Gun violence in the world

If that were the case you could quote and link it. Obviously you cannot.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.

Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?

Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
Why? So you can refuse to acknowledge that I have? So you can lie about it one more time? Sorry about your luck Cupcake, I'm just not in the mood
The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You would quote and link your source so that you stop looking like a child. Obviously you can't I have posted the real crime statistics. And your claims of dgu's are not even mathematically possible. All the evidence says it is wrong. The vast majority of gun studies say it's too high. You lose.
Last edited:
Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You don't even live in reality. You seriously thought we had over 120 million crimes each year. haha
I made ane error. I have the capacity for intellectual honesty snd ingrity to admit that error, and correct it.

You, OTOH, are a liar of the very first order.

Additionally you don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. You don't care chznge that, as it serves your dishonest and retarded purpose. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

No you are continuing with your error because you won't quote and link to it. Only a complete moron would think we have over 120 million crimes each year. Get some common sense.
Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal
David Hemenway's surveys agree with the K&G survey... Hemenway just dishonestly refuses to accept the conclusion that must necessarily be drawn from his own work.

Like you, he lacks honesty and integrity.

You lie again. 73% say guns are not used in self defense far more often than they are used in crime. You lose.
I provided you with links. Obviously... it's why you're saying I didn't.

Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?

Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
Why? So you can refuse to acknowledge that I have? So you can lie about it one more time? Sorry about your luck Cupcake, I'm just not in the mood
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You would quote and link your source so that you stop looking like a child.
I have provided such, you just refuse to acknowledge I have done so because those sources do not support your superstitions, and they expose your I tellectual dishonesty.

Obviously you can't I have posted the real crime statistics.
I obviously can and have... they were from your own sources.

And your claims of dgu's are not even mathematically possible.
This is a proven lie.

All the evidence says it is wrong. The vast majority of gun studies says it's too high. You lose.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You don't even live in reality. You seriously thought we had over 120 million crimes each year. haha
I made ane error. I have the capacity for intellectual honesty snd ingrity to admit that error, and correct it.

You, OTOH, are a liar of the very first order.

Additionally you don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. You don't care chznge that, as it serves your dishonest and retarded purpose. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

No you are continuing with your error because you won't quote and link to it. Only a complete moron would think we have over 120 million crimes each year. Get some common sense.
I made ane error. I have the capacity for intellectual honesty snd ingrity to admit that error, and correct it.

You, OTOH, are a liar of the very first order.

Additionally you don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. You don't care chznge that, as it serves your dishonest and retarded purpose. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal
David Hemenway's surveys agree with the K&G survey... Hemenway just dishonestly refuses to accept the conclusion that must necessarily be drawn from his own work.

Like you, he lacks honesty and integrity.

You lie again. 73% say guns are not used in self defense far more often than they are used in crime. You lose.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

David Hemenway's surveys agree with the K&G survey... Hemenway just dishonestly refuses to accept the conclusion that must necessarily be drawn from his own work.
Your links don't agree with you. Now quote and link. Why act like such a child? This what you always do when you are wrong?

Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
Why? So you can refuse to acknowledge that I have? So you can lie about it one more time? Sorry about your luck Cupcake, I'm just not in the mood
Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You would quote and link your source so that you stop looking like a child.
I have provided such, you just refuse to acknowledge I have done so because those sources do not support your superstitions, and they expose your I tellectual dishonesty.

Obviously you can't I have posted the real crime statistics.
I obviously can and have... they were from your own sources.

And your claims of dgu's are not even mathematically possible.
This is a proven lie.

All the evidence says it is wrong. The vast majority of gun studies says it's too high. You lose.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

No. I have asked you many time to quote and link your source. Your links have not supported your insanity. Rather than quote and link like an adult you continue to embarrass yourself.
Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal
David Hemenway's surveys agree with the K&G survey... Hemenway just dishonestly refuses to accept the conclusion that must necessarily be drawn from his own work.

Like you, he lacks honesty and integrity.

You lie again. 73% say guns are not used in self defense far more often than they are used in crime. You lose.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

David Hemenway's surveys agree with the K&G survey... Hemenway just dishonestly refuses to accept the conclusion that must necessarily be drawn from his own work.
You lie again. 73% say guns are not used in self defense far more often than they are used in crime. You lose.

