Gretchen Whitmer is the ONLY governor in America to raise income taxes in last 4 years.


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2024
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"As two years of full Democratic control of the Michigan Legislature come to an end, we can now look back on what the party accomplished. The first Democratic trifecta since before I was born enacted a litany of new laws that substantially raise costs on Michigan businesses and families.

The list includes:

Hiking the income tax. Michigan became the only state in the country to increase income tax rates in recent years.
Repealing the state’s right-to-work law. This is a $1,000-per-year hike on what workers in unionized firms are forced to pay.
Higher energy costs that amount to $200 billion in total and hundreds of dollars per month to Michigan families, for increasingly bad service.
Over the past two years, Democrats (and a few Republicans) also voted for more than $4 billion in corporate welfare – select business subsidies, paid by everyone else to benefit a few. These programs have been a historic failure, creating only one out of 11 jobs promised. One of the latest deals saw taxpayers shell out $666 million to General Motors for fewer than 100 jobs."

Democrats are the party of the elites now. They loot from the taxpayers' savings and give it to their crony corporate donors. In the Case of Whitmer she'll even help to raise taxes on taxpayers as they tried to survive Bidenomic's high food and gas prices.
Sometimes only a house will do.


The rise in energy prices are what gets me.

I just don't know why we are allowing the government to meddle so much in the most important market for modern society.

The cost of energy really increased quite substantially, for all, poor and rich alike over the past two years.


The rise in energy prices are what gets me.

I just don't know why we are allowing the government to meddle so much in the most important market for modern society.

The cost of energy really increased quite substantially, for all, poor and rich alike over the past two years.

View attachment 1061855

Democrats hate the working and middle classes. They want them punished economically.
Democrats hate the working and middle classes. They want them punished economically.
I'm not sure about that.

The average Democrat voter knows very little about economics. They primarily vote on emotional issues, (out of fear,) not logic.

Chris Wray spent $20 mil or so framing some "Michigan Militia" idiots for a faux "kidnapping" "plot" never executed.

Wray and Deep State are always "good" at "stopping things before they happen" (that were pure set ups) and never that which was going to happen.

Michigan is a terrible election fraud cheat state.

Gretched Witchmer is one of the worst traitors sitting in a Gov mansion today, despite a lot of competition...
OK but the reality is that income taxes are only part of the economic mix. The Trump tariffs driving up the cost of living will have the same bottom-line economic impact on people's budgets as a tax increase.
Sometimes only a house will do.



You love her for the same reason you love Spanberger...

the only issue you care about...

(and both love Chris Wray)

"As two years of full Democratic control of the Michigan Legislature come to an end, we can now look back on what the party accomplished. The first Democratic trifecta since before I was born enacted a litany of new laws that substantially raise costs on Michigan businesses and families.

The list includes:

Hiking the income tax. Michigan became the only state in the country to increase income tax rates in recent years.
Repealing the state’s right-to-work law. This is a $1,000-per-year hike on what workers in unionized firms are forced to pay.
Higher energy costs that amount to $200 billion in total and hundreds of dollars per month to Michigan families, for increasingly bad service.
Over the past two years, Democrats (and a few Republicans) also voted for more than $4 billion in corporate welfare – select business subsidies, paid by everyone else to benefit a few. These programs have been a historic failure, creating only one out of 11 jobs promised. One of the latest deals saw taxpayers shell out $666 million to General Motors for fewer than 100 jobs."

Democrats are the party of the elites now. They loot from the taxpayers' savings and give it to their crony corporate donors. In the Case of Whitmer she'll even help to raise taxes on taxpayers as they tried to survive Bidenomic's high food and gas prices.
Good ammunition if she decides to run in 2028.
"As two years of full Democratic control of the Michigan Legislature come to an end, we can now look back on what the party accomplished. The first Democratic trifecta since before I was born enacted a litany of new laws that substantially raise costs on Michigan businesses and families.

The list includes:

Hiking the income tax. Michigan became the only state in the country to increase income tax rates in recent years.
Repealing the state’s right-to-work law. This is a $1,000-per-year hike on what workers in unionized firms are forced to pay.
Higher energy costs that amount to $200 billion in total and hundreds of dollars per month to Michigan families, for increasingly bad service.
Over the past two years, Democrats (and a few Republicans) also voted for more than $4 billion in corporate welfare – select business subsidies, paid by everyone else to benefit a few. These programs have been a historic failure, creating only one out of 11 jobs promised. One of the latest deals saw taxpayers shell out $666 million to General Motors for fewer than 100 jobs."

Democrats are the party of the elites now. They loot from the taxpayers' savings and give it to their crony corporate donors. In the Case of Whitmer she'll even help to raise taxes on taxpayers as they tried to survive Bidenomic's high food and gas prices.
Realists are difficult to find in politics.

Good for her.
The average Democrat voter knows very little about economics. They primarily vote on emotional issues, (out of fear,) not logic.
Oh holy shit the irony in this statement.....

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