Growing Advice From The Police Side Of Things

Morning, billy! What has this home protection got to do with background checks and assault weapons? From the article: << “If you are foolish enough to break into someone’s home, you can expect to be shot in Polk County,” Judd said in a statement after a homeowner shot a would-be home invader earlier this month. “It’s more important to have a gun in your hand than a cop on the phone.">> What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown. Fox is setting you up again, Chicken Little style, with the old 'they're gonna take yer guns' dog whistle trick that has worked so well for so long.
What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown.

Not a blessed thing, and if only criminals want their guns unknown, why the shrieking over open carry?
What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown.

Not a blessed thing, and if only criminals want their guns unknown, why the shrieking over open carry?
I realize it wont float with the testosterone-challenged crowd, but if one has a gun, one will use it, often if insult is perceived, or road rage or any number of events. I suspect you, and many others would not get so drastic, but there are enough 'crimes of passion' to make it unwise, enough folks just looking for insult to or, like Zim, a reason to use it. Gun carry requires a discipline not in evidence among a percentage of our population.
In 2004 Illinois Senator Obama signed on as a co-sponsor of SB 2386, a bill that protected persons qualified to use a "stand your ground"-like defense from being sued in civil court by the person who was the attacker or their estate. This has repeatedly been interpreted by legal scholars as allowing Illinoisans to protect themselves, their property, and property for which they are responsible.
Reagan / Bush forced us to wait 5 days & have a background check before we can buy a gun to defend ourselves when threatened by a raging loonie.

"The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill—on a nationwide scale—can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases. ” — President Ronald Reagan, March 29, 1991
What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown.

Not a blessed thing, and if only criminals want their guns unknown, why the shrieking over open carry?
I realize it wont float with the testosterone-challenged crowd, but if one has a gun, one will use it, often if insult is perceived, or road rage or any number of events. I suspect you, and many others would not get so drastic, but there are enough 'crimes of passion' to make it unwise, enough folks just looking for insult to or, like Zim, a reason to use it. Gun carry requires a discipline not in evidence among a percentage of our population.

I guess the increasing numbers of women buying firearms and getting concealed carry permits are examples of that "testosterone-challenged crowd"?

You people make up the silliest diversions from the issue, but the facts remain. The right is sacrosanct, the feds are legally restricted from interfering with it, guns are in the hands of private citizens in huge and ever-increasing numbers, and you will never change that. Your statements of not wanting to confiscate firearms are dispelled by other statements among you and decades of attitude, and they are not believed. Consider the state of gun control efforts over the last 25 years. You people have clearly lost the argument. Your efforts have failed, and quite miserably at that.

Why don't you all do something useful, such as dealing with crime and criminals effectively, and taking the insane off the streets as was once common practice? It might help if your Justice Department would prosecute a few gun crimes under existing law, but I imagine we won't see that under the current crop of Democrats.
What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown.

Not a blessed thing, and if only criminals want their guns unknown, why the shrieking over open carry?
I realize it wont float with the testosterone-challenged crowd, but if one has a gun, one will use it, often if insult is perceived, or road rage or any number of events. I suspect you, and many others would not get so drastic, but there are enough 'crimes of passion' to make it unwise, enough folks just looking for insult to or, like Zim, a reason to use it. Gun carry requires a discipline not in evidence among a percentage of our population.

If one has a gun one will use it is a completely false statement

Ask anyone of the hundreds of thousands of people with concealed carry permits if they have ever drawn their weapon in public and then get back to me when you realize that far far less than 1% ever have

I've had a concealed carry permit for years and have never once pulled a gun because some idiot cut me off or insulted me

And I am just one of many who can say the same thing
in 1986, Reagan signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act. The bill barred the private sale and ownership of any fully automatic rifles -- machine guns -- that were not already registered with the federal government on the day Reagan signed the law.
In a 1991 New York Times op-ed titled "Why I’m For the Brady Bill," Ronald Reagan detailed his support of a seven-day waiting period for gun buyers. "Every year, an average of 9,200 Americans are murdered by handguns, according to Department of Justice statistics," Reagan said in the op-ed. "… If the passage of the Brady bill were to result in a reduction of only 10 or 15 percent of those numbers (and it could be a good deal greater), it would be well worth making it the law of the land."

"four lives were changed forever, and all by a Saturday-night special -- a cheaply made .22 caliber pistol -- purchased in a Dallas pawnshop by a young man with a history of mental disturbance.

This nightmare might never have happened if legislation that is before Congress now -- the Brady bill -- had been law back in 1981.

Named for Jim Brady, this legislation would establish a national seven-day waiting period before a handgun purchaser could take delivery. It would allow local law enforcement officials to do background checks for criminal records or known histories of mental disturbances. Those with such records would be prohibited from buying the handguns.

