Gun violence in the world

"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.
I don't believe the US has 88 our of 100 people owning firearms.

I noticed that there is no source cited for that data.

"an average of 88 guns" does not mean out of every 100 citizens, 88 will own a firearm.

If guns were not available, there would be no gun violence (obvious, I know, but instructive).

BTW, oft quoted and still relevant, "there are lies, damn lies and statistics".
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.
I don't believe the US has 88 our of 100 people owning firearms.

I noticed that there is no source cited for that data.

"an average of 88 guns" does not mean out of every 100 citizens, 88 will own a firearm.

If guns were not available, there would be no gun violence (obvious, I know, but instructive).

BTW, oft quoted and still relevant, "there are lies, damn lies and statistics".

Many owners have 100 plus guns. We have a minority of people who each have a lot of guns. For every 100 people there are 88 guns. They all might be owned however by one of those 100.
More nothing. I'm still waitng.
More denial of reality from you, Cupcake.

I'm not waiting for you to disavow your superstitions.

Nope you have still given no reason to believe the ridiculous. I'll keep waiting.
More denial of reality from you, Cupcake.

I'm not waiting for you to disavow your superstitions.

You talk a lot and can't give anything from reality to support your belief. That is funny.
You are not paying attention. I said I have nothing NEW to submit to you. Other have already presented plenty of work that substantiates ~2M DGUs/year. You just refuse to accept it's real. Like a proper thrall.

The reality is that guns are used defensively by orders of magnitude more often that they are used offensively. The statistics are rather consistent on this fact. Professional criminologists share the consensus. Detractors like yourself put OBVIOUSLY disingenuous limits upon what constitutes a DGU, and they simply REFUSE to accept that even peaceful decent folks have valid reasons to not be entirely candid with government agencies. And finally, they deny the OBVIOUS utility that guns have for self defense.

When one lacks the facts they resort to the baffle 'em with bullshit. There is no way to prove defensive use of firearms occur in the numbers quoted - no way. Those who keep insisting the truth of the statement (2,000,000 a year) need to post probative evidence. If they can't they are liars, or fools.
When one lacks the facts they resort to the baffle 'em with bullshit.
If anyone needs an example of irony, here you go.
Don't you have a gun to clean, or an animal to kill - get a life dude, or take one (that should put you in a happy state).
Says he who whined and cried about wanting an honest open debate on gun control and then ran away from it once engaged.

M14 will only lie to you.
Apples and antelopes isn't a comparison of worth. Compare the US with other Western Democracies and get back to us.

By SELECTED COUNTRIES. In other words they selected those that reinforced their biased viewpoint. Thank you for making that clear.

Who better to compare our country with than other Western Democracies?

Until they have the racial diversity that we do. The land area that we do, and the population that we do they are not a reasonable comparison. That's why.

That's ridiculous, and racist.

See: A revealing map of the world s most and least ethnically diverse countries - The Washington Post

One might argue that ethnicity and race do not correlate, but history suggests the intolerance level has been the same when new residents emigrate into a new culture. Bigots do not discriminate, paradoxically speaking.

Racist? No, it's called a fact. The overwhelming majority of violence in the US is perpetrated by non whites. That is simply a fact. Compare the rate of gun crime between Seattle and Vancouver and the rate in Seattle was far higher. Remove the crime committed by the minorities and the rate was exactly the same as Vancouver's. This is a fact. There are many reasons for the disparity I am sure, but it is still a fact.

By SELECTED COUNTRIES. In other words they selected those that reinforced their biased viewpoint. Thank you for making that clear.

Who better to compare our country with than other Western Democracies?

Until they have the racial diversity that we do. The land area that we do, and the population that we do they are not a reasonable comparison. That's why.

That's ridiculous, and racist.

See: A revealing map of the world s most and least ethnically diverse countries - The Washington Post

One might argue that ethnicity and race do not correlate, but history suggests the intolerance level has been the same when new residents emigrate into a new culture. Bigots do not discriminate, paradoxically speaking.

Racist? No, it's called a fact. The overwhelming majority of violence in the US is perpetrated by non whites. That is simply a fact. Compare the rate of gun crime between Seattle and Vancouver and the rate in Seattle was far higher. Remove the crime committed by the minorities and the rate was exactly the same as Vancouver's. This is a fact. There are many reasons for the disparity I am sure, but it is still a fact.

