Governor moonbeam welcomes HIV blood donors


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Governor Moonbeam Welcomes HIV Blood Donors + More - Capitol Hill Outsider

SACRAMENTO 9/20/17–California has long been known as “the land of fruit and nuts” which began with an agricultural description, later becoming a recognized human condition. Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) is about to sign a bill, SB 239, crafted by legislators allowing, now get this, HIV positive people to become blood donors. Being who he is, he will sign the bill. This knuckle headed idiotic governor is beyond belief but is backed overwhelmingly by his fellow demoncrats


Leftist idiots yep they agree to all the same stuff until it affects one of their own.
I agree with this legislation on the condition that the blood be given only to democrats.
That Brown pig only cared about illegals, never Americans who he called "freeloaders." And that bald, non-human-looking fuck looks like he has progyria. With that irritating smirk on his face, he looks like a salesman trying to sell something that doesn't work.
Governor Moonbeam Welcomes HIV Blood Donors + More - Capitol Hill Outsider

SACRAMENTO 9/20/17–California has long been known as “the land of fruit and nuts” which began with an agricultural description, later becoming a recognized human condition. Governor Moonbeam (Jerry Brown) is about to sign a bill, SB 239, crafted by legislators allowing, now get this, HIV positive people to become blood donors. Being who he is, he will sign the bill. This knuckle headed idiotic governor is beyond belief but is backed overwhelmingly by his fellow demoncrats


Leftist idiots yep they agree to all the same stuff until it affects one of their own.

And AGAIN MindWars posts lies.

If you would check your facts, you wouldn't make a fool of yourself with every single thread.
Whenever something comes from Infowars, I do a Google check of the story on my own to make sure it's correct.

This one isn't.

False Headline on HIV Blood Donation -

It’s true that the bill would reduce the penalties for knowingly infecting another person with HIV from a felony conviction to a misdemeanor. But it does not allow HIV-positive people to donate blood.

Rather than facing two to six years in jail for the offense, those found guilty under the proposed bill would face up to six months in jail, which is the same penalty for knowingly exposing people to other communicable diseases.

Also, the provision in state law that requires facilities to screen donated blood for HIV and other communicable diseases would remain in effect.
Hmmm...............Blind Whore starts another fake news thread, why am I not surprised. Wonder if she's got me on ignore yet for blowing her threads out of the water?
From the link Blind Whore just posted about the FDA letting gay men donate. Yes, they can, but only if they have been celibate for a year.

The Food and Drug Administration has formally proposed letting gay and bisexual men donate blood, so long as they’ve abstained from sex for a year.

The recommendation changes the current guidance, which is that any man who have ever had sex with another man in his entire life should never be able to donate blood. It’s a policy that has enraged gay rights groups and that is virtually impossible to enforce.

"No transmissions of HIV, hepatitis B virus, or hepatitis C virus have been documented through U.S.-licensed plasma derived products in the past two decades," the FDA says in its recommendation.
Which puts people who need blood at risk jackasses ..................... get it.

California Governor Jerry Brown is expected to give a green light to a bill allowing HIV positive people to knowingly expose their blood to others.

The bill, SB 239, will reduce the penalties for knowingly exposing someone to HIV without telling them, allowing HIV positive people to donate their blood to others. Lawmakers claim the current felony charge for the crime is ‘discriminatory.’ reports: State Sen. Scott Wiener, a San Francisco Democrat who introduced the bill, said the current law discriminates against people with HIV because people who expose others with different viruses get only a misdemeanor rather than a felony.

“Right now HIV is singled out for uniquely harsh treatment as a felony,” Wiener said during the floor debate, according to the L.A. Times. He added that modern drugs allow someone with HIV to be noninfectious to others, while the felony charge may discourage some from getting tested.

California Gov. Jerry Brown To Allow HIV Positive People To Donate Blood
Hmmm...............Blind Whore starts another fake news thread, why am I not surprised. Wonder if she's got me on ignore yet for blowing her threads out of the water?

And she wonders why she gets made fun of and ridiculed all the time.
No it didnt. It weakens the punishment for knowingly giving someone HIV. They still cant donate and the bill requires people to screen donated blood for HIV
which i dont agree with but the title of the thread isnt true. that it? Oh well..what is all the fuss about? I mean why should it even be against the law? It's just fucking AIDS!

Brown is a Fking douche nozzle and always has been.

No it didnt. It weakens the punishment for knowingly giving someone HIV. They still cant donate and the bill requires people to screen donated blood for HIV
which i dont agree with but the title of the thread isnt true. that it? Oh well..what is all the fuss about? I mean why should it even be against the law? It's just fucking AIDS!

Brown is a Fking douche nozzle and always has been.

i said i dont agree with it lol
Instead of posting interpretive media, can anyone show where in the bill it says hiv patients can now donate blood?
Hmmm...............Blind Whore starts another fake news thread, why am I not surprised. Wonder if she's got me on ignore yet for blowing her threads out of the water?

And she wonders why she gets made fun of and ridiculed all the time.

When your dumbass needs a blood transfusion, let's pretend you have a choice of choosing the person you get blood from..

1. A known gay whose had more partners than you , your mother and sister put together.
2. Your own parent or parents, brother or sister, or someone whose been thoroughly screened for diseases

and you wonder why we think sheep are the dumbest fkn things on two feet.
No it didnt. It weakens the punishment for knowingly giving someone HIV. They still cant donate and the bill requires people to screen donated blood for HIV
which i dont agree with but the title of the thread isnt true. that it? Oh well..what is all the fuss about? I mean why should it even be against the law? It's just fucking AIDS!

Brown is a Fking douche nozzle and always has been.

It used to be a felony, and now is is classified as a lesser crime like anyone else who knowingly transmits a disease.

And..............blood screening procedures have greatly improved since the 80's, as well as they still require gay men to be celibate for at least a year before donating, because that is how they can effectively screen the blood to make sure it's safe.
No it didnt. It weakens the punishment for knowingly giving someone HIV. They still cant donate and the bill requires people to screen donated blood for HIV
which i dont agree with but the title of the thread isnt true. that it? Oh well..what is all the fuss about? I mean why should it even be against the law? It's just fucking AIDS!

Brown is a Fking douche nozzle and always has been.

It used to be a felony, and now is is classified as a lesser crime like anyone else who knowingly transmits a disease.

And..............blood screening procedures have greatly improved since the 80's, as well as they still require gay men to be celibate for at least a year before donating, because that is how they can effectively screen the blood to make sure it's safe.

HIV is life threatening. We have only had 35M people die from it. No biggie
What a crock of shit

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