Great Drought of 2012 = Normal


Gold Member
Nov 6, 2012
After half a year of listening to warmist wail and gnash thier teeth over the "GREAT DROUGHT OF 2012....telling us that this is the new normal...that the end is near...and that we are all going to die a comprehensive report by five different government agencies says that the "great" drought of 2012 was normal and not the result of climate change, manmade of otherwise.

Drought Task Force Report Page | U.S. Drought Portal

I suggest that for fun, we take a few minutes and bring forward some quotes from the deluded chicken littles on the board (and you know who you are) just to point out how thoroughly deluded some of the AGW faithful are.

I will start with a typical post from old rocks who believes everything that happens on earth is due to man made climate change.

In a post Here somneone asked if there were any signs of global warming, rocks posted a link to the US Drought monitor as if that were proof of global warming.

And what countdown of the chicken little's greatest hits would be complete without hearing from our very own cut and paste drone...rollingthunder.

He is convinced that the great drought of 2012 is due to man made climate change. HERE is just one of many many many many many many many many.........examples of the degree to which he has been cultified.

The report above is more evidence that the rats are positioning themselves to exit the good ship AGW before it completely sinks taking with it any chance they have of a future career in climate science when the cult is finally replaced with objective science.
:2up:The religion loves to post up maps of the US from last year with respect to the drought........which becomes laughable when looked at in a historical perspective. The climate OC's always want people in the present.


Drought comes and goes.......always has.......always will.:coffee:
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now that global warming has morphed into weather weirding any and everything is proof that evil mankind is to blame. so pay up sucka!
The Mid-Atlantic broke out of a drought that had been lingering for several years. What goes around comes around. To paraphrase Bill Clinton "it's the sun stupid". We don't have time for the extortion racket they used to call "man made" global warming. Now it's just "global warming" so nobody will feel guilty. The extortionists have the argument surrounded. When we see blizzard conditions in the mid-west the 2nd week in April the fools attribute it to a warming trend and the lock step hate-America left wingers believe it.
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Government Enviro Wacko Scientist caused drought, desertification, global warming & nearly killed the planet. They are trying to spin it, but you will be hearing more about it soon. An environmentalist was trying to explain how grazing herds will save the planet to Bill Maher last night on his show & Bill said I don't understand what you are saying. Governments turned the majority of the lush green lands onto national parks. They then turned them into CO2 releasing, planet warming, deserts that have changed our climate. They are blaming your air conditioner & your car for something they did.

[ame=""]Activist Scientist Caused Global Warming[/ame]
When discussing climate and weather, terms like NORMAL demand that one asked "DURING WHAT PERIOD OF TIME?"

Seriously, you do not understand this?!
When discussing climate and weather, terms like NORMAL demand that one asked "DURING WHAT PERIOD OF TIME?"

Seriously, you do not understand this?!


The ruse is exposed what happens when climate legislation comes up.:funnyface:

Even the dummies of the world know when the matrix established by these phonies gets far too know, the ones who froze their asses off for months this winter and are seeing late April gigantic snow in Minnesota. Might not matter to the committed religion but it sure does matter to the vast majority. My guess is likely conservative, but far more than 90% are not ringing the telephone off the hook demanding their representative "do something about this warming!!!!".

Write it down......only the Dums in uber left districts will vote for climate change legislation. Most arent enamoured with the prospect of having to admit their proposal will cause their constituents electric bills to double:2up:......that'd be a hell of a campaign slogan, huh???!!!!!!. But only to the k00ks. Only the stupid fuck religion thinks thats a winner.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance:
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When discussing climate and weather, terms like NORMAL demand that one asked "DURING WHAT PERIOD OF TIME?"

Seriously, you do not understand this?!

You know this post of yours helped melt the polar ice caps

Hope you're happy, Warmer Boy

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