Government Must Release Bin Laden Death Photos Immediately...

But not just the Navy SEALS...

You're calling the SEALS, several helicopter pilots, the CIA, the crew of the ship that dumped the body, the President of the United States and his entire staff, Bin Laden's wife, and his daughter, plus any witnesses that happened to be around Liars.

How many people do you think could have been involved without word somehow getting out that it wasn't him, or that he's not dead?

We're talking about hundreds of people here.
I'm pretty sure this Administration is going to agree with me in the end. You can't just claim the guy is dead without presenting even the slightest bit of proof. That makes no sense. And shame on all you hyper-partisan Goose Steppers for condemning people as being "Crazy" and "Un-American" for asking for proof. I have no respect for you people anymore. And you know who you are.

Again, you are calling the Navy Seals a bunch of liars.

You pretty much have no shame at this point, do you?

That's pretty gutless bro. He didn't say that. Wanting to see the photos is not calling The Navy Seals liars. ~BH
Why is it that you progressives will believe a conspiracy theory about Bush (that I may agree with) but can't believe one about Obama?

What conspiracy theory about Bush? The "truther" theory? I don't believe that at all.

The fact is the "facts" aren't making sense. There have been to many changes in the story, to many mistakes, to many "coincidences", to many reports of kidney failure, to many admittedly faked dead photos,

First it was a bomb, then it was a seal team

Then he hid behind his wife, then he didn't

Then he was buried at sea according to Sharia, then Sharia doesn't call for it

Then the death photo was released then it was found to be a fake.

Then they were going to release the photos, then their not.

Which can all be attributed to people talking about shit before they had all the facts. It's only been 2 days.

And, again, how do you account for the hundreds of witnesses.

Are you also calling the Navy SEALS liars?
Again,it's not a Conspiracy Theory to ask for some proof of his death. Right now there is absolutely no proof of the man's death. They blew that when they disposed the body so quickly. Photo/Video proof would be quite appropriate. I'm beginning to agree with an earlier poster who said they'll probably release the Photos/Videos when they think they will benefit most from it politically. Because they are going to have to present some evidence of the man's death at some point. I think they know this. There will be Photo/Video proof being released eventually.
That's pretty gutless bro. He didn't say that. Wanting to see the photos is not calling The Navy Seals liars. ~BH

He's saying that all the SEALS that were involved in the mission, and submitted reports on said mission, lied about the person shot being Osama Bin Laden.

He is demanding evidence that it is Bin Laden, therefore he is specifically doubting the word of the Navy SEALS who carried out the mission.

What about that scenario is NOT calling the Navy SEALS liars???
Prof Codevilla pointed to inconsistencies in the videos and claimed there have been no reputable sightings of Bin Laden for years (for instance, all interceptions by the West of communications made by the Al Qaeda leader suddenly ceased in late 2001).

Prof Codevilla asserted: 'The video and audio tapes alleged to be Osama's never convince the impartial observer,' he asserted. 'The guy just does not look like Osama. Some videos show him with a Semitic, aquiline nose, while others show him with a shorter, broader one. Next to that, differences between the colours and styles of his beard are small stuff.'

There are other doubters, too. Professor Bruce Lawrence, head of Duke University's religious studies' department and the foremost Bin Laden expert, argues that the increasingly secular language in the video and audio tapes of Osama (his earliest ones are littered with references to God and the Prophet Mohammed) are inconsistent with his strict Islamic religion, Wahhabism.

He notes that, on one video, Bin Laden wears golden rings on his fingers, an adornment banned among Wahhabi followers.

Read more: Has Osama Bin Laden been dead for seven years - and are the U.S. and Britain covering it up to continue war on terror? | Mail Online
But not just the Navy SEALS...

You're calling the SEALS, several helicopter pilots, the CIA, the crew of the ship that dumped the body, the President of the United States and his entire staff, Bin Laden's wife, and his daughter, plus any witnesses that happened to be around Liars.

How many people do you think could have been involved without word somehow getting out that it wasn't him, or that he's not dead?

We're talking about hundreds of people here.

What the fuck are you babbling about? I haven't seen one Navy Seal or Navy Crew Member come out and say they saw Bin Laden's dead body. Seriously,are you fucking deranged or something? Have you met any of these people personally. I seriously doubt that. It's not "Un-American" to ask for just a little confirmation proof. So fuck off with that weak shit.
Again,it's not a Conspiracy Theory to ask for some proof of his death. Right now there is absolutely no proof of the man's death. They blew that when they disposed the body so quickly. Photo/Video proof would be quite appropriate. I'm beginning to agree with an earlier poster who said they'll probably release the Photos/Videos when they think they will benefit most from it politically. Because they are going to have to present some evidence of the man's death at some point. I think they know this. There will be Photo/Video proof being released eventually.

There is the eyewitness testimony of dozens of members of our fine armed services, as well as the testimony of every single other person who was working on the mission.

But again, you are calling them liars.

What exactly is your problem with the Navy SEALS anyway?
Again,it's not a Conspiracy Theory to ask for some proof of his death. Right now there is absolutely no proof of the man's death. They blew that when they disposed the body so quickly. Photo/Video proof would be quite appropriate. I'm beginning to agree with an earlier poster who said they'll probably release the Photos/Videos when they think they will benefit most from it politically. Because they are going to have to present some evidence of the man's death at some point. I think they know this. There will be Photo/Video proof being released eventually.

