Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

Yep. Even then they dont believe anything really happened.

There will never be "enough" proof.

I heard the ink on Obama's birth certificate was not invented until 63 and we all know obama was born in 61.

Just sayin. :doubt:
Asking for just a little proof of Bin Laden's death is "Crazy" too? Man,there is no hope for this Nation's future. What proof have any of these Goose Steppers seen of his death? Yet they're so willing to just believe anything their Government tells them. I believe the man is dead but there has been no proof presented at all. And they did dispose of his body way too quickly. I see no reason why Americans shouldn't see Photo/Video proof of his death. That's not unreasonable in any way.

"Just" asking? You put the word just out there like it softens things.

There are loads of international, religious, and moral/ethical reasons why not to do this.

It's not an easy calculus by any means - and Obama's taking the bullet from all you whack jobs for making a hard call.

A little proof = "whack jobs?" No i think it's you drama queen Goose Steppers who sound like whack jobs. Asking for just a little proof does not = "Crazy" or "Un-American." What the fuck is wrong with you people? SHEESH!
Now some people are just being drama queens defending their guy. Wanting proof is not an attack or an insult on this current President. It's a very reasonable request. I see no harm in releasing Photos and in a limited fashion,Video as well. They already blew it disposing the body so quickly. There can never be Independent confirmation of his death now. I'm not attacking the President,i'm just stating fact. Evidence & proof are always the right way to go.

Who cares if you have independent proof?

He is dead until he pops up proving he is alive. You don't want to buy into that? Who cares? You can store it with your Elvis is alive and Hitler is alive myths
I agree with the people that say that it is up to OBL to prove he isn't dead.

Put the ODS to rest along with the body of OBL folks. The guy's dead and WE, the United States of America, gets credit for doing it. Celebrate!

those who dont believe it at this point will never believe it any way.

They use hate to decide things rather than proof anyway

Hate? what ...

people have to prove their innocence
people have to be proven guilty
proof of life in a kidnapping
why cant the people ask for proof of death without it being called something its not?
Reminds me of the 9-11 truthers who wouldn't accept they were dead unless they could see the body parts
Libby, Libby.

You're always going to find fault with the Obama administration, no matter what they do. It's why you get out of bed in the morning and waste the energy typing that you do. (I find fault with both sides all the time on the other hand. Yes, that's an I'm better than you)

There were going to be conspiracy theorists no matter what. Your posts prove that.
I don't think anybody really wants proof. They know it happened. But the green eyed monster is just overpowering them!!! :lol::lol::lol:

Now some people are just being drama queens defending their guy. Wanting proof is not an attack or an insult on this current President. It's a very reasonable request. I see no harm in releasing Photos and in a limited fashion,Video as well. They already blew it disposing the body so quickly. There can never be Independent confirmation of his death now. I'm not attacking the President,i'm just stating fact. Evidence & proof are always the right way to go.

Who cares if you have independent proof?

He is dead until he pops up proving he is alive. You don't want to buy into that? Who cares? You can store it with your Elvis is alive and Hitler is alive myths

I haven't heard anybody suggest OBL is still alive. I think the theory is that he has been dead for years now.
So releasing the photos would settle the matter?

Just like releasing the long form BC settled that matter?

I think it's politically brilliant that they don't release it. Keep people's attention on the lunacy of the Obama derangement syndrome crowd.
Now some people are just being drama queens defending their guy. Wanting proof is not an attack or an insult on this current President. It's a very reasonable request. I see no harm in releasing Photos and in a limited fashion,Video as well. They already blew it disposing the body so quickly. There can never be Independent confirmation of his death now. I'm not attacking the President,i'm just stating fact. Evidence & proof are always the right way to go.

Who cares if you have independent proof?

He is dead until he pops up proving he is alive. You don't want to buy into that? Who cares? You can store it with your Elvis is alive and Hitler is alive myths

I haven't heard anybody suggest OBL is still alive. I think the theory is that he has been dead for years now.

Big deal. The moon landing is fake too
Of course if you find someone that is saying he's still alive then I agree, they are crazy.

those who dont believe it at this point will never believe it any way.

They use hate to decide things rather than proof anyway

Hate? what ...

people have to prove their innocence
people have to be proven guilty
proof of life in a kidnapping
why cant the people ask for proof of death without it being called something its not?

People who have decided that no proof would be sufficient are not entitled to ask for proof.
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

Why? Who's doubting Seal Team 6's story?

Are you calling Seal team 6 a bunch of Liars? Because I believe you are.

What the fuck kind of person are you? Those men are heroes.
On Monday the Stupid media had the wrong description of the area where the compound was located, much further South close to Gumani road. It really is located off of Kakul road much further North. No wonder I couldn't find any crop lines near their so-called location on Google Earth. I drove myself crazy trying to find it. I was about to purchase a foil hat. I finally found it today by using a sky view image of it along with looking for the crop lines. I can't believe I found it that way. ~BH
I'm pretty sure this Administration is going to agree with me in the end. You can't just claim the guy is dead without presenting even the slightest bit of proof. That makes no sense. And shame on all you hyper-partisan Goose Steppers for condemning people as being "Crazy" and "Un-American" for asking for proof. I have no respect for you people anymore. And you know who you are.
I'm pretty sure this Administration is going to agree with me in the end. You can't just claim the guy is dead without presenting even the slightest bit of proof. That makes no sense. And shame on all you hyper-partisan Goose Steppers for condemning people as being "Crazy" and "Un-American" for asking for proof. I have no respect for you people anymore. And you know who you are.

How would you know the photo was proof?
I'm pretty sure this Administration is going to agree with me in the end. You can't just claim the guy is dead without presenting even the slightest bit of proof. That makes no sense. And shame on all you hyper-partisan Goose Steppers for condemning people as being "Crazy" and "Un-American" for asking for proof. I have no respect for you people anymore. And you know who you are.

Again, you are calling the Navy Seals a bunch of liars.

You pretty much have no shame at this point, do you?
I'm pretty sure this Administration is going to agree with me in the end. You can't just claim the guy is dead without presenting even the slightest bit of proof. That makes no sense. And shame on all you hyper-partisan Goose Steppers for condemning people as being "Crazy" and "Un-American" for asking for proof. I have no respect for you people anymore. And you know who you are.

Fucking robots. You can't question anything these days without some yes man yelling conspiracy theory. Fact is, They should have no problem atleast releasing a photo of his wrapped body aboard the ship. Wouldn't that be a positive thing? Wouldn't that show that we were being sensitive to Islamic tradition? Seems like commonsense to me. That would end all arguements. Probably better to release them just prior to the election I guess. Never let a crisis go to waste right? :razz: ~BH
Why is it that you progressives will believe a conspiracy theory about Bush (that I may agree with) but can't believe one about Obama?

The fact is the "facts" aren't making sense. There have been to many changes in the story, to many mistakes, to many "coincidences", to many reports of kidney failure, to many admittedly faked dead photos,

First it was a bomb, then it was a seal team

Then he hid behind his wife, then he didn't

Then he was buried at sea according to Sharia, then Sharia doesn't call for it

Then the death photo was released then it was found to be a fake.

Then they were going to release the photos, then their not.

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