Gym politics.


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2023
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I had an encounter with a liberal-minded gym mate. Not a hostile encounter, just a brief conversational impromptu friendly debate initiated by me because I knew the bent of the individual's politics. The person is intelligent, otherwise I would not have wasted my time. I began the debate with a controversal question to get him to talk. It took awhile for me to get to the burning question: If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?

His answer mystified me. He said that Walmart has the "right" to deny its shelves to vendors who do not "think" like they do. Now, being a conservative thinker, I think as an individual but liberals do not think as individuals, they think in groups. I asked him if he agrees that corporations are people and he enthusiastically replied, "yes". He apparently believes that because corporations contain people, they can rightfully force monolithic thinking not just on employees, but on customers as well. This groupthink we call wokeness is not new and I wonder of this person knows it.

I know this person is smart but I wonder how much history he knows. Remember when Jews could not do business in Germany because they "thought" problematically? Those Jews thought as individuals just like you and I. They had to wear a Star of David on their shirts to identify them as a problem. Sometimes some of us wear MAGA hats and we are identified as problem. The leader of the country has stated this on more than one occasion.

The conversation ended amicably, but I am concerned that history may be repeating itself.

Walmart pulls MyPillow products from stores
History is absolutely repeating itself. Those of the woke ideology know nothing of world history, or how events took place. They have been taught from a young age to base everything on feelings and in a vacuum devoid of any other event.

Thats why American history must be destroyed and removed from public view. American history is full of events of people, individuals, standing up against tyranny.

When you have groupthink, anything, anyone that threatens that cohesion must be destroyed.

Democrats will make Mao, Stalin, and Hitler look like amateurs.

Its already happening, those on the left literally have more Right and Freedoms than those on the Right. And the invaders have even more Rights Freedoms and Liberties.

Hell they can beat the shit out of cops and get away with it. You give a cop the finger, your ass is going to jail
I had an encounter with a liberal-minded gym mate. Not a hostile encounter, just a brief conversational impromptu friendly debate initiated by me because I knew the bent of the individual's politics. The person is intelligent, otherwise I would not have wasted my time. I began the debate with a controversal question to get him to talk. It took awhile for me to get to the burning question: If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?

His answer mystified me. He said that Walmart has the "right" to deny its shelves to vendors who do not "think" like they do. Now, being a conservative thinker, I think as an individual but liberals do not think as individuals, they think in groups. I asked him if he agrees that corporations are people and he enthusiastically replied, "yes". He apparently believes that because corporations contain people, they can rightfully force monolithic thinking not just on employees, but on customers as well. This groupthink we call wokeness is not new and I wonder of this person knows it.

I know this person is smart but I wonder how much history he knows. Remember when Jews could not do business in Germany because they "thought" problematically? Those Jews thought as individuals just like you and I. They had to wear a Star of David on their shirts to identify them as a problem. Sometimes some of us wear MAGA hats and we are identified as problem. The leader of the country has stated this on more than one occasion.

The conversation ended amicably, but I am concerned that history may be repeating itself.

Walmart pulls MyPillow products from stores
Covid to me was a curious study in people. Various nation-states were samples of different characteristics. Sweden didn't shut down for the longest time, encouraged the young to not social distance, kept their businesses and bars open.

China shut down for the longest time, long after the mass threat even existed.

Most of the West took a hybrid approach. One aspect that was very clear, even within those we may know or interact with prior to covid; people remain the same, cowardly and selfish.

What I saw was for me a Time Machine back in time, to a time I have been most interested in understanding as soon as I learned of these horrors in books; that of how Jews, gays and communists must have felt in Nazi Germany. I have experienced a great level of this police state fascism in Canada for decades, but, I never realized we could emulate, from media on down; a broad, extreme and abuse of minority thought and decision. I didn't think it could be possible in my lifetime, but we saw it.

The Groupthink and lack of concern for others was evident. I, as an unvaxxed person never once judged another for their health decision and I didn't violate the often quickly made "rules". Never avoided my mask when it was the law, kept my distance, didn't go out often. I even walked on the road if an elderly person was on the sidewalk I was walking.