I think it has much to do with them living in cities where crime is inherently high.
If someone prevented a criminal from victimizing them, were they then a victim? If they thought not, then those folks who used a gun defensively were NEVER GIVEN THE OPPORTUNITY to report the DGU.

No. Obviously not. The NVCS only includes attempted crimes if the respondent is not screened out of that portion of the survey. Also, the NCVS only reports the DGUs respondents were willing to volunteer to the USDOJ. Personally, I don't care how righteous my DGU might be, I'd NEVER volunteer such information to any law enforcement agency--for OBVIOUS reasons.

The questions would collect any attempted crimes and the person would then report their dgu if it did happen.

Still waiting for anything from reality to support your claim.
You're ignoring what I'm saying. You are just ignoring how the NCVS works.

The NVCS only includes attempted crimes if the respondent is not screened out of that portion of the survey. Also, the NCVS only reports the DGUs respondents were willing to volunteer to the USDOJ.

They survey 95k households.
So? Really. That's not rhetorical.

I think they know a little more about surveying than you do.
You think so based upon what, Cupcake? Your fundamental misunderstanding of what the term "accurate" means?

You don't know jack-shit about me, Pumpkin.

For all you know, I could be professional criminologist.

For all you know, I could be a professional pollster, who conducts surveys every day.

For all you know, I could be the lead analyst at the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Then what, Pumpkin?

If they are willing to report an estimate of DGUs it is accurate.
Is it really? Based upon what... exactly. Be specific, Cupcake.

Now stop with your weak arguments that are backed by nothing.
What weak argument? You can't even articulate what it is? All you have brought is an obtuse denial of reality.

Another response filled with nothing. They survey 95k households, they know more than you. Sorry.
You had your opportunity to substantiate your criticism of my points. All you have brought is an obtuse denial of reality. It is clearly your only refuge.
When one lacks the facts they resort to the baffle 'em with bullshit.
If anyone needs an example of irony, here you go.
Don't you have a gun to clean, or an animal to kill - get a life dude, or take one (that should put you in a happy state).
Says he who whined and cried about wanting an honest open debate on gun control and then ran away from it once engaged.

M14 will only lie to you.

He's an amoral dirt bag. Lies are his better side.
If you didn't have a fundamentally flawed argument, you'd have no argument.

You realize the numbers those surveys come up with aren't real right?
Denial of reality.

Kleck never confirms millions of DGUs, they were all imaginary.
They were not imaginary, they were estimates.

Even the 50 positives weren't confirmed in any way.
Not in any way that would satisfy you. Not in any way that would cause you to disavow your superstitions.

They may have happened outside of the time range or not at all.
Right. Nothing can be "proven" by anyone, by any means. What's your point?

The point is you base everything off poorly done surveys that are backed by nothing in reality.
What "poorly done" surveys? Judged "poorly done" by what critera. Be specific, Cupcake.

I have surveys and real stats to back up my claims.
You have one survey--that you declare is authoritative--that procedurally excludes entire classes of respondents who might use guns defensively, and you have surveys commissioned for the purpose of advancing the agenda of those who commissioned them.

You lose.
Hardly. If you're "winning" Pumpkin, you're "winning" for me. Thanks!

Again you have nothing based in reality to support your claims.
I have plenty... they've been submitted by others. You just flatly deny their validity. I accept that your superstition is intact, Cupcake... I just don't accept that your superstition is valid.

By SELECTED COUNTRIES. In other words they selected those that reinforced their biased viewpoint. Thank you for making that clear.

Who better to compare our country with than other Western Democracies?

Until they have the racial diversity that we do. The land area that we do, and the population that we do they are not a reasonable comparison. That's why.

That's ridiculous, and racist.

See: A revealing map of the world s most and least ethnically diverse countries - The Washington Post

One might argue that ethnicity and race do not correlate, but history suggests the intolerance level has been the same when new residents emigrate into a new culture. Bigots do not discriminate, paradoxically speaking.

Racist? No, it's called a fact. The overwhelming majority of violence in the US is perpetrated by non whites. That is simply a fact. Compare the rate of gun crime between Seattle and Vancouver and the rate in Seattle was far higher. Remove the crime committed by the minorities and the rate was exactly the same as Vancouver's. This is a fact. There are many reasons for the disparity I am sure, but it is still a fact.