You think we have over 120 million crimes each year. You have proven to not have an ounce of common sense. If you did it would be clear million of dgus each year isn't possible.
Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You don't even live in reality. You seriously thought we had over 120 million crimes each year. haha
I made ane error. I have the capacity for intellectual honesty snd ingrity to admit that error, and correct it.

You, OTOH, are a liar of the very first order.

Additionally you don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. You don't care chznge that, as it serves your dishonest and retarded purpose. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

No you are continuing with your error because you won't quote and link to it. Only a complete moron would think we have over 120 million crimes each year. Get some common sense.
I made ane error. I have the capacity for intellectual honesty snd ingrity to admit that error, and correct it.

You, OTOH, are a liar of the very first order.

Additionally you don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. You don't care chznge that, as it serves your dishonest and retarded purpose. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Anyone with any intellectual capacity would know we don't have over 120 million crimes. You are a joke.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal

Yes...hand picked people by hemenway....specifically anti gun people agree with anti gun hemenway....this was dealt with in other posts....
I have the Clinton justice dept. study...why don't you go to the effort and find says 1.5 million times a year.....and the two guys who did it...are anti gun.......

1.5 is less than your 2mil claim....

What are you hiding?
1.5 million DGUs falls within a 95% confidence limit for the 2 million DGU estimate made by the K&G survey.

The vast majority of gun studies say it is lower. And millions isn't even mathematically possible.
The vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact. Get over it, Cupcake.

Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.

And all 16 studies...

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)
DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)
Kleck...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."



Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....

And of course the fact that not one study is lower than 764,000 makes no difference to brain, nor does the fact that 10 studies put the number at over a averaging the studies gives us about 2 million defensive gun uses a year.....that is just civilian use.....
Why hemenway is a hack......he lies...and he uses research to push an agenda, not to find the truth.....

Everyone Is Entitled To His Own Opinion But Not His Own Facts - The Truth About Guns

Hemenway’s team at Harvard went through about 1,200 articles on firearms published since 2011 in peer-reviewed journals focused on public health, public policy, sociology, and criminology. In May 2014, Hemenway began sending monthly surveys to the authors of these articles—upwards of 300 people—with questions concerning firearm use, background checks, and other gun policies.

First and foremost we need to remember that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility.

Second of all, this “study” doesn’t provide any real facts, just a statistical breakdown of opinions, answers to the questionnaires the Prof.’s crack research team had sent out. So I guess it is up to me to provide some facts.

The Prof.’s first question and Alexandrea’s pontification:

  1. Do Strict Gun Laws Encourage Mass Shootings?
Conservative Media: Strict Gun Laws Encourage Mass Shootings. In January, right-wing media figures rushed to blame France’s strict gun policies after three gunmen killed 12 people at the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo during a terrorist attack. …

Experts: Strong Gun Laws Help Reduce Homicide. The Harvard survey found that 71 percent of experts agreed that strong gun laws help reduce homicide rates:

Okay, first of all, nice bait-and-switch; you start out talking about mass shootings then switch to all homicides.

Second, having listened to the statements of those media figures I can tell you that no one said that strict gun laws encourage mass shootings, they were saying that France’s firearm prohibitions enabledthe mass shooting. This is the fact that the antis try to dance around and ignore, or failing that to ridicule; the vast majority of mass shootings take place in putatively gun-free zones. And if you want to take someone’s opinion for it, how about this one:

The new survey of police and their views on gun control is available here (article is here). PoliceOne has about 450,000 members when the survey was done. …

A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 6.2 percent). . . .[Edited to correct typo]

Next up on the chopping block:

  1. Do Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime Rates?
Conservative Media: Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. Conservative media and the NRA have repeatedly pushed the myth that concealed carry laws help reduce crime rates by allowing people to defend themselves. …

Experts: Concealed Carry Laws Don’t Reduce Crime Rates. Sixty-two percent of experts disagreed with claims that concealed carry laws reduce crime rates:

Well, those are their opinions, here is a hard fact from Dr. Lott:

Overwhelmingly, academic research supports the benefits from these laws. Among peer-reviewed academic studies by criminologists and economists, 18 find that right-to-carry laws reduce violent crime, 10 claim no effect, and just one claims one type of crime increases slightly (an older date list of research is available here).