Meanwhile when I went to the hospital for really an unrelated issue, the doctor noted with alarm and disdain that I wasn't vaxxed, "even once", as he said. I was forced to take a covid test and treated like a parasite for my personal decision. Meanwhile when the same elderly people and others did get the vax when it came out they IMMEDIATELY avoided distance, often masks etc as I was unmasked and in my own way, concerned about keeping myself safe.

Selfish, unenlightened, hypocritical and clearly illustrating that their decisions were PURELY for their benefit, never "all of society". That is an excuse to look for people to hate, target and harm for their own personal virtue signalling and self righteousness.

It was horrible in common society. People ratting out their neighbours if their family members dared visit them at their home. Old Age homes in which the workers there removed the doorknobs of "guests" there to prevent them from leaving their rooms, even if they didn't have covid. Family members needing to watch their family members die alone through a window as they weren't allowed to visit them.

People killed for being too close to another person. Men killed by cops for not wearing a mask in a grocery store.

Ultimately, your friends ideas are of the same cult of cowards and abusers who demanded people like me, the unvaxxed, "die a horrible death". They would post online laughter when some did. They separated us, isolated us, refused to hear the science. They also are the same who ostrocize and isolate others because they are different, whether in thought or personal conviction, just as the Germans did. Remind your friend of this fact. Covid exposed who we are.

The fewer people who think like your friend the better we will be. These are the new breed of nazis and I believe that Jews, Christians, convervatives or any number of "non-Groupthink" members of society cannot underestimate the lengths some will go to destroy others and spit on civil liberties. It is not a paranoia, just an observation of what I am seeing, especially in this new generation who obtain their information from Tik Tok.

It's why I have been equally defensive of unfair name calling or actions against ANY politician that is not a criticism of policy and leadership. Be they Trump, Biden, Trudeau or even Xi.

People like your friend would be more succeptible to assisting the Gestapo or send peopel to the gulags for their own profit. People like me, I would hope; would be the types who would confront authority and abusers. Much like Einstein, Gandhi or many others contributers to our species,, in our own, much smaller and insignificant way of course.
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I began the debate with a controversal question to get him to talk. It took awhile for me to get to the burning question: If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?
Where does the constitution guarantee the right to a place on someone else's shelves?

And there's an "I" in controversial.
I had an encounter with a liberal-minded gym mate. Not a hostile encounter, just a brief conversational impromptu friendly debate initiated by me because I knew the bent of the individual's politics. The person is intelligent, otherwise I would not have wasted my time. I began the debate with a controversal question to get him to talk. It took awhile for me to get to the burning question: If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?

His answer mystified me. He said that Walmart has the "right" to deny its shelves to vendors who do not "think" like they do. Now, being a conservative thinker, I think as an individual but liberals do not think as individuals, they think in groups. I asked him if he agrees that corporations are people and he enthusiastically replied, "yes". He apparently believes that because corporations contain people, they can rightfully force monolithic thinking not just on employees, but on customers as well. This groupthink we call wokeness is not new and I wonder of this person knows it.

I know this person is smart but I wonder how much history he knows. Remember when Jews could not do business in Germany because they "thought" problematically? Those Jews thought as individuals just like you and I. They had to wear a Star of David on their shirts to identify them as a problem. Sometimes some of us wear MAGA hats and we are identified as problem. The leader of the country has stated this on more than one occasion.

The conversation ended amicably, but I am concerned that history may be repeating itself.