Thank you for the last sentence, there are many reasons, and one is racism.
More denial of reality from you, Cupcake.

I'm not waiting for you to disavow your superstitions.

Nope you have still given no reason to believe the ridiculous. I'll keep waiting.
More denial of reality from you, Cupcake.

I'm not waiting for you to disavow your superstitions.

You talk a lot and can't give anything from reality to support your belief. That is funny.
You are not paying attention. I said I have nothing NEW to submit to you. Other have already presented plenty of work that substantiates ~2M DGUs/year. You just refuse to accept it's real. Like a proper thrall.

The reality is that guns are used defensively by orders of magnitude more often that they are used offensively. The statistics are rather consistent on this fact. Professional criminologists share the consensus. Detractors like yourself put OBVIOUSLY disingenuous limits upon what constitutes a DGU, and they simply REFUSE to accept that even peaceful decent folks have valid reasons to not be entirely candid with government agencies. And finally, they deny the OBVIOUS utility that guns have for self defense.

When one lacks the facts they resort to the baffle 'em with bullshit. There is no way to prove defensive use of firearms occur in the numbers quoted - no way. Those who keep insisting the truth of the statement (2,000,000 a year) need to post probative evidence. If they can't they are liars, or fools.
Right. Yet nothing can be "proven" about ANYTHING by ANYBODY. Certainly not you superstitious types. You don't bother to submit any "proof" of your assertions that meet the criteria of "proof" you require from the opposing position. You're flat-earth creationists. You're anti-vaxx alarmists. You're clown-shoes.
You realize the numbers those surveys come up with aren't real right?
Denial of reality.

Kleck never confirms millions of DGUs, they were all imaginary.
They were not imaginary, they were estimates.

Even the 50 positives weren't confirmed in any way.
Not in any way that would satisfy you. Not in any way that would cause you to disavow your superstitions.

They may have happened outside of the time range or not at all.
Right. Nothing can be "proven" by anyone, by any means. What's your point?

The point is you base everything off poorly done surveys that are backed by nothing in reality.
What "poorly done" surveys? Judged "poorly done" by what critera. Be specific, Cupcake.

I have surveys and real stats to back up my claims.
You have one survey--that you declare is authoritative--that procedurally excludes entire classes of respondents who might use guns defensively, and you have surveys commissioned for the purpose of advancing the agenda of those who commissioned them.

You lose.
Hardly. If you're "winning" Pumpkin, you're "winning" for me. Thanks!

Again you have nothing based in reality to support your claims.
I have plenty... they've been submitted by others. You just flatly deny their validity. I accept that your superstition is intact, Cupcake... I just don't accept that your superstition is valid.

If you have "plenty" it is quite easy for you to post ten, ten with links to credible sources. Otherwise you will be seen as another 2aguy.
The questions would collect any attempted crimes and the person would then report their dgu if it did happen.

Still waiting for anything from reality to support your claim.
You're ignoring what I'm saying. You are just ignoring how the NCVS works.

The NVCS only includes attempted crimes if the respondent is not screened out of that portion of the survey. Also, the NCVS only reports the DGUs respondents were willing to volunteer to the USDOJ.

They survey 95k households.
So? Really. That's not rhetorical.

I think they know a little more about surveying than you do.
You think so based upon what, Cupcake? Your fundamental misunderstanding of what the term "accurate" means?

You don't know jack-shit about me, Pumpkin.

For all you know, I could be professional criminologist.

For all you know, I could be a professional pollster, who conducts surveys every day.

For all you know, I could be the lead analyst at the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Then what, Pumpkin?

If they are willing to report an estimate of DGUs it is accurate.
Is it really? Based upon what... exactly. Be specific, Cupcake.

Now stop with your weak arguments that are backed by nothing.
What weak argument? You can't even articulate what it is? All you have brought is an obtuse denial of reality.

Another response filled with nothing. They survey 95k households, they know more than you. Sorry.
You had your opportunity to substantiate your criticism of my points. All you have brought is an obtuse denial of reality. It is clearly your only refuge.

Most your points are just silly and none are backed up by any fact. They are all just what you think which means very little. Especially since you don't seem very smart.
Nope you have still given no reason to believe the ridiculous. I'll keep waiting.
More denial of reality from you, Cupcake.