So it would seem that 18 out of 29 (or 62%) of criminologists and economists present evidence that concealed carry laws do reduce crime rates. Facts vs. Opinions . . . I’m going with facts.

Next is opinion number 3:

  1. Does Access To A Firearm Affect Suicide Rates?
Conservative Media: Link Between Firearm Access And Suicide Is Bogus. Conservative media figures have consistently downplayed the role of guns in suicide deaths, despite extensive evidence linking firearm availability to suicide in the United States. …

Experts: Having Guns In The Home Increases Risk Of Suicide. According to the survey, 84 percent of experts agreed that “having a gun in the home increases the risk of suicide”:

Well if that were the case, how can you explain this table (sources available here)?

But if you want to argue that cultural and economic factors play a role (which, oddly enough, the antis rarely want to do when arguing crime rates across different countries) and that we should just be looking at the US of A, I can certainly oblige you. From Gun Facts ver. 6.2 we get the following table (which I mainly picked for the handgun supply part):
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And an academic shows that hemenway is a hack and a liar.....

Correcting the record on David Hemenway s claim that academics support gun control - Crime Prevention Research Center

Question to readers: given that Hemenway was obviously familiar with Professor Mauser’s survey of academics that was released in February (after all he was interviewed in a news story about the survey and had earlier been sent a copy of it in February), why didn’t Hemenway address it at all? Why not explain why his survey was superior and superseded that survey?

In addition, there were other mistakes in Henenway’s op-ed. For example, while he claims that 150 people answered the survey, some responses are as low as 85 or 96. The numbers are less than122 for all but two. The 150 responses was true for only one question, but he makes it look like that was true for all of them.
How exactly did hemenway get the anti gun number he wanted in his survey of researchers.....

But he conveniently fails to mention that another similar survey of peer-reviewed researchers was released two months ago.

That survey found the exact opposite. Gary Mauser, a professor who specializes in polling at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, conducted it for the Crime Prevention Research Center. Mauser surveyed 53 economists who published in the area over the last 15 years. Among the questions: an overwhelming number — 83 percent — noted guns are more likely to be used in self-defense than in crime. Further, 74 percent said concealed handgun laws reduce murder rates and 69 percent said guns in the home don’t cause more suicides. Also, 83 percent said gun-free zones attract criminals.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns.

'So again......he got the results he wanted by avoiding actual research into guns.....just like he clings to the NCVS, a study that doesn't study guns, to justify his claims about gun use...

hemeway is a hack.......
Here are some gun polls.
Field, California, 1976, just handguns, 3.1M
Bordua, Illinois, 1977, all guns, 1.4M
DMIa, U.S., 1978, all guns, 2.1M
DMIb, U.S., 1978, all guns, 1.1M
Hart, U.S., 1981, just handguns, 1.8M
Ohio, Ohio, 1982, just handguns, 0.8M
Mauser, U.S., 1990, all guns, 1.5M
Gallup, U.S., 1991, all guns, 0.8M
Gallup, U.S., 1993, all guns, 1.6M
L.A.Times, U.S., 1994, all guns, 3.6M
Tarrance, U.S., 1994, all guns, 0.8M

With a total of 11, 8 say it is less than 2 million. So 72% say it is less. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. And there are more surveys that all say it is less so really it's more than 72%.
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Are you really this dumb? I just showed you where over 72% say Kleck is too high.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

Also his peers don't agree with him. Survey of over 300 scientists in the field:
There is consensus that guns are not used in self-defense far more often than they are used in crime (73 percent vs. 8 percent) and that the change to more permissive gun-carry laws has not cut crime rates (62 percent vs. 9 percent).
David Hemenway The scientific consensus on guns - The Commercial Appeal

Yes...hand picked people by hemenway....specifically anti gun people agree with anti gun hemenway....this was dealt with in other posts....

They agree with reality. Nothing in the real world supports your claim of 2 million dgus. Most of your own gun studies say that is too high. Real studies like the NCVS say it's about 108k. News reports don't support your claim. The justifiable homicide rate makes your claim look crazy. Our actual crime rate makes your claim mathematically impossible...

Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
Why? So you can refuse to acknowledge that I have? So you can lie about it one more time? Sorry about your luck Cupcake, I'm just not in the mood
You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the term "accurate" means, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You would quote and link your source so that you stop looking like a child.
I have provided such, you just refuse to acknowledge I have done so because those sources do not support your superstitions, and they expose your I tellectual dishonesty.