Walmart pulls MyPillow products from stores

Really good post. You got a real good brain. Libs are just miss-wired, even the intelligent ones hay-wired. As you say too, or eluded to, one of their biggest problems is their dependencies. It's why the media, govt. and business throw them around like rag dolls. I think that also means they're mentally lazy and/or intellectually dishonest.
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Have my earbuds in and AC/DC playing when I’m at the gym.
Yes, that is a problem. Those ears are part of your senses. Nature gave them to you for your protection. One day someone will yell,"Hey, a barbell is going to hit your head!" You will not hear the warning I fear.
Yes, that is a problem. Those ears are part of your senses. Nature gave them to you for your protection. One day someone will yell,"Hey, a barbell is going to hit your head!" You will not hear the warning I fear.
I don’t use free weights so that is unlikely.
I had an encounter with a liberal-minded gym mate. Not a hostile encounter, just a brief conversational impromptu friendly debate initiated by me because I knew the bent of the individual's politics. The person is intelligent, otherwise I would not have wasted my time. I began the debate with a controversal question to get him to talk. It took awhile for me to get to the burning question: If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?

His answer mystified me. He said that Walmart has the "right" to deny its shelves to vendors who do not "think" like they do. Now, being a conservative thinker, I think as an individual but liberals do not think as individuals, they think in groups. I asked him if he agrees that corporations are people and he enthusiastically replied, "yes". He apparently believes that because corporations contain people, they can rightfully force monolithic thinking not just on employees, but on customers as well. This groupthink we call wokeness is not new and I wonder of this person knows it.

I know this person is smart but I wonder how much history he knows. Remember when Jews could not do business in Germany because they "thought" problematically? Those Jews thought as individuals just like you and I. They had to wear a Star of David on their shirts to identify them as a problem. Sometimes some of us wear MAGA hats and we are identified as problem. The leader of the country has stated this on more than one occasion.

The conversation ended amicably, but I am concerned that history may be repeating itself.

Walmart pulls MyPillow products from stores
Mike has no constitutional right to sell his product at Walmart.

It is private business.

Do you understand now?
I had an encounter with a liberal-minded gym mate. Not a hostile encounter, just a brief conversational impromptu friendly debate initiated by me because I knew the bent of the individual's politics. The person is intelligent, otherwise I would not have wasted my time. I began the debate with a controversal question to get him to talk. It took awhile for me to get to the burning question: If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?

His answer mystified me. He said that Walmart has the "right" to deny its shelves to vendors who do not "think" like they do. Now, being a conservative thinker, I think as an individual but liberals do not think as individuals, they think in groups. I asked him if he agrees that corporations are people and he enthusiastically replied, "yes". He apparently believes that because corporations contain people, they can rightfully force monolithic thinking not just on employees, but on customers as well. This groupthink we call wokeness is not new and I wonder of this person knows it.

I know this person is smart but I wonder how much history he knows. Remember when Jews could not do business in Germany because they "thought" problematically? Those Jews thought as individuals just like you and I. They had to wear a Star of David on their shirts to identify them as a problem. Sometimes some of us wear MAGA hats and we are identified as problem. The leader of the country has stated this on more than one occasion.

The conversation ended amicably, but I am concerned that history may be repeating itself.

Walmart pulls MyPillow products from stores
Conservatives are a lot more tolerable than the left. If the left could get by with it they would march all Christian Conservatives to the ovens.
If you liberals believe in the Constitution how do you justify the fact that Walmart will not allow Mike Lindell, the My Pillow Guy, to sell his products at that big box store?
You clearly lost that debate.

The Constitution doesn’t say anything about where people are allowed to sell their pillows.
You clearly lost that debate.

The Constitution doesn’t say anything about where people are allowed to sell their pillows.
The Constitution also doesn't say anything about abortion being a right, but democrats keep saying it is.
The Constitution also doesn't say anything about abortion being a right, but democrats keep saying it is.
Does the Constitution require Walmart to sell Mike Lindell’s pillows?

Don’t derail.
Does the Constitution require Walmart to sell Mike Lindell’s pillows?

Don’t derail.
Nope. The Constitution is a document that limits what government can do. Too bad so many people abuse it to get what they want. A business can sell or not sell whatever is legal.
Nope. The Constitution is a document that limits what government can do. Too bad so many people abuse it to get what they want.
Good. So we agree that the OP made an incredibly stupid argument and lost that debate.

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