Group of 1200 Immigrants Headed for US


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
Can't make it up. A mass group of illegals are headed to the US. They are not hiding it. The Mexican government is assisting in busing them here. Spokesperson on TV said due to 'catch and release' they are powerless. The typical example is when they step one foot in the US, they are arrested and processed. Then they are released into the community with a court date set 2 years in the future....

Guess what?

They never show up for he trial and there you have it. Unlike what Obama wanted, they go and hide in the shadows


A 'Refugee Caravan' Is Headed to the U.S. and Getting Bigger Every Day

An estimated 1,500 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvadorstarted a month-long journey on Sunday to the United States, where they intend to seek political asylum. Organizers say the “refugee caravan” includes many women, unaccompanied minors, and entire families who are migrating through Mexico any way they can.

The migrants started their journey in Tapachula, Chiapas, near the Guatemala–Mexico border around 7 AM on Sunday. They walked, took public transportation, and hitchhiked their way to their first destination in the town of Huixtla, where many of the migrants camped outdoors. Their entire journey is more than 2,000 miles long.
Can't make it up. A mass group of illegals are headed to the US. They are not hiding it. The Mexican government is assisting in busing them here. Spokesperson on TV said due to 'catch and release' they are powerless. The typical example is when they step one foot in the US, they are arrested and processed. Then they are released into the community with a court date set 2 years in the future....

Guess what?

They never show up for he trial and there you have it. Unlike what Obama wanted, they go and hide in the shadows


A 'Refugee Caravan' Is Headed to the U.S. and Getting Bigger Every Day

An estimated 1,500 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvadorstarted a month-long journey on Sunday to the United States, where they intend to seek political asylum. Organizers say the “refugee caravan” includes many women, unaccompanied minors, and entire families who are migrating through Mexico any way they can.

The migrants started their journey in Tapachula, Chiapas, near the Guatemala–Mexico border around 7 AM on Sunday. They walked, took public transportation, and hitchhiked their way to their first destination in the town of Huixtla, where many of the migrants camped outdoors. Their entire journey is more than 2,000 miles long.
MS-13 recruitment.
Mexico is helping them because they don't want them staying in their country either. Mexico has an illegal immigration problem of its own to deal with.
Can't make it up.
LOL!!! The fringe media does it all the time. It's gotten so that they're talking about toning things down to avoid the avalanche of lawsuits that's developing.

Will the spate of lawsuits against fringe media stop the flow of conspiracy theories?

Its a fact. They have video on TV this morning showing the group. Are you disputing the story? So they are not coming? That would be awesome news

The elitist left dont give a shit. They are part of that barron class and the rest of the upper crust of society. Protected, safe behind walls. They do not give one flying fuck.

The sooner they can take away all opportunity from the serf class, the better they will feel about themselves.
Can't make it up.
LOL!!! The fringe media does it all the time. It's gotten so that they're talking about toning things down to avoid the avalanche of lawsuits that's developing.
Will the spate of lawsuits against fringe media stop the flow of conspiracy theories?
Its a fact. They have video on TV this morning showing the group. Are you disputing the story? So they are not coming? That would be awesome news
I was disputing your original comment, since you cited a member of the fringe media. As they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, so bully for them.
Many kindhearted people are delighted by this news.

They say that there is plenty of everything for everyone.

They love the saying: "Don't build a wall. Just make the table longer."

Most of the people in the caravan are women and children.

No doubt many American citizens and non-citizens are at this very moment making plans to greet these refugees at the border.

The welcoming party and those caravan members will share a big laugh when they discuss those foreigners who have been waiting for years in their homelands to come to the States through legal means.
This is what Germany is getting for their commitment to the new world order by destroying western values. 80 pathetic BROWN migrant men fighting in the street with machetes.

Just two days ago.

Like I have said. The rich left wing elitists are all protected, so no one will care.
Can't make it up.
LOL!!! The fringe media does it all the time. It's gotten so that they're talking about toning things down to avoid the avalanche of lawsuits that's developing.
Will the spate of lawsuits against fringe media stop the flow of conspiracy theories?
Its a fact. They have video on TV this morning showing the group. Are you disputing the story? So they are not coming? That would be awesome news
I was disputing your original comment, since you cited a member of the fringe media. As they say, even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while, so bully for them.

Help me out here... I think I know what you mean. But where is the conspiracy?

Can't make it up. A mass group of illegals are headed to the US. They are not hiding it. The Mexican government is assisting in busing them here. Spokesperson on TV said due to 'catch and release' they are powerless. The typical example is when they step one foot in the US, they are arrested and processed. Then they are released into the community with a court date set 2 years in the future....

Guess what?

They never show up for he trial and there you have it. Unlike what Obama wanted, they go and hide in the shadows


A 'Refugee Caravan' Is Headed to the U.S. and Getting Bigger Every Day

An estimated 1,500 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvadorstarted a month-long journey on Sunday to the United States, where they intend to seek political asylum. Organizers say the “refugee caravan” includes many women, unaccompanied minors, and entire families who are migrating through Mexico any way they can.

The migrants started their journey in Tapachula, Chiapas, near the Guatemala–Mexico border around 7 AM on Sunday. They walked, took public transportation, and hitchhiked their way to their first destination in the town of Huixtla, where many of the migrants camped outdoors. Their entire journey is more than 2,000 miles long.

