Governor Sarah Palin Releases Her Four-Point Plan On Dealing With Libya's Future


May 29, 2010
Governor Palin in her new 4 point plan in how to deal with the future of Libya excels and exhibits true leadership that makes a good President. If you read her plan it shows that it is simple common sense cautionary approach. By reading it, she understands that if not careful, we could get bogged down in another post Iraq victory type occupation. You see, President Obama may still be dining with the elite at fancy island restaurants on Martha's Vineyard, but Sarah Palin is pondering the future of Libya and wisely pushing to wind down American involvement in that latest military entanglement.

The Los Angeles Times has picked up on her plan and published it. They say good things about it.

Sarah Palin's four-point plan on Libya -

Read her plan at this link:
Governor Palin: On the Future of Libya | Conservatives4Palin
Sorry USA Retard, but the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil isn't gonna run.

No matter HOW hard you wish for it.
Sorry USA Retard, but the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil isn't gonna run.

No matter HOW hard you wish for it.

She will announce on Sept 3rd her run for the presidency. Will you keep her in your prayers as well as her family?
I would love to tell Palin I could care less about her 4 point plan. Or any plan of her's. She is a twit.
Governor Palin in her new 4 point plan in how to deal with the future of Libya excels and exhibits true leadership that makes a good President. If you read her plan it shows that it is simple common sense cautionary approach. By reading it, she understands that if not careful, we could get bogged down in another post Iraq victory type occupation. You see, President Obama may still be dining with the elite at fancy island restaurants on Martha's Vineyard, but Sarah Palin is pondering the future of Libya and wisely pushing to wind down American involvement in that latest military entanglement.

The Los Angeles Times has picked up on her plan and published it. They say good things about it.

Sarah Palin's four-point plan on Libya -

Read her plan at this link:
Governor Palin: On the Future of Libya | Conservatives4Palin

Is this a fucking joke?

Who fucking cares? She's not a governor of anything anymore or a candidate for any office, she's an attention whore and that's it.
Sorry USA Retard, but the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil isn't gonna run.

No matter HOW hard you wish for it.

She will announce on Sept 3rd her run for the presidency. Will you keep her in your prayers as well as her family?

Why would the Republicans nominate someone who just quits whenever she's accused of wrongdoing in office? Seems like a bad investment.
Sorry USA Retard, but the Wasilla Chihuahua turned Momma Gerbil isn't gonna run.

No matter HOW hard you wish for it.

She will announce on Sept 3rd her run for the presidency. Will you keep her in your prayers as well as her family?

Why would the Republicans nominate someone who just quits whenever she's accused of wrongdoing in office? Seems like a bad investment.
I've explained the factual ramifications why she stepped down in a logical manner where a 1st grader could understand. She will be the nominee and yes, republicans and independents will rally behind her.
She will announce on Sept 3rd her run for the presidency. Will you keep her in your prayers as well as her family?

Why would the Republicans nominate someone who just quits whenever she's accused of wrongdoing in office? Seems like a bad investment.
I've explained the factual ramifications why she stepped down in a logical manner where a 1st grader could understand. She will be the nominee and yes, republicans and independents will rally behind her.

No, we won't.
I've explained the factual ramifications why she stepped down in a logical manner where a 1st grader could understand.


And everyone’s got the right to make a buck but don’t misrepresent it as some ‘noble act.’
She will announce on Sept 3rd her run for the presidency. Will you keep her in your prayers as well as her family?

Why would the Republicans nominate someone who just quits whenever she's accused of wrongdoing in office? Seems like a bad investment.
I've explained the factual ramifications why she stepped down in a logical manner where a 1st grader could understand. She will be the nominee and yes, republicans and independents will rally behind her.

It doesn't matter how you explain it.

The Going Got tough, and she quit.

She walked away from a job where people belived in her, worked for her, voted for her and contributed money to get her elected. And she did it to cash in on a bad reality TV show that no one watched on the network with the midgets and the sextuplets...

And it isn't like Governor of Alaska is that tough of a job. You are usually awash in petro dollars, and the federal government sends you 1.87 for every dollar sent to Washington. It's like messing up mashed potatoes.

Obama and Bush got attacked on a daily basis and accused of all sorts of things. They didn't get into petty public arguments with David Letterman or members of their own family.
Why would the Republicans nominate someone who just quits whenever she's accused of wrongdoing in office? Seems like a bad investment.
I've explained the factual ramifications why she stepped down in a logical manner where a 1st grader could understand. She will be the nominee and yes, republicans and independents will rally behind her.

It doesn't matter how you explain it.

The Going Got tough, and she quit.

She walked away from a job where people belived in her, worked for her, voted for her and contributed money to get her elected. And she did it to cash in on a bad reality TV show that no one watched on the network with the midgets and the sextuplets...

And it isn't like Governor of Alaska is that tough of a job. You are usually awash in petro dollars, and the federal government sends you 1.87 for every dollar sent to Washington. It's like messing up mashed potatoes.

Obama and Bush got attacked on a daily basis and accused of all sorts of things. They didn't get into petty public arguments with David Letterman or members of their own family.

Actually, Obama is remarkably thin skinned.... and proved it with his refusal to deal with Fox News. Kinda came back and bit him on the ass though.
FOX is a entertainment channel, not news. Same as MSNBC. CNN is up and down at times, always trying to stay mainstream.
FOX is a entertainment channel, not news. Same as MSNBC. CNN is up and down at times, always trying to stay mainstream.

Frankly, I don't give a shit what label they have. The fact is that Obama tried to take on Fox News and lost. It was a childish temper tantrum. Whether you - or his Administration - like it or not, they hold a substantial viewership. And, whether Fox viewers like it or not, he is our President. He should treat Fox equal to every other organization... not because they are Fox but because their audience is American. It is not about the organization, it is about their audience, and if he wants to engage with them, he shouldn't be such a fucking baby.
Lemme guess:

Point 1: Whine on Facebook that people actually in government aren't doing it right.

2. Go on a bus tour telling her koolaid drinkers that people actually in government aren't doing it right.

3. Say that Libya was Paul Revere's ancestral home because the Marine hymn mentions the shores of Tripoli.

4. Quit.
Obama and Bush got attacked on a daily basis and accused of all sorts of things. They didn't get into petty public arguments with David Letterman or members of their own family.

Actually, Obama is remarkably thin skinned.... and proved it with his refusal to deal with Fox News. Kinda came back and bit him on the ass though.

Maybe. But he doesn't get on TV demanding public apologies like Palin did with Letterman.

I also remember her public feud with Levi Johnston. (Remember, the guy who knocked up her daughter because she let him do sleepovers.)

Even Bachmann, who is notorious for being a loose cannon, has shown more discipline in dealing with the media than Palin has.

Not that I think any of this is going to matter. She's going to yank everyone's chains for the next month and then endorse Rick Perry.

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