While there has been a Federal law on the books for more than 20 years that prohibits the sale of firearms to felons, fugitives, drug addicts and the mentally ill, it has no enforcement mechanism and basically works on the honor system, with the purchaser filling out a statement that the gun dealer sticks in a drawer.

The Brady bill would require the handgun dealer to provide a copy of the prospective purchaser's sworn statement to local law enforcement authorities so that background checks could be made. Based upon the evidence in states that already have handgun purchase waiting periods, this bill -- on a nationwide scale -- can't help but stop thousands of illegal handgun purchases.

And, since many handguns are acquired in the heat of passion (to settle a quarrel, for example) or at times of depression brought on by potential suicide, the Brady bill would provide a cooling-off period that would certainly have the effect of reducing the number of handgun deaths. " - Ronald Reagan
in 1986, Reagan signed the Firearm Owners Protection Act. The bill barred the private sale and ownership of any fully automatic rifles -- machine guns -- that were not already registered with the federal government on the day Reagan signed the law.

Yes but Reagan was great
Obama is a blathering fucking idiot

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown.

Not a blessed thing, and if only criminals want their guns unknown, why the shrieking over open carry?
I realize it wont float with the testosterone-challenged crowd, but if one has a gun, one will use it, often if insult is perceived, or road rage or any number of events. I suspect you, and many others would not get so drastic, but there are enough 'crimes of passion' to make it unwise, enough folks just looking for insult to or, like Zim, a reason to use it. Gun carry requires a discipline not in evidence among a percentage of our population.

I guess the increasing numbers of women buying firearms and getting concealed carry permits are examples of that "testosterone-challenged crowd"?

You people make up the silliest diversions from the issue, but the facts remain. The right is sacrosanct, the feds are legally restricted from interfering with it, guns are in the hands of private citizens in huge and ever-increasing numbers, and you will never change that. Your statements of not wanting to confiscate firearms are dispelled by other statements among you and decades of attitude, and they are not believed. Consider the state of gun control efforts over the last 25 years. You people have clearly lost the argument. Your efforts have failed, and quite miserably at that.

Why don't you all do something useful, such as dealing with crime and criminals effectively, and taking the insane off the streets as was once common practice? It might help if your Justice Department would prosecute a few gun crimes under existing law, but I imagine we won't see that under the current crop of Democrats.
Have you seen the ladies at the militia standoffs, ie Bundy bashes? They are definitely testosterone-challenged Lara Croft wannabes, or the Reba McEntire character in "Tremors". Meantime, I AM doing something useful...I am railing against returning to the old west that never was. I have never advocated bans on all guns, as you know, but the extreme opposite is no solution either. However lets not confuse issues, which is not 2A, but open carry. I'm leaving now. Can we continue this later?
What has home protection got to do with gun registration? Only criminals want their guns unknown.

Not a blessed thing, and if only criminals want their guns unknown, why the shrieking over open carry?
I realize it wont float with the testosterone-challenged crowd, but if one has a gun, one will use it, often if insult is perceived, or road rage or any number of events. I suspect you, and many others would not get so drastic, but there are enough 'crimes of passion' to make it unwise, enough folks just looking for insult to or, like Zim, a reason to use it. Gun carry requires a discipline not in evidence among a percentage of our population.

I guess the increasing numbers of women buying firearms and getting concealed carry permits are examples of that "testosterone-challenged crowd"?

You people make up the silliest diversions from the issue, but the facts remain. The right is sacrosanct, the feds are legally restricted from interfering with it, guns are in the hands of private citizens in huge and ever-increasing numbers, and you will never change that. Your statements of not wanting to confiscate firearms are dispelled by other statements among you and decades of attitude, and they are not believed. Consider the state of gun control efforts over the last 25 years. You people have clearly lost the argument. Your efforts have failed, and quite miserably at that.

Why don't you all do something useful, such as dealing with crime and criminals effectively, and taking the insane off the streets as was once common practice? It might help if your Justice Department would prosecute a few gun crimes under existing law, but I imagine we won't see that under the current crop of Democrats.
Have you seen the ladies at the militia standoffs, ie Bundy bashes? They are definitely testosterone-challenged Lara Croft wannabes, or the Reba McEntire character in "Tremors". Meantime, I AM doing something useful...I am railing against returning to the old west that never was. I have never advocated bans on all guns, as you know, but the extreme opposite is no solution either. However lets not confuse issues, which is not 2A, but open carry. I'm leaving now. Can we continue this later?

"The Wild West" is the usual nonsense the Left spouted as the states revived normality in their gun policies. It hasn't happened. The levels of violence within the Democrat-run municipalities remain high, as they have always been due to Democrats not really giving a rat's ass. They have diminished elsewhere.

Of course, but this issue runs out of discussion material early.

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