Greece Disaster Shows Unavoidable Consequences of Socialism


Gold Member
Jan 19, 2014
Looks like the word is out... Socialism KILLS!

"The Greek citizens have rolled the dice and voted overwhelmingly to reject the “austerity” referendum. This was a way for voters to stick a finger in the eye of their creditors. The left around the world has responded to the vote with thunderous applause—and is selling the results as a vote for “the little guy.”

The Greeks believed that voting against the debt restructuring plan would give them more leverage with the banks, the IMF and the EU. But what happens now in Greece? The banks are shutting down this week. Withdrawals from bank accounts are being tightly restricted.

Greece is formally in default on its loans and in the weeks ahead as more IMF and EU loans come due, Greece is about to slide into fiscal oblivion. This is the natural and unavoidable consequence of socialism everywhere it has been tried.

Financial collapse."

Greece Disaster Shows Consequences of Socialism
Socialists...spreading death, destruction and horror the world over......

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