Grifter Zelensky Gets Hysterical: If Ukraine Falls, then so does America!!!!

Lord Long Rod

Diamond Member
Jan 17, 2023
My only complaint about Trump’s perfect telephone call to Zelensky is him not telling the Ukrainian leader what a pathetic fuck-up he is.

Let’s be clear here. The USA has no national interest in the Ukraine-Russia war except to the extent one conjectures that it threatens the borders of NATO countries. But Putin will not be a threat to NATO member because they are NATO members. Putin is well aware of the terms of the NATO security pact and, therefore, knows that if he threatens, say Poland, then war will ensue between him and NATO, led by the USA. His nuclear capabilities will not stop this. The concept of mutually assured destruction makes any use of nuclear weapons, tactical or intercontinental, by Putin his suicide. Russian leaders always appear to be butchering pricks to us. But they are not irrational.

Zelensky is a silly little goofball, and most likely quite corrupt. We send him billions of dollars for the defense of his country against Russia. You are a fool if you think he is not skimming these funds. When Ukraine falls (and it will), this nut job will live like a king in western exile. He will probably write a book (with the help of a ghost writer) and work as a regular contributor for CNN.

The USA has no obligation to help Ukraine fight Russia. But, we have. But for our assistance Ukraine would have already fallen to Russia. Thus, Zelenskyy pleads for more help. This relationship is not sustainable for either Ukraine or America. Further, it is prolonging a war that does that does not need to be prolonged. We need to be leaning on both sides right now to stop the fighting. There is an agreement that can be reached (e.g., give Russia the ethnic Russian provinces along with the land bridge to Crimea, then immediately admit Ukraine to NATO; etc…). Nothing good will result from this conflict continuing.

Now there are reason-based rumblings in America that maybe we ought to get out of this quagmire in Ukraine. Ultimately, Zelensky wants the USA to finance and fight their war. Most Americans do not want to do this. However, they are not getting to voice their opinions very loudly, as some of the money being sent to Ukraine is not specifically authorized for that purpose by Congress. The People are being bypassed in this process.

But as these domestic rumblings of concern grow, Zelensky is now plainly making up scenarios to scare Americans. He tells Americans that if we do not fight and defeat Putin in Ukraine, then Putin will go into the Baltics and move west. I say, hogwash! As stated herein, Putin knows better than to cross a border into a NATO country. That’s largely why he invaded Ukraine: he did not want it to become a NATO member state.

Zelensky is not Winston Churchill. Nor is he anything related to the fictional leaders created in the minds of American media. He is certainly not someone worth putting our full weight behind. Personally, I have never been in favor of giving them weapons. Our contribution to Ukraine should be limited to humanitarian and medical aid.

This conflict does, however, show that NATO is still relevant. But for the organization Putin, would have their eyes on taking every Central European country that Stalin took over while pushing the German forces back into Germany during WWII. Having a buffer of territory around mother Russia is a primary tenet of Russian foreign policy for a very long time.

And if Putin decides to attack a NATO state, then so be it. It will be WWIII, most likely. Conflict will also likely breakout in the far East and Mudfle East. But it will be Putin’s suicide. It will also be his destiny to go down in history as one of the worst mass murderers in the history of humankind.

But the claim that Putin will move against other countries notwithstanding their status of NATO membership UNLESS he is defeated in Ukraine is pure conjecture and is unsupported by logic and fact. Essentially, Zelensky is lying to the American voters in an attempt to save his own ass by keeping the spigot flowing with cash and arms.