Obviously you can't I have posted the real crime statistics.
I obviously can and have... they were from your own sources.

And your claims of dgu's are not even mathematically possible.
This is a proven lie.

All the evidence says it is wrong. The vast majority of gun studies says it's too high. You lose.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

No. I have asked you many time to quote and link your source. Your links have not supported your insanity. Rather than quote and link like an adult you continue to embarrass yourself.
Well. Now you have exposed yourself as a liar again! It couldn't be more perfect if you were my trained monkey!
How exactly did hemenway get the anti gun number he wanted in his survey of researchers.....

But he conveniently fails to mention that another similar survey of peer-reviewed researchers was released two months ago.

That survey found the exact opposite. Gary Mauser, a professor who specializes in polling at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, conducted it for the Crime Prevention Research Center. Mauser surveyed 53 economists who published in the area over the last 15 years. Among the questions: an overwhelming number — 83 percent — noted guns are more likely to be used in self-defense than in crime. Further, 74 percent said concealed handgun laws reduce murder rates and 69 percent said guns in the home don’t cause more suicides. Also, 83 percent said gun-free zones attract criminals.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns.

'So again......he got the results he wanted by avoiding actual research into guns.....just like he clings to the NCVS, a study that doesn't study guns, to justify his claims about gun use...

hemeway is a hack.......

Economists? Those are real experts on crime...
Quote your source and link it. That is what adults do on message boards when they are right. You obviously are not so you cry and whine.
Why? So you can refuse to acknowledge that I have? So you can lie about it one more time? Sorry about your luck Cupcake, I'm just not in the mood
You keep talking but you say nothing. The vast majority say it is less than 2million. Look at the numbers moron.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

You would quote and link your source so that you stop looking like a child.
I have provided such, you just refuse to acknowledge I have done so because those sources do not support your superstitions, and they expose your I tellectual dishonesty.

Obviously you can't I have posted the real crime statistics.
I obviously can and have... they were from your own sources.

And your claims of dgu's are not even mathematically possible.
This is a proven lie.

All the evidence says it is wrong. The vast majority of gun studies says it's too high. You lose.
You don't know what you're talking about. You are incompetent. Since you have no idea what the terms "accurate" and "agree" mean, you certainly cannot understand that the vast majority of DGU studies agree with K&G. Fact.

No. I have asked you many time to quote and link your source. Your links have not supported your insanity. Rather than quote and link like an adult you continue to embarrass yourself.
Well. Now you have exposed yourself as a liar again! It couldn't be more perfect if you were my trained monkey!

Sure. If you could back up your claims you would quote and link them. Instead you cry liar like a angry little child. Grow up.
Why hemenway is a hack......he lies...and he uses research to push an agenda, not to find the truth.....

Everyone Is Entitled To His Own Opinion But Not His Own Facts - The Truth About Guns

Hemenway’s team at Harvard went through about 1,200 articles on firearms published since 2011 in peer-reviewed journals focused on public health, public policy, sociology, and criminology. In May 2014, Hemenway began sending monthly surveys to the authors of these articles—upwards of 300 people—with questions concerning firearm use, background checks, and other gun policies.

First and foremost we need to remember that the freedom to own and carry the weapon of your choice is a natural, fundamental, and inalienable human, individual, civil and Constitutional right — subject neither to the democratic process nor to arguments grounded in social utility.

Second of all, this “study” doesn’t provide any real facts, just a statistical breakdown of opinions, answers to the questionnaires the Prof.’s crack research team had sent out. So I guess it is up to me to provide some facts.

The Prof.’s first question and Alexandrea’s pontification:

  1. Do Strict Gun Laws Encourage Mass Shootings?
Conservative Media: Strict Gun Laws Encourage Mass Shootings. In January, right-wing media figures rushed to blame France’s strict gun policies after three gunmen killed 12 people at the offices of satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo during a terrorist attack. …

Experts: Strong Gun Laws Help Reduce Homicide. The Harvard survey found that 71 percent of experts agreed that strong gun laws help reduce homicide rates:

Okay, first of all, nice bait-and-switch; you start out talking about mass shootings then switch to all homicides.

