Haitians don't like Trump

The vast majority of them have been here for several years and they are American citizens, dickweed.

They are more American and more decent than you are.

In the 90sThier was a large club in NYC
Right in Manhattan... famous place
And Tuesday night was Haitian night
The Spanish named it aids Tuesdays ....I shit ya not ya white suburban hick

By Spanish I mean Dominicans and other assorted retards from the Caribbean and Latin america

That's probably waycist to you .....they still love it when you call em Spanish ...it has an aire of European superiority don't ya think

Teach us about diversity ya homogenized white low IQ hick
In the 90sThier was a large club in NYC
Right in Manhattan... famous place
And Tuesday night was Haitian night
The Spanish named it aids Tuesdays ....I shit ya not ya white suburban hick

By Spanish I mean Dominicans and other assorted retards from the Caribbean and Latin america

That's probably waycist to you .....they still love it when you call em Spanish ...it has an aire of European superiority don't ya think

Teach us about diversity ya homogenized white low IQ hick
I don't know what point you're trying to make with your MAGA racist gibberish.

It makes sense to your radicalized deranged ass, but not to normal Americans.
I don't know what point you're trying to make with your MAGA racist gibberish.

It makes sense to your radicalized deranged ass, but not to normal Americans.
Yes ya do ya fag

You fucking low IQ hick
Get back into Walmart ya fucking hick rube where your fat white trash ass belongs ...in the hair dye section
Purple on sale
Despite his flaws, he is a genuine American hero, a man of merit, and he loves America.

Your candidate is a completely dishonest incompetent hypocritical example of what happens when we deviate from a merit standard... we get a major party candidate for Prez who has never displayed any merit and has prospered by spreading her legs, incarcerating non violent marijuana users, race baiting, gender baiting, and now being a nominee without winning a single primary. Kamala "passed" the bar exam solely on the basis of race and gender preferences, and has never demonstrated any real legal skills at all. She owns a gun, is very ready and willing to use a gun, and wants to confiscate guns from the rest of America. The one time she actually had a chance to show her own "merit" as a candidate was Iowa 2020, where she was loaded with cash $$ from the 911 billionaires, had the backing of homO and the media, and then...

And hasn’t one vote
Ok pogo

You don't know shit about diversity and you've never travelled
I can tell

Low IQ community college retard
Says the weirdo rube who thinks Haitians are actually eating people's pets.

Did the Haitians start eating pets in Springfield several years ago, when most of them first arrived in the U.S., or is this a recent phenomenon?

I'm embarrassed for you, Kleetus. What a hopeless MAGA rube.
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Says the weirdo rube who thinks Haitians are actually eating people's pets.

Did the Haitians start eating pets in Springfield several years ago , when most of them first arrived in the U.S., or is this a recent phenomenon?

I'm embarrassed for you, Kleetus. What a hopeless MAGA rube.

You use rube a lot, someone else does too. Watch the mannerisms, bingo
Says the weirdo rube who thinks Haitians are actually eating people's pets.

Did the Haitians start eating pets in Springfield several years ago , when most of them first arrived in the U.S., or is this a recent phenomenon?

I'm embarrassed for you, Kleetus. What a hopeless MAGA rube.

Community college suburban retard
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
How do you know they are not?
Why weren't any of you MAGA rubes complaining about this 5 years ago? There were lots of Haitians living in Springfield 5 years ago. Hell, there were a lot of Haitians living in Springfield 15 years ago.

Trump lies to you unsophisticated MAGA fucktards every single day and you will always be too stupid to understand that.
Community college suburban retard
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
Oh well...this "community college suburban retard" just handed your MAGA racist ass to you.

That's why you've got exactly jack and shit for a response, lightweight.

Explain why you MAGA assholes weren't complaining about Haitians eating pets 5 years ago....or just go fuck yourself.

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