It says "they intend to seek political asylum." Are those seeking asylum normally arrested, processed, and released after stepping foot in the US?
Can't make it up. A mass group of illegals are headed to the US. They are not hiding it. The Mexican government is assisting in busing them here. Spokesperson on TV said due to 'catch and release' they are powerless. The typical example is when they step one foot in the US, they are arrested and processed. Then they are released into the community with a court date set 2 years in the future....

Guess what?

They never show up for he trial and there you have it. Unlike what Obama wanted, they go and hide in the shadows


A 'Refugee Caravan' Is Headed to the U.S. and Getting Bigger Every Day

An estimated 1,500 migrants from Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvadorstarted a month-long journey on Sunday to the United States, where they intend to seek political asylum. Organizers say the “refugee caravan” includes many women, unaccompanied minors, and entire families who are migrating through Mexico any way they can.

The migrants started their journey in Tapachula, Chiapas, near the Guatemala–Mexico border around 7 AM on Sunday. They walked, took public transportation, and hitchhiked their way to their first destination in the town of Huixtla, where many of the migrants camped outdoors. Their entire journey is more than 2,000 miles long.

It says "they intend to seek political asylum." Are those seeking asylum normally arrested, processed, and released after stepping foot in the US?


1,000 Arrests of Cubans

The argument in the Nine Fifty Lounge, in the Fort Apache section of the Bronx, had been noisy and nearly violent. In the beginning, Ramon Batista Carrelero, a Cuban refugee who came to this country in the 1980 Freedom Flotilla, had served as a peacemaker.

When his friend Ramon Pena pulled a knife on the manager, Carrelero helped take it away. When Pena went to the car and returned with a machete, Carrelero dragged his friend out.

But at 1 in the morning, when the two returned, the situation changed. Carrelero, who, in the manner of many Cuban toughs, has a tattoo between thumb and forefinger, was carrying a .32-caliber pistol. Pena had a 12-gauge shotgun.

In the last year, according to police, there have been an estimated 1,000 arrests in New York City of Cubans who came to this country in the Mariel, Cuba-to-Key West boat flotilla of the spring of 1980.

There were claims at that time that many of these refugees were criminals--that Castro was emptying his prisons into the boats at Mariel. There were counterclaims that the former prisoners were being held for political crimes, or for minor infractions of the law.

But it seems clear that the boats also carried violent criminals, and many of them have migrated to New York.

They came to this country, in many cases, bearing the tattoos with which they were marked in prison or which they gave themselves. They came with their own jailhouse religion and, according to police, with a penchant for high-caliber weapons and amazing bravado. And if their records were unavailable to U.S. officials when they entered the country, they are becoming known now.
1,000 Arrests of Cubans

A diplomatic agreement providing for the the United States to deport back to Cuba 2,746 refugees classified as criminal or mentally ill offers little comfort to law-enforcement officials, who say that refugees who fled the port of Mariel in 1980 have been linked to an unusually large number of crimes.

''The deportation is a step, but a very small step,'' said Robert O'Leary, assistant prosecutor in Union County, N.J.

They need to be met with tanks and cannons. This is what they are doing in Europe, coming by the thousands and destroying the countries that are foolish enough to allow them in.
No More DACA Deal" Trump Booms, "Must Go Nuclear" As "Refugee Caravan" Approaches

Minutes after wishing Americans a Happy Easter, President Trump revealed a major shift in his strategy for pursuing an immigration deal with Democrats, and it's one that Trump-supporters-turned-critics like Anne Coulter may finally approve.

In a tweet, Trump - who has been crucified so to speak by the conservative media for caving in and failing to obtain border wall funding - complained that US border agents aren't allowed to do their jobs properly because of "ridiculous liberal (Democratic) laws" like "catch and release". And with more "dangerous caravans coming" to the US border, "Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!"

Border Patrol Agents are not allowed to properly do their job at the Border because of ridiculous liberal (Democrat) laws like Catch & Release. Getting more dangerous. “Caravans” coming. Republicans must go to Nuclear Option to pass tough laws NOW. NO MORE DACA DEAL!

As previously reported, over 1,500 Central Americans are on a crusade across Mexico in the hopes of being granted asylum at the U.S. border.

Setting out six days ago and marching under the slogan "Migrantes en la lucha" ("Migrants in the Fight") during holy week, the caravan comprised mostly of Hondurans was organized roughly a month ago by the mysterious group Pueblo Sin Fronteras (People Without Borders).

Trump also accused Mexico of doing "nothing" to stop people from flowing in through the Southern border, saying "they must stop the big drug and people flows" or he will "end their cash cow, NAFTA."

"No More DACA Deal" Trump Booms, "Must Go Nuclear" As "Refugee Caravan" Approaches
Mexico is fooling around so much, they could end up with a string of Calais like "jungles" in their cities all along the border. This caravan is touted as being women and children. Let's see. The similar caravan's crossing into Europe are also said to be women and children, but the pictures are all men, all young men, all fighters. I would bet that is exactly what's coming here. An army of reinforcements to help the gangs now operating in this country.
SOS --SHOOT on Sight
just like the Israelis do to Palestinians who try to invade and murder

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