The only real way to stop an asshole like Putin is to go to Moscow and remove him. Russia is well known to not give a damn about the death of their people and will continue to throw wave after wave at ukraine. The problem is only the United states is capable of doing the offensive military moves that are necessary.
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The only real way to stop an asshole like Putin is to go to Moscow and remove him. Russia is well known to not give a damn about the death of their people and will continue to throw wave after wave at ukraine. The problem is only the United states is capable of doing the offensive military moves that are necessary.
There is idle chatter about a coup from within. However, I think Putin is pretty well insulated from such a thing at the moment. Besides, people who appear disloyal to Putin are usually very clumsy and fall out of windows.
I think that this is a first indication that America is contemplating the end of money to the Ukraine. The reason being that Russia is about to make America's gains against Russia's territory quite impossible.
And of course, the Ukraine isn't of any concern to America, as has been known for months.

If so then Zelensky has just become America's loose cannon!

I think that the impact of America destroying Nord Stream is a much bigger issue to Germany and other European countries than is being admitted.
The only real way to stop an asshole like Putin is to go to Moscow and remove him. Russia is well known to not give a damn about the death of their people and will continue to throw wave after wave at ukraine. The problem is only the United states is capable of doing the offensive military moves that are necessary.
The assassination of Putin is the most promising of all solutions. At least in some of America's most prominent cheerleaders of the war.

But in fact, a successor to Putin would just harden the resolve of Russia not ever yielding to US aggression.

We will have a nuclear war as the last resort if it becomes necessary. Currently it appears that it won't be necessary.
The only real way to stop an asshole like Putin is to go to Moscow and remove him. Russia is well known to not give a damn about the death of their people and will continue to throw wave after wave at ukraine. The problem is only the United states is capable of doing the offensive military moves that are necessary.
It's beginning to look like the only way to Moscow is through China.
Are you ready for that? Hmmmm?
The only real way to stop an asshole like Putin is to go to Moscow and remove him. Russia is well known to not give a damn about the death of their people and will continue to throw wave after wave at ukraine. The problem is only the United states is capable of doing the offensive military moves that are necessary.

America is about to learn the real meaning of ATTRITION!!
My only complaint about Trump’s perfect telephone call to Zelensky is him not telling the Ukrainian leader what a pathetic fuck-up he is.

Let’s be clear here. The USA has no national interest in the Ukraine-Russia war except to the extent one conjectures that it threatens the borders of NATO countries. But Putin will not be a threat to NATO member because they are NATO members. Putin is well aware of the terms of the NATO security pact and, therefore, knows that if he threatens, say Poland, then war will ensue between him and NATO, led by the USA. His nuclear capabilities will not stop this. The concept of mutually assured destruction makes any use of nuclear weapons, tactical or intercontinental, by Putin his suicide. Russian leaders always appear to be butchering pricks to us. But they are not irrational.

Zelensky is a silly little goofball, and most likely quite corrupt. We send him billions of dollars for the defense of his country against Russia. You are a fool if you think he is not skimming these funds. When Ukraine falls (and it will), this nut job will live like a king in western exile. He will probably write a book (with the help of a ghost writer) and work as a regular contributor for CNN.

The USA has no obligation to help Ukraine fight Russia. But, we have. But for our assistance Ukraine would have already fallen to Russia. Thus, Zelenskyy pleads for more help. This relationship is not sustainable for either Ukraine or America. Further, it is prolonging a war that does that does not need to be prolonged. We need to be leaning on both sides right now to stop the fighting. There is an agreement that can be reached (e.g., give Russia the ethnic Russian provinces along with the land bridge to Crimea, then immediately admit Ukraine to NATO; etc…). Nothing good will result from this conflict continuing.

Now there are reason-based rumblings in America that maybe we ought to get out of this quagmire in Ukraine. Ultimately, Zelensky wants the USA to finance and fight their war. Most Americans do not want to do this. However, they are not getting to voice their opinions very loudly, as some of the money being sent to Ukraine is not specifically authorized for that purpose by Congress. The People are being bypassed in this process.

But as these domestic rumblings of concern grow, Zelensky is now plainly making up scenarios to scare Americans. He tells Americans that if we do not fight and defeat Putin in Ukraine, then Putin will go into the Baltics and move west. I say, hogwash! As stated herein, Putin knows better than to cross a border into a NATO country. That’s largely why he invaded Ukraine: he did not want it to become a NATO member state.