There is the eyewitness testimony of dozens of members of our fine armed services, as well as the testimony of every single other person who was working on the mission.

But again, you are calling them liars.

What exactly is your problem with the Navy SEALS anyway?

Can you post links to those testimonies?
What the fuck are you babbling about? I haven't seen one Navy Seal or Navy Crew Member come out and say they saw Bin Laden's dead body. Seriously,are you fucking deranged or something? Have you met any of these people personally. I seriously doubt that. It's not "Un-American" to ask for just a little confirmation proof. So fuck off with that weak shit.

After a mission, special forces are debriefed and file reports. In order for this to have been faked, everyone who filed a report would have had to lie on said report.

Therefore, you are calling the Navy SEALS who were involved in the mission, as well as anyone else, liars.

So what's your problem dude? I've got a bunch of Navy friends that would resent the fuck out of your line of questioning.
That's pretty gutless bro. He didn't say that. Wanting to see the photos is not calling The Navy Seals liars. ~BH

He's saying that all the SEALS that were involved in the mission, and submitted reports on said mission, lied about the person shot being Osama Bin Laden.

He is demanding evidence that it is Bin Laden, therefore he is specifically doubting the word of the Navy SEALS who carried out the mission.

What about that scenario is NOT calling the Navy SEALS liars???

No bro, you're putting words into his mouth. Hey? This just in! Alot of fucking people want to see the photos and for alot of different reasons. Jeesuz, Now people can't even ask to see the pitcures? Unbelievable. ~BH
Again,it's not a Conspiracy Theory to ask for some proof of his death. Right now there is absolutely no proof of the man's death. They blew that when they disposed the body so quickly. Photo/Video proof would be quite appropriate. I'm beginning to agree with an earlier poster who said they'll probably release the Photos/Videos when they think they will benefit most from it politically. Because they are going to have to present some evidence of the man's death at some point. I think they know this. There will be Photo/Video proof being released eventually.

There is the eyewitness testimony of dozens of members of our fine armed services, as well as the testimony of every single other person who was working on the mission.

But again, you are calling them liars.

What exactly is your problem with the Navy SEALS anyway?

Can you post links to those testimonies?

What the fuck are you babbling about? I haven't seen one Navy Seal or Navy Crew Member come out and say they saw Bin Laden's dead body. Seriously,are you fucking deranged or something? Have you met any of these people personally. I seriously doubt that. It's not "Un-American" to ask for just a little confirmation proof. So fuck off with that weak shit.

After a mission, special forces are debriefed and file reports. In order for this to have been faked, everyone who filed a report would have had to lie on said report.

Therefore, you are calling the Navy SEALS who were involved in the mission, as well as anyone else, liars.

So what's your problem dude? I've got a bunch of Navy friends that would resent the fuck out of your line of questioning.

Yea and i'm good buddies with the Pope too. So fuck you and your imaginary Navy friends. Asking for just a little confirmation proof from your Government does not mean you're "Un-American" in any way. It's actually logical and right.
Can you post links to those testimonies?

Nope, and as you well know, in all probability neither you nor I will ever be able to.

But every single person that has the proper clearance and need-to-know can see them, which includes all the members of the appropriate committees in the house and Senate, all the higher-ups at the CIA and DOD, etc, etc...

So, either you're:

  • Saying that SEAL team 6 doesn't actually exist.
  • Calling the SEALS a bunch of liars.
  • Or saying that every member of congress on any kind of related committee is in on the conspiracy too, Republican or Democrat? Plus whoever else.

How many people are in on this conspiracy of yours?
No bro, you're putting words into his mouth. Hey? This just in! Alot of fucking people want to see the photos and for alot of different reasons. Jeesuz, Now people can't even ask to see the pitcures? Unbelievable. ~BH

What reasons?

Please, feel free to be specific.
Personally i believe they made a huge error in judgement disposing of Bin Laden's body so quickly. There was no independent confirmation of his death and now there never will be. They really have opened the door to so many future Conspiracy Theories. I believe their hasty decision to dispose Bin Laden's body was a terrible blunder that will live in infamy for eternity. They have to release Photos & Video now. They put themselves in a very bad position. The longer they wait on releasing these Photos,the more people will begin to doubt their story. The time is now.

The decision not to release photos of Bin Laden, is just another example of President
Obamas weakness ,cowardess, and capitulatory attitude.

Bush, and Rumsfled had photos of Saddam Hussein, and Al Zarquary released a few days
after they were killed.
President Obama, and his administration, is weak and are a bunch of cowards.
You ordered Osama Killed, be man enough now to show all the photos and videos.
Give us all the gory details for Gods sake!!?.
Too bad they are not going to release them.

Its the right decision.

None of you would believe anything anyway.

You use hate to make your decisions instead of evidence

You are a complete jackass. They need to be released, not so we can see them, but so that the Muslim world can see them. Moderate Muslim leaders are asking for it. They say the masses of People in the Muslim world need to see proof.

I am inclined to agree.

Dumping the body so fast was a terrible mistake, and refusing to even show photographic Evidence is just making it worse.
Yea and i'm good buddies with the Pope too. So fuck you and your imaginary Navy friends. Asking for just a little confirmation proof from your Government does not mean you're "Un-American" in any way. It's actually logical and right.

I was stationed with all four forces for most of my time in the military. It was a very common occurence in my MOS.

Now, jackass, are you, or are you not, questioning any reports that have been filed by the Navy SEALS concerning the death of Osama Bin Laden?

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