H Clinton...not out of the woods yet


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
A Former FBI agent and retired US prosecutor and Judge says the FBI is close to filing charges against Clinton. FBI agents working on the email case say they will walk out in protest if the DOJ whitewashes their investigation.

This is going to get good:
Also Bernie is ahead of Clinton in Iowa and NH.....Train wreck watching is sure fun!
hope it happens but , well I doubt that anything of significance happens Rambunctious !!
I can believe Sanders beating her in Iowa and New Hampshire before her being brought up on charges...
Train wreck watching is sure fun!

just get use to saying madame president...FUN indeed! :coffee:

hope it happens but , well I doubt that anything of significance happens Rambunctious !!
The indictment alone would turn her campaign into a bigger joke than it already is...
If she's guilty bust her butt .. if she's not STFU already !

Birfers turned emailers ... I tells ya.
hope it happens but , well I doubt that anything of significance happens Rambunctious !!
The indictment alone would turn her campaign into a bigger joke than it already is...
---------------------------- maybe and I'm listening to some guy named 'joe degonova' or similar . He says indictments are coming , we will see , I hope that its true !!
There has been SO MUCH evidence to her crimes that have come out of this that it isn't even funny. Anyone with half a brain, or with ANY experience dealing with classified information knows she is guilty as hell of NUMEROUS violations and crimes. The list is easily put together and quite long...
We can only hope that the DOJ has the evidence it needs and doesn't whitewash the whole thing.

Guess we'll just have to stay tuned.
Failed To Conduct Training Regarding the Handling of Classified Information, as per the Law

Failed to Sign the Training Documentation Form, required by law,Signifying she had Training

Failed to Sign the Non-Disclosure Agreement required by law upon leaving the State Dept.

Improper (Illegal) Handling of Classified Information (MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS)
- Classified Info on multiple un-classified systems
- Classified on an Un-Secured, improperly encrypted Server
- Multiple Classification levels of data on 1 server
- Sending / Receiving Classified / highly classified information
- IT Co maintaining server failed to have legally required security clearances to hold / maintain the server; did not have the legally authorized facility and security requirements to house / maintain TS/SCI material
- Hillary's lawyer was walking around with a memory stick with her classified info on it: NO security clearance to have that in his possession; improperly / illegally transporting classified information

Improper (Illegal) Storage of Classified Information (MULTIPLE VIOLATIONS)
- Multiple classes of information stored on the same server
- Classified information on an Un-secured / unencrypted server
- Server NOT stored in an authorized storage facility (Bathroom of a 'mom and pop' IT Co.

Improperl (Illegal) destruction of classified material
- Attempted to destroy classified material by wiping her server NOT adhering to regulations and laws regarding the destruction of classified information

This is for starters...

The FBI has said that at least 1,000 of her e-mails contain classified information in them. That means that in many of the criminal 'charges' / 'counts' above you can multiple them by as much as 1,000 times - 1 criminal charge per e-mail.

(As pointed out, classified material does NOT need to be 'marked' as classified to BE classified. That means the Hillary / Liberal excuse that Hillary's e-mails were not marked classified so there was nothing wrong done is BOGUS...FALSE! Classified information is classified information no matter what, especially considering the source. On one occasion, in one e-mail, Hillary sent RS/SCI Satellite Imagery from a TS/SCI satellite. The fact that this came from that satellite was obvious, she knew it, despite it not being marked, and sent it anyway. EVEN if she was unaware of the source (as she surely will claim that), the fact that she sent TS/SCI material via unsecure e-mail is STILL a crime of 'negligence' under the Espionage Act! Again if she claims she just didn't know that is still potentially 1,000 criminal charges of 'negligence'...on top of every other charge that could be filed.

All of this is 'Handling/Storing Classified Info 101'! The most basic employee responsible for and entrusted with handling classified info is aware of this BEFORE they are EVER allowed to handle classified.
So, in other words, another topic based on shit said by no one actually connected to any active investigation
Keep dreaming g5000 she is in hot water and half of the justice dept wants her prosecuted. The thing that kept this off of the headlines was Obama tears. Curious?

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