I'm not waiting for you to disavow your superstitions.

You talk a lot and can't give anything from reality to support your belief. That is funny.
You are not paying attention. I said I have nothing NEW to submit to you. Other have already presented plenty of work that substantiates ~2M DGUs/year. You just refuse to accept it's real. Like a proper thrall.

The reality is that guns are used defensively by orders of magnitude more often that they are used offensively. The statistics are rather consistent on this fact. Professional criminologists share the consensus. Detractors like yourself put OBVIOUSLY disingenuous limits upon what constitutes a DGU, and they simply REFUSE to accept that even peaceful decent folks have valid reasons to not be entirely candid with government agencies. And finally, they deny the OBVIOUS utility that guns have for self defense.

When one lacks the facts they resort to the baffle 'em with bullshit. There is no way to prove defensive use of firearms occur in the numbers quoted - no way. Those who keep insisting the truth of the statement (2,000,000 a year) need to post probative evidence. If they can't they are liars, or fools.
Right. Yet nothing can be "proven" about ANYTHING by ANYBODY. Certainly not you superstitious types. You don't bother to submit any "proof" of your assertions that meet the criteria of "proof" you require from the opposing position. You're flat-earth creationists. You're anti-vaxx alarmists. You're clown-shoes.

I have brought up several facts from reality that show your claim false. So far you have come up with nothing to support your claims.
You realize the numbers those surveys come up with aren't real right?
Denial of reality.

Kleck never confirms millions of DGUs, they were all imaginary.
They were not imaginary, they were estimates.

Even the 50 positives weren't confirmed in any way.
Not in any way that would satisfy you. Not in any way that would cause you to disavow your superstitions.

They may have happened outside of the time range or not at all.
Right. Nothing can be "proven" by anyone, by any means. What's your point?

The point is you base everything off poorly done surveys that are backed by nothing in reality.
What "poorly done" surveys? Judged "poorly done" by what critera. Be specific, Cupcake.

I have surveys and real stats to back up my claims.
You have one survey--that you declare is authoritative--that procedurally excludes entire classes of respondents who might use guns defensively, and you have surveys commissioned for the purpose of advancing the agenda of those who commissioned them.

You lose.
Hardly. If you're "winning" Pumpkin, you're "winning" for me. Thanks!

Again you have nothing based in reality to support your claims.
I have plenty... they've been submitted by others. You just flatly deny their validity. I accept that your superstition is intact, Cupcake... I just don't accept that your superstition is valid.

Sounds like your arguments are so weak you aren't going to bother. You are losing badly.
Nope you have still given no reason to believe the ridiculous. I'll keep waiting.
More denial of reality from you, Cupcake.

I'm not waiting for you to disavow your superstitions.

You talk a lot and can't give anything from reality to support your belief. That is funny.
You are not paying attention. I said I have nothing NEW to submit to you. Other have already presented plenty of work that substantiates ~2M DGUs/year. You just refuse to accept it's real. Like a proper thrall.

The reality is that guns are used defensively by orders of magnitude more often that they are used offensively. The statistics are rather consistent on this fact. Professional criminologists share the consensus. Detractors like yourself put OBVIOUSLY disingenuous limits upon what constitutes a DGU, and they simply REFUSE to accept that even peaceful decent folks have valid reasons to not be entirely candid with government agencies. And finally, they deny the OBVIOUS utility that guns have for self defense.

When one lacks the facts they resort to the baffle 'em with bullshit. There is no way to prove defensive use of firearms occur in the numbers quoted - no way. Those who keep insisting the truth of the statement (2,000,000 a year) need to post probative evidence. If they can't they are liars, or fools.
Right. Yet nothing can be "proven" about ANYTHING by ANYBODY. Certainly not you superstitious types. You don't bother to submit any "proof" of your assertions that meet the criteria of "proof" you require from the opposing position. You're flat-earth creationists. You're anti-vaxx alarmists. You're clown-shoes.

You're not able to baffle anyone with your bullshit. It's obvious you have no evidence to prove 2,000,000 times a year a gun is used - which means brandished or discharged - for defense. If you had, you or one of the other liars would have posted it.

IF you are not a liar, post the evidence and I will offer a humble mea culpa.

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