Second, having listened to the statements of those media figures I can tell you that no one said that strict gun laws encourage mass shootings, they were saying that France’s firearm prohibitions enabledthe mass shooting. This is the fact that the antis try to dance around and ignore, or failing that to ridicule; the vast majority of mass shootings take place in putatively gun-free zones. And if you want to take someone’s opinion for it, how about this one:

The new survey of police and their views on gun control is available here (article is here). PoliceOne has about 450,000 members when the survey was done. …

A full 86 percent feel that casualties would have been reduced or avoided in recent tragedies like Newtown and Aurora if a legally-armed citizen was present (casualties reduced: 80 percent; avoided altogether: 6.2 percent). . . .[Edited to correct typo]

Next up on the chopping block:

  1. Do Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime Rates?
Conservative Media: Concealed Carry Laws Reduce Crime. Conservative media and the NRA have repeatedly pushed the myth that concealed carry laws help reduce crime rates by allowing people to defend themselves. …

Experts: Concealed Carry Laws Don’t Reduce Crime Rates. Sixty-two percent of experts disagreed with claims that concealed carry laws reduce crime rates:

Well, those are their opinions, here is a hard fact from Dr. Lott:

Overwhelmingly, academic research supports the benefits from these laws. Among peer-reviewed academic studies by criminologists and economists, 18 find that right-to-carry laws reduce violent crime, 10 claim no effect, and just one claims one type of crime increases slightly (an older date list of research is available here).

So it would seem that 18 out of 29 (or 62%) of criminologists and economists present evidence that concealed carry laws do reduce crime rates. Facts vs. Opinions . . . I’m going with facts.

Next is opinion number 3:

  1. Does Access To A Firearm Affect Suicide Rates?
Conservative Media: Link Between Firearm Access And Suicide Is Bogus. Conservative media figures have consistently downplayed the role of guns in suicide deaths, despite extensive evidence linking firearm availability to suicide in the United States. …

Experts: Having Guns In The Home Increases Risk Of Suicide. According to the survey, 84 percent of experts agreed that “having a gun in the home increases the risk of suicide”:

Well if that were the case, how can you explain this table (sources available here)?

But if you want to argue that cultural and economic factors play a role (which, oddly enough, the antis rarely want to do when arguing crime rates across different countries) and that we should just be looking at the US of A, I can certainly oblige you. From Gun Facts ver. 6.2 we get the following table (which I mainly picked for the handgun supply part):

Hmm, “right-wing media” is it? I guess the good professor is throwing Drs. Philip Cook and Jens Ludwig (who both have long records as strong proponents of very strict gun control) under the bus. They, after all, are the authors of a study published in May 1997, under the auspices of the Clinton DoJ, which claimed that there were in excess of 1.4 million Defensive Gun Uses (DGUs) annually. As I point out in an earlier TTAG piece, using extremely conservative numbers, 1.4 million DGUs a year probably equate to a minimum of 25,000 lives saved annually, vs. an annual average (from 2004 – 2013) of 11,805 firearm related homicides.

So he gives 2 peers. That hardly matters given hemenway polled many more than that. Also he says 1.4 million for DOJ...
How exactly did hemenway get the anti gun number he wanted in his survey of researchers.....

But he conveniently fails to mention that another similar survey of peer-reviewed researchers was released two months ago.

That survey found the exact opposite. Gary Mauser, a professor who specializes in polling at Canada’s Simon Fraser University, conducted it for the Crime Prevention Research Center. Mauser surveyed 53 economists who published in the area over the last 15 years. Among the questions: an overwhelming number — 83 percent — noted guns are more likely to be used in self-defense than in crime. Further, 74 percent said concealed handgun laws reduce murder rates and 69 percent said guns in the home don’t cause more suicides. Also, 83 percent said gun-free zones attract criminals.

Hemenway fails to note that the people he surveyed only had to mention “firearms” in their research. They didn’t have to actually conduct empirical work on guns.

'So again......he got the results he wanted by avoiding actual research into guns.....just like he clings to the NCVS, a study that doesn't study guns, to justify his claims about gun use...

hemeway is a hack.......

Economists? Those are real experts on crime...

Who do you think hemenway asked.....and he also sent his survey to medical professionals...since they have an inate bias against guns.....and how are they experts on crime?

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