Guns are needed to protect ourselves from a tyrannical government, but...


Forms his own opinions
May 13, 2010
So I often hear the reason every American should have access to guns is to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government. However, at the same time, the very same pro-gun advocates are usually the same people who are against any cuts to our military.

This doesn't make sense at all.

If you are nervous about having to one day defend yourself from the government/military wouldn't you be in favor of limiting the amount of power that they have?

Can someone explain this to me?
You are asking for sanity and reason from the far right gun nutters?

Surely, you jest.

Oh I see: you do. :lol:
So I often hear the reason every American should have access to guns is to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government. However, at the same time, the very same pro-gun advocates are usually the same people who are against any cuts to our military.

This doesn't make sense at all.

If you are nervous about having to one day defend yourself from the government/military wouldn't you be in favor of limiting the amount of power that they have?

Can someone explain this to me?

Why when people say protection from a tyrannical government do so many of you assume it's just the U.S. military? A lot of lower level federal and state agencies have been arming themselves more and more, not to mention the slow militarization of civilian police forces, which have been getting increasingly abusive towards people.

For the record, I am supportive of massively downsizing our military budget and forces.
So I often hear the reason every American should have access to guns is to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government. However, at the same time, the very same pro-gun advocates are usually the same people who are against any cuts to our military.

This doesn't make sense at all.

If you are nervous about having to one day defend yourself from the government/military wouldn't you be in favor of limiting the amount of power that they have?

Can someone explain this to me?

It's not the military that I dislike or fear it is Obama who had told us he wanted to :
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (emphasis added)
Republicans Seem To Be Surging In Generic Ballot

Explain to me why Obama wants that?
So I often hear the reason every American should have access to guns is to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government.

I would say the greatest reason most people own guns is to protect themselves from burglary or other crimes like rape that could be committed against them in their own home.
So I often hear the reason every American should have access to guns is to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government. However, at the same time, the very same pro-gun advocates are usually the same people who are against any cuts to our military.

This doesn't make sense at all.

If you are nervous about having to one day defend yourself from the government/military wouldn't you be in favor of limiting the amount of power that they have?

Can someone explain this to me?

It's not the military that I dislike or fear it is Obama who had told us he wanted to :
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (emphasis added)
Republicans Seem To Be Surging In Generic Ballot

Explain to me why Obama wants that?

A private military force like the SS?
There are any number of reasons why someone owns a gun. Here are a few:

1. For the sheer fun of it.

2. For home defense.

3. For that day when the shit goes down and its us versus the darkies.

4. For that day when the shit goes down and some whities are out to kill you.

5. For killing varmints eating the herd.

6. For killing varmints eating the crops.

7. For killing animals for food.

Whatever the reason, I don't have to explain fuck-all to anyone as to why I want a gun. What some willfully idiotic dumb fucks don't get is that we do not have to prove a NEED to exercise a RIGHT.

I don't have to prove I NEED porn before I can exercise the First Amendment, I don't have to prove a NEED to keep my silence before I exercise the Fifth Amendment, I don't have to prove a NEED for keeping my papers private before I exercise the Fourth Amendment, so FUCK YOU for asking me to prove I NEED a gun before I can exercise the Second Amendment.

It is stupid, stupid, stupid to fall into the NEED argument with anti-gun dipshits. Don't do it.
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So I often hear the reason every American should have access to guns is to protect ourselves from a potentially tyrannical government. However, at the same time, the very same pro-gun advocates are usually the same people who are against any cuts to our military.

This doesn't make sense at all.

If you are nervous about having to one day defend yourself from the government/military wouldn't you be in favor of limiting the amount of power that they have?

Can someone explain this to me?

It's not the military that I dislike or fear it is Obama who had told us he wanted to :
"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set.
We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (emphasis added)
Republicans Seem To Be Surging In Generic Ballot

Explain to me why Obama wants that?

Obama?s ?National Security Force??

Q: Is Obama planning a Gestapo-like “civilian national security force”?
A: This false claim is a badly distorted version of Obama’s call for doubling the Peace Corps, creating volunteer networks and increasing the size of the Foreign Service.

There are any number of reasons why someone owns a gun. Here are a few:

1. For the sheer fun of it.

2. For home defense.

3. For that day when the shit goes down and its us versus the darkies.

4. For that day when the shit goes down and some whities are out to kill you.

5. For killing varmints eating the herd.

6. For killing varmints eating the crops.

7. For killing animals for food.

Whatever the reason, I don't have to explain fuck-all to anyone as to why I want a gun. What some willfully idiotic dumb fucks don't get is that we do not have to prove a NEED to exercise a RIGHT.

I don't have to prove I NEED porn before I can exercise the First Amendment, I don't have to prove a NEED to keep my silence before I exercise the Fifth Amendment, I don't have to prove a NEED for keeping my papers private before I exercise the Fourth Amendment, so FUCK YOU for asking me to prove I NEED a gun before I can exercise the Second Amendment.

It is stupid, stupid, stupid to fall into the NEED argument with anti-gun dipshits. Don't do it.

Nice rant. How about the question I asked now?
1. To put meat on the table.

2. To reduce the number of predators bent on killing off the game.

3. To protect against the predators bent on stealing the meat off the table.

Not necessarily in that order.

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