Zelensky is not Winston Churchill. Nor is he anything related to the fictional leaders created in the minds of American media. He is certainly not someone worth putting our full weight behind. Personally, I have never been in favor of giving them weapons. Our contribution to Ukraine should be limited to humanitarian and medical aid.

This conflict does, however, show that NATO is still relevant. But for the organization Putin, would have their eyes on taking every Central European country that Stalin took over while pushing the German forces back into Germany during WWII. Having a buffer of territory around mother Russia is a primary tenet of Russian foreign policy for a very long time.

And if Putin decides to attack a NATO state, then so be it. It will be WWIII, most likely. Conflict will also likely breakout in the far East and Mudfle East. But it will be Putin’s suicide. It will also be his destiny to go down in history as one of the worst mass murderers in the history of humankind.

But the claim that Putin will move against other countries notwithstanding their status of NATO membership UNLESS he is defeated in Ukraine is pure conjecture and is unsupported by logic and fact. Essentially, Zelensky is lying to the American voters in an attempt to save his own ass by keeping the spigot flowing with cash and arms.

Never underestimate the power of your opponent. You are underestimating Russia. Is Russia irrational 🤔. Golly gee whiz Bombing near nuclear power plants and cutting power to nuclear reactors seems a little nutty to me. A wind shift could blow a toxic cloud over NATO nations as well as his own. Matter of fact a radio active cloud over other countries is how we discovered the Chernobyl disaster happened. Only when the cat was out of the bag did Russia admit they’d had a nuclear meltdown.

They will go after NATO nations. Russia has never given a rats ass about what other countries think. Actually I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the plan all along between them, China, Iran, and North Korea. Divide and conquer.
Weaken the USA militarily and financially. As they have learned in WWI and WWII Europe will fall if America doesn’t step in, so weaken America first. The only thing left to consider is whether there is an inside job going on? Considering Biden’s ties, and the Chinese police stations all over Europe and America we’ve already been infiltrated. The Russian/Chinese plan is working like a charm so far.

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The only real way to stop an asshole like Putin is to go to Moscow and remove him. Russia is well known to not give a damn about the death of their people and will continue to throw wave after wave at ukraine. The problem is only the United states is capable of doing the offensive military moves that are necessary.
Get on a plane fag and go kill him.
We've given him over a hundred billion and russia is smashing him. You have to marvel at our stupidity. Its a spectacle to behold. Zelensky continues to cry. We all know he wants 100's of thousands of US troops.

Cool. Send him everyone who enlisted for the sex change surgery.

That'll be a hell of a fighting force!

Originally posted by Lord Long Rod
This conflict does, however, show that NATO is still relevant. But for the organization Putin, would have their eyes on taking every Central European country that Stalin took over while pushing the German forces back into Germany during WWII. Having a buffer of territory around mother Russia is a primary tenet of Russian foreign policy for a very long time.

Oh, the dinosaur from the Cold War is quite relevant, alrighty!!

Relevant to antagonize a nuclear power that had just peacefully dismantled an empire and got military encirclement in return.

Relevant to plunge the world in a geopolitical, economic and humanitarian crisis.

Relevant to slaughter thousands of young russians and ukrainians.

Relevant to threaten the world with nuclear annihilation.

Very relevant, this darn NATO of yours.
Oh, the dinosaur from the Cold War is quite relevant, alrighty!!

Relevant to antagonize a nuclear power that had just peacefully dismantled an empire and got military encirclement in return.

Relevant to plunge the world in a geopolitical, economic and humanitarian crisis.

Relevant to slaughter thousands of young russians and ukrainians.

Relevant to threaten the world with nuclear annihilation.

Very relevant, this darn NATO of yours.


The rest is fiction and Eurotrash hanger-ons'!!

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