Gun violence in the world

The average is 2 million brain....the L.A. Times...probably not on the was done in the 90s. Those studies were done by actual researchers, economists and criminologists and even the guys who did the clinton Dept. of Justice study said the number of times guns were used for self defense was 1.5 million a 2 million is not unreasonable given the number of studies that put the number over 1 million and those that put it over 2 million a year.

You dnt know anything about the times study. Could have been done by anyone.

Link to the DOJ study.

The majority of studies say it is less than 2 million. The ones that say its over are debunked, not national, or don't seem to exist.

It is not mathematically possible based on real crime rates. Your claim is fantasy.

I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.
My numbers aren't crazy--they are BJS' (agency responsible for the NCVS) own numbers; and you're just an asshole who doesn't click on the links provided for you.

Your numbers are crazy fantasy. Please quote and link anything backing them. I see nothing at your link supporting your insane claim.
I did. You're just in denial.

Quote it and give the source.
I provided all the sources. You're just in denial.

If that were the case you could quote and link it. Obviously you cannot.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.
"The key facts are:

• The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - an average of 88 per 100 people. That puts it first in the world for gun ownership - and even the number two country, Yemen, has significantly fewer - 54.8 per 100 people
• But the US does not have the worst firearm murder rate - that prize belongs to Honduras, El Salvador and Jamaica. In fact, the US is number 28, with a rate of 2.97 per 100,000 people"

Gun homicides and gun ownership listed by country News The Guardian

So we have the highest gun ownership in the world, but despite that NOT the highest gun murder rate. We're 28th in the world in fact.

So how is gun availability linked to gun violence? It isn't. Simple as that.
Facts show that gun control has almost no effect on homicides whatsoever.
That is simply reality. Murder is much more related to social factors than to the availability of a means mostly because there is always a means available.
liberal control would do more to control gun deaths than gun control will do.
it is after all, majority liberal/Democrats that are committing these gun crimes.
The average is 2 million brain....the L.A. Times...probably not on the was done in the 90s. Those studies were done by actual researchers, economists and criminologists and even the guys who did the clinton Dept. of Justice study said the number of times guns were used for self defense was 1.5 million a 2 million is not unreasonable given the number of studies that put the number over 1 million and those that put it over 2 million a year.

You dnt know anything about the times study. Could have been done by anyone.

Link to the DOJ study.

The majority of studies say it is less than 2 million. The ones that say its over are debunked, not national, or don't seem to exist.

It is not mathematically possible based on real crime rates. Your claim is fantasy.

I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.
You dnt know anything about the times study. Could have been done by anyone.

Link to the DOJ study.

The majority of studies say it is less than 2 million. The ones that say its over are debunked, not national, or don't seem to exist.

It is not mathematically possible based on real crime rates. Your claim is fantasy.

I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

No the vast majority say it is lower. You lie a lot.
Your numbers are crazy fantasy. Please quote and link anything backing them. I see nothing at your link supporting your insane claim.
I did. You're just in denial.

Quote it and give the source.
I provided all the sources. You're just in denial.

If that were the case you could quote and link it. Obviously you cannot.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.

Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?
You dnt know anything about the times study. Could have been done by anyone.

Link to the DOJ study.

The majority of studies say it is less than 2 million. The ones that say its over are debunked, not national, or don't seem to exist.

It is not mathematically possible based on real crime rates. Your claim is fantasy.

I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

No the vast majority say it is lower. You lie a lot.
I have not lied. Let us not forget that you are the proven (and unapologetic) liar in this thread.

You are also incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
I did. You're just in denial.

Quote it and give the source.
I provided all the sources. You're just in denial.

If that were the case you could quote and link it. Obviously you cannot.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.

Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?
I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
Quote it and give the source.
I provided all the sources. You're just in denial.

If that were the case you could quote and link it. Obviously you cannot.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.

Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?

Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal
My owning a gun is a threat to no one.

Wait until the SCOTUS rules on the intent of the 2nd amendment was that no only could own guns.
The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You don't even live in reality. You seriously thought we had over 120 million crimes each year. haha
I provided all the sources. You're just in denial.

If that were the case you could quote and link it. Obviously you cannot.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.

Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?

Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
Why? So you can refuse to acknowledge that I have? So you can lie about it one more time? Sorry about your luck Cupcake, I'm just not in the mood
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You don't even live in reality. You seriously thought we had over 120 million crimes each year. haha
I made ane error. I have the capacity for intellectual honesty snd ingrity to admit that error, and correct it.

You, OTOH, are a liar of the very first order.

Additionally you don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. You don't care chznge that, as it serves your dishonest and retarded purpose. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal
David Hemenway's surveys agree with the K&G survey... Hemenway just dishonestly refuses to accept the conclusion that must necessarily be drawn from his own work.

Like you, he lacks honesty and integrity.

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