck off using our military for your cheap partisan point scoring, scum.

Liberals care deeply about our military? Do they? All of them? Really? Because family members of mine have been spat on by so called 'liberals' because of the uniform they wear.

Liberals collected American money - tax dollars - and used it to provide aid to our enemies in time of war. That's fucking treason. And those were Liberal Senators and liberal supporters who did that. Even with the military specifically explaining what would happen to that aid, they went ahead and provided it anyway.

So go fuck yourself, you moronic twit. Don't dare talk about how much liberals care, and don't you dare accuse the right of viewing them as pawns.

Alot of people are talking about this. ~BH

As well they should be. By Killing Osama (which I do believe we did) and then dumping the Body so fast, and then Refusing to release Photos. The Obama Admin has created and is fueling doubt.

The Left will dismiss this, and say right wingers would not believe it if we showed proof. What they do not understand is it is not just right wingers that think it is odd, and proof should be released. Much of the world is wondering as well, and most importantly Moderate, Average Muslims around the world are speaking out and saying they need to see Proof. They want to know he is finally dead for sure, and are not going to just take our word for it.


Yeah, I hear yuh my friend. I am also thinking it also could be a situation where they hold on to the photos until just prior to the election. Kind of like how they held on to the birth certificate in order to get the conspiracy theories going. Could be that too, but one has to wonder why they don't atleast show his wrapped body on the boat. They had no problem showing Gitmo images that surely enraged more Muslims then this would have. They also had no problem showing the beheader Zarqawi's dead body after we killed him with Airstrikes. Why are those ok to show? = They are hiding something, or waiting for the right political moment to release them. ~BH
I wonder if there will be over 50 layers of computer generated material in the photos, if ever released, as there was in the forged birth certificate?
As well they should be. By Killing Osama (which I do believe we did) and then dumping the Body so fast, and then Refusing to release Photos. The Obama Admin has created and is fueling doubt.

The Left will dismiss this, and say right wingers would not believe it if we showed proof. What they do not understand is it is not just right wingers that think it is odd, and proof should be released. Much of the world is wondering as well, and most importantly Moderate, Average Muslims around the world are speaking out and saying they need to see Proof. They want to know he is finally dead for sure, and are not going to just take our word for it.


Yeah, I hear yuh my friend. I am also thinking it also could be a situation where they hold on to the photos until just prior to the election. Kind of like how they held on to the birth certificate in order to get the conspiracy theories going. Could be that too, but one has to wonder why they don't atleast show his wrapped body on the boat. They had no problem showing Gitmo images that surely enraged more Muslims then this would have. They also had no problem showing the beheader Zarqawi's dead body after we killed him with Airstrikes. Why are those ok to show? = They are hiding something, or waiting for the right political moment to release them. ~BH
I wonder if there will be over 50 layers of computer generated material in the photos, if ever released, as there was in the forged birth certificate?

Nah, I don't reckon they'll go to that much trouble this time.
If we'll swallow a forgery as obvious as the birth certificate, they'll just whip up a stick figure sketch this time, and know that the world will believe it.


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Yeah, I hear yuh my friend. I am also thinking it also could be a situation where they hold on to the photos until just prior to the election. Kind of like how they held on to the birth certificate in order to get the conspiracy theories going. Could be that too, but one has to wonder why they don't atleast show his wrapped body on the boat. They had no problem showing Gitmo images that surely enraged more Muslims then this would have. They also had no problem showing the beheader Zarqawi's dead body after we killed him with Airstrikes. Why are those ok to show? = They are hiding something, or waiting for the right political moment to release them. ~BH
I wonder if there will be over 50 layers of computer generated material in the photos, if ever released, as there was in the forged birth certificate?

Nah, I don't reckon they'll go to that much trouble this time.
If we'll swallow a forgery as obvious as the birth certificate, they'll just whip up a stick figure sketch this time, and know that the world will believe it.

hey, the dot is above his right eye. that's a froggery!
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

This Just in:

Generalissmo Francisco Franco is STILL dead. SInce 1976.

Y'all gonna get over this bullshit